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Everything posted by albarino

  1. This. I guess Ashley has galvanized me which must be the reason she is on Southern Charm.....I was thinking I might be done with SC but we have a new villain. Having said that, who goes into a delicate situation (new, baby mama, etc.) with an attitude? Has she never been the new kid? First, compliment Kathryn's kids to Katherine. How hard is this? Katherine, your children are lovely and are so great to be around; they must have taken after you. Ladies, it sounds like you are great equestriennes, do you mind if I do a stroll with the horse and then dismount and watch you in all of your glory? I would love that. Katherine, Saint's second birthday is coming up...Such a special time for you and Thomas. Is there anything I can do to help you prepare for your party? I would love to help in any way I can but I have plans that day so anything I can do in advance, I'm happy to do. Please just let me know.
  2. ITA, when I worked just about everybody had two cell phones. I can't think of anybody who didn't. With my close friends, I would text them on their personal cells and not on the company phone. The company cell is the one to blow off!
  3. What the heck did I just watch?!? Shut up Ashley. Really, just shut up.
  4. Great point. Could you imagine being married to any of these women? They make great TV because they all would be exhausting in real life. Well, perhaps Carole could be excluded...Isn't she a stoner? Can't remember.
  5. Bethenny entertains me; I watch this franchise to be entertained. I don't really care what Carole's beef is with Bethenny, sorry, I just don't. I am hanging on for the day of Lu's arrest. I am banking my popcorn for that episode!
  6. How DARE Bethenny call Adam behind Carole's back. What is she, 13 years old?!?
  7. WireWrap, I completely get what you're saying...Totally. Do we think Ramona, Sonja or Tins know about RM? Just a funny thought for me as I head over to VPR where the cast doesn't even understand English.
  8. i almost hate to weigh in on this but who has heard of RM before Doris joined the cast? My guess is very few. I asked my husband who reads Foreign Affairs if he had heard of RM and he said no. My sense is that RM was a big deal in his world, not the wider world around him or us. I believe Dorinda should move on.
  9. I referenced the footnotes; not sure if you saw them. I contend going from Russia to Mexico in the 1930s does not make any sense to me hence my curiosity. Many Spanish speaking folks fled to Spanish speaking countries during the Spanish civil war. My Spanish teacher's family went to Paris. Yes, I know Parisians don't speak Spanish as their first language but her dad was a lawyer. Since Kyle hasn't enlightened us, we're only speculating. Russia to Mexico in the 30's doesn't make any sense to me. What is your theory?
  10. https://books.google.com/books?id=4a5RAQAAQBAJ&lpg=PA429&ots=SkY2dblkBu&dq=umansky moving to spain&pg=PA429#v=onepage&q=umansky moving to spain&f=true I googled Umansky's moving to Spain and I hope I've copied the reference correctly. I was not able to figure out how to copy from the book....In short, a Captain Umansky was involved with Russia shipping weapons to Spain during the Spanish civil war. The book references him being from Austrian Galicia. I'm not tied to this theory; I ran this morning so I'm too sore to move and I'm watching the Amgen Tour de California and the cyclists are going in loops. If they are related, yes, Kyle should know all about it. All I did was google.....
  11. Regarding Mauricio's family, I believe they went from Spain to Mexico during the Spanish civil war (many Spaniards fled the country). Because Spain stayed out of WWII and had an agreement with Hitler, Spain wasn't invaded and their Jewish citizens weren't sent to concentration camps. I don't know why I think this; it may be my own theory I made up to have it all make sense to me.
  12. Carole came from modest beginnings (so did I, no worries) but why is she bagging on Luann's observations of Doris? We all know by now Lu went to rehab. Carole strikes me as unnecessarily cruel and I can't give her a pass for it. She doesn't show any graciousness I would expect from an educated (she worked for ABC) UES woman. She needs a time out, or a retainer, or both. Sorry, so not a fan.
