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Everything posted by albarino

  1. I completely disagree with this. I read the racist/ignorance discussion but this statement strikes me as "hate midwesternism." And ignorant. Oklahoma is fine and completely livable. Yes, it isn't Manhattan or San Francisco but what basis do you have to assert you wouldn't live in OK for any salary? Really? You wouldn't live there for $2 million or $5 million? Have you ever actually been there? The internet has made our world very much smaller so people can live in the middle of nowhere and have fun discussions with others (see PRIMETIMER for example); it is Pao's job to make herself happy, not Russ. The last foreign country I lived in was Spain. I don't believe I would have moved there, married, and then started demanding I needed to live in Barcelona versus San Sebastian. The dude needs to dump her, pregnant or not. She can raise the baby in Columbia; she clearly has no real love for her husband, his family or HIS culture.
  2. I feel like we watched different shows but I know you don't like Bethenny so your comments track. I disagree. The pack was so completely unhinged; I wish we would have seen production intervening. All of it was too, too much. Too much. When did all of this go from fun to some sort of TLC show on "those using."
  3. I know, right? At some point, I'd pay Scwartz to turn to Katie and say, Hey buba, I can get bigger just like you.
  4. I wonder what the Summer House cast thought of the VPR crew crashing their show. I think the VPRs came on pretty strong.....
  5. I think he was going for con TRA ve sy which is the British pronunciation of the word.
  6. I also meant to add, Ashley, either you want to stay married and work on it or you don't. Pick a lane cuz we're tired of your story arc. You're starting to look cruel.
  7. I think way too much about this show but those were my thoughts exactly. If I were Chantal and I got wind of Pedro's shenanigans we're teased with next episode, I drain the account so Pedro couldn't afford to fly back. But I'm mean like that.
  8. I like Tinsley but I compare her (and Jax) with my life. At 43, I had been retired for three years from the Air Force. I had lived in lots of places, made many decisions and commanded lots of people. Decide already. This really isn't that nuanced. Kid, yes or no. The end.
  9. I think my grandparents were born in Kingston and I have definitely been there. I thought it was charming. We've lived in lots of houses and we're building one now; I have no idea what to think about the room with the kitchen. I'd probably tear it out but I'd need to do a big think on why it was there in the first place. I assume there was some logic behind it; I just don't know what it is.
  10. Hey, thanks for your response. I always say as a civil servant, we are gray pasty-faced mindless bureaucrats so open sex talk is always jarring to me. She obviously doesn't need my approval. Glad to read your take on it.
  11. Not to me. Crying because she misses her daughter's prom? I get that. Sad her husband won't get laid for 4 days? On camera? Don't get that. Saying hub can jerk off on the phone? On camera? Don't get that. Didn't know her before but she is trash. She may have $$$ but she is complete trash.
  12. I don't mean to change the subject but could somebody familiar with LA weigh in on the mass move to Studio City? I'm from the east coast now living in CO but WeHo seemed like a cool hipster neighborhood. Is Studio City sorta the same? Is it close to TomTom? Is it like going from shopping at Whole Foods/Trader Joes to Safeway or Costco? Thanks in advance.
  13. I always enjoy your posts. My thought is VPR is the reason people go to her restaurants, not RHWOBH. Different demographic. I don't think she needs this show anymore. Funny, I sorta don't need this show anymore either. I only watched this episode to see LVP's kitchen. We're building a house and my kitchen colors are white with gray accents/island.
  14. I was clicking around the Bravo TV website and there was a short clip of Any Cohen. He was asked who was the MVP or most improved (or something like that) and he stated it was James. He was then asked who needed more self-awareness/improvement and he said Katie and Lala. Any time I read couch lump or lumpy, it makes me laugh. She really is a piece of work.
  15. It seems increasingly clear Lisa is done with this cast. Do you think she'll show up for the reunion? It will be interesting to see how it all plays out.
  16. I had to laugh when Kyle was lamenting how busy she was with 4 children and a husband. Aren't three of her daughters out of the house? The poor dear.
  17. Katie, the couch lump (tm you), lost me at last night's reunion. I couldn't follow her logic. I help my family too...I had a brain injury and PTSD...Huh? I know everybody is mad at James about a lot of things but didn't this season start with a rap about Jax and Faith and it hurt Brit's feelings? I keep thinking that perhaps Jax shouldn't have slept with Faith in the first place? Also Katie, if you didn't want to be called fat, perhaps you shouldn't have made the first dig to James at gay pride? These are some of the things I'd like to see addressed. I also wonder how these people will make their mortgage payments when the show ends.
  18. I'll bite. I'm not beautiful and have never had my breasts done but I've had my eyes done and get botox and a laser facial every 12 weeks. I'm tall and thin and work out 10-12 hours a week (runner) but I only work part-time. I agree B had work done on her jaws (I don't know what) but I think the result is stunning. Most of the women on this franchise are stunning. I'm always surprised with Dorinda; sometimes she looks stunning and other times she looks MEH. I've never thought Lu or Ramona were all that and I'd never buy a Ramona beauty product.
  19. But she said she had to relieve the babysitter (on Halloween night)(who probably had late night plans). This is completely reasonable to me. As a retired career woman, I never wanted to piss off the baby sitter. Granted, I didn't have live in help but I couldn't have done it without the babysitter. Lu is a complete ass. ETA: Because Lu doesn't understand B's respect for her employee who cares for her child makes me like her less and I didn't think that was possible.
  20. I am embarrassed for them. We all know Jax will screw this up; no question. I hope they'll be off the show when it happens. Do we think Katie will be before or after them?
  21. Seriously, what is with her and her attire? She looks terrible! And fat! And I don't even think she is fat. Support your breasts and cover your sausage arms. Other than that, she needs to keep doing what she is doing because it is working for her (wink).
  22. I really, really hate Lala. Hate. Move on basic bitch. HATE. Take dough boy with you, thanks.
  23. Who owns the heifer married to Tony? She is pretty rough.
  24. I think Janelle's kids are the best looking.
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