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Everything posted by albarino

  1. Read the whiff of Katherine mentioning the cheating rumor caused Cameron to bow out along with Naomi and Chelsea (can't quite remember her name). I thought Cameron was wise to limit her interaction with Katherine because I have a relationship with a mentally ill sister. Trust me, you can't win. Katherine thought this was the way to stick it to Cam and brought up the cheating rumor. Bravo aired it (for whatever reason). Makes me hate Katherine and Bravo.
  2. I don't understand this sentiment. I was an Air Force brat who later joined the Air Force. "Where are you from?" is a completely normal question. Charleston is an urban community; why would anybody expect somebody who lives in Charleston to almost automatically be from Charleston? Completely unrelated, my husband and I visited Charleston a few years ago. We found it quite charming and, wow, they know how to do grits.
  3. 2020 has been a lot to take but I think you add a lot to these forums and enjoy our company. We enjoy yours. We're good. Take a few deep breaths and I hope you feel calmer soon.
  4. I believe some of Katherine's weight gain is due to the medication she takes for her mental health disorder(s). I am not a mental health professional but I"m a representative payee for a sister receiving Social Security Disability Income due to her mental health issues and she tells me some of her weight gain comes from the meds she is prescribed. I do think it is ill-advised for her to drink while on her meds and I note she is the poster child for making poor decisions. The problem is she has two kids who need her. I really don't like or respect her.
  5. Completely agree. Ari isn't quite alone as a young woman in a completely foreign culture. The secret is that most capitals have International or American Women's clubs. Addis Ababa: https://www.facebook.com/International-Womens-Club-of-Addis-Ababa-508024936005797/ Why isn't she meeting people at the club? Seoul has one and I'm sure there are these clubs in India.
  6. Yes, LET IT GO!!!! Nobody cares. As a product of a "broken home" I think it IS sad. While I understand there are joint custody arrangements, three kids to a room based on gender is kinda fucked up. Where do they put their stuff? Where do they go to study, etc.? This is more like a summer two-week scout camp arrangement. I think if I were the kids, I'd be pretty miserable. Too much, too soon forced togetherness. I guess I've been thinking a little too much about this (too close to home) and her job is to take care of her kids. Not her boyfriend and his kids. Seriously, date your boyfriend, sleep with your boyfriend but keep your young kids outside of this particular arrangement. This isn't fun and exciting for them. This is their world falling apart and Mommy chooses a guy and kids over them. Now that is a definition of "sad" I can get behind. Well, we know she has poor judgment (DUI) and this is another manifestation of it. I really, really feel sorry for her kids.
  7. Agree. I didn't realize how heavy Tom's sister is. And he asked Darcy if she gained weight? Good lord.
  8. I feel like I should be sorry about this but I'm not. She lives with a permanent sneer on her face. Sooner or later we'll know the reason for the move. As a 62 YO, I feel sorrier for Tom. He doesn't have many more years to chase happiness.
  9. I completely respect your life's work. People like to litigate.......
  10. Well, I guess I would say, yes, you do. Hence the legal action.
  11. I like Cameran and I missed her. Why in the world would Kathryn put it out on national TV the rumor about Jason? Hey, Kathryn, you complete and total idiot fuckface, you live in the same town. How is that going to work for you? We know you have mental health issues, substance abuse issues, you have children with an abuser who has been repudiated, and you have never done anything meaningful with your life. We know from the previews the name Calhoun is now mud. Kathryn, I mean this in the nicest possible way, FUCK OFF. Okay, I feel better now. I swear Bravo is actively trying to lose me with this and many other programs.
  12. I think she responded to a wine glass thrown in her face. I don't know why everybody forgets this. Regardless, I'm over the fight business as well. I'd rather hear about what Giz thinks is a good ending with Jamal. Moving to Atlanta?
  13. Thank you for sharing your experience. I first thought there was no way B was an alcoholic because she didn't drink (her words, not mine) when she was pregnant. She is quite ready to label herself as one so I respect that and hope she is able to come out of this experience stronger. I know there is never any excuse, blah, blah, blah, but she has demonstrated great resilience having a mother like that. She ended up standing. I have one kid; I would never, ever dream of having seven but perhaps her dream was the Bobbsey Twins (plus triplets)? I feel for her. I don't feel for Gina. She is a complete dumb-ass. I'm not the historian but didn't she come on the show with three small kids, her husband had a horrible commute so he had an apartment and wasn't on the show. He then had an affair, many tears, they agreed to divorce, and she got a new place so he could be with the kids for visitation, etc. They decided to try again and he then assaulted her. He lost his job and they aren't together. Fast forward, she purchased a condo or townhouse with 1600 SF (BTW, good for her, no problem at all with the size of the place). She then has her boyfriend move in with his 3 kids (and no commitment we know of) and we shouldn't wonder about her mental stability? With her weight gain, I attribute it to depression. She said she is so happy she eats a wheel of brie. I see it as she is so buried with her bad choices she can't see a way out. You're Brawnwin in a few years. I'm not anti-Gina, I think her choices have been completely horrible for her kids. I wonder why she feels so smug?
  14. Thank you and I posted upstring the DSM-V alcoholism diagnosis. I very, very much stand corrected. I also applaud your recovery. Thanks again and I wish you the very best.
  15. I quit watching after Hannah was let go and sauntered over to see what you all thought