  13. What in the world is happening with Dorinda? Offense the best defense sort of thing? Her blog and Luann comments seem uncalled for. So much for self-awareness.... As a previous poster opined, if she hasn't learned anything from watching herself in prior seasons, Bethany's comments won't do anything either.
  14. I was speaking with my daughter about Jax's melt down at the reunion. I realized the only thing missing was somebody yelling at him to "Go to Bed! Go to Bed!"
  15. can give Jax a pass for going off on a rant. He just lost his dad and has never experienced a death of anyone close to him. I agree with Kristin that he was directing his hurt and anger at Scheana. Also agree with other posters that Jax and Scheana aren’t as close as he is with the other girls so I can give her a pass for not flying to MI. But, I do think he deserved a phone call, not just a text. Also, I think Jax was telling the truth about how things went down when he was in Vegas, Scheana lives in an alternate universe. COMPLETE bullshit. I've lost a parent and the months before she passed away I was there every other week. I never expected my friends to show up tp her funeral. This is complete and total bullshit. Jax is deranged.
  16. What?!? There was no adult in the room to shut Jax up when he went on his rant? I actually verbalized SHUT UP in my home. Seriously, he is deranged. If I'm taking Scheanna's side in this, it is bad. Jax, you're unhinged. Please seek grief counseling.
  17. he RHs watch the show and LVP's "off with her head" comment was relayed to Dorit and the rest of the world. In my opinion it was a poor choice of words. I know LVP has her humorous moments but the comment was just another in a long line of comments directed at Dorit. I thought the line was hilarious! The original photoshoot was only supposed to be Dorit's hands and décolletage (and yet she wore a shirt up tp her neck) but whatever. Dorit deserves everything she gets. Erika? Who? She is very self-important but I try to accommodate those who are unlikeable by unliking them. Easy.
  18. I think Rinna is an idiot. I don't like her or her kids. I also don't like Dorit or Erica. Hmmm, might be time to move on.
  19. I'm laughing with y'all about what theme decorations Carole expected at her celebratory dinner. Water and gatorade cups have been mentioned on a side table. I think I would add a port potty on the front lawn and gu or hammer gels for dessert. And I would not mention it until I saw Carole act so poorly but an almost 7 hour marathon run is nothing to be proud of. Sorry. It has been mentioned ad infinitum (oops, wrong franchise) and I am one who also thinks there is something quite off about Sonja. I'm not a mental health professional but she needs some professional help.
  20. I think this is worth watching; I seriously doubt we'll be seeing baggage handlers playing strip-golf any time soon! The house warming dinner party was out of whack. We were shown a soup/stew course, then cotton candy and finally pastas. Even in the correct order, the menu doesn't make sense to me. But, I love seeing the architecture and the ambiance. I can see how we'll have some melodrama in the coming weeks but I'm in.
  21. watch a lot of Bravo so I watch a lot of "stupid" but this show is pegging my stupid limit. Brit is still with Jax? Seriously. Clearly they are actors playing roles. I will never see these folks in any other way. This is good because Ariana has no reason to act so superior. Yes, I think she is good looking but a bartender does not a career make and the older you get in that industry? :(
  22. Awww, I thought it was very sweet that Jax was very dissatisfied with Brit's breasts and paid for her augmentation. :)
  23. I don't care about Beyonce's hair; my problem with her is I think she is too fat to wear what she does.
  24. LuAnn is getting dinged because she has been the self-proclaimed arbiter of all things cultural (black face not withstanding). She knew when she got married, she would no longer be able to refer to herself as the "Countess." Didn't she admit last season she would gladly change that for being "Mrs.?" Meh, I've never liked her and I don't buy her explanation of her marriage to Tom as a puppy-love moment, knee-weakened poor judgement kind of thing. She is too old and too smart to pull that off. She gets what she deserves this season. Carol running the marathon was amazing. While her time wasn't stellar--it takes a lot more out of you to run it in 6:45 than 3:45--you're on your feet for so much longer. Her late husband's NYC marathon time of 3;00 was pretty amazing. That is borderline elite (not saying a Kenya pro but really good).
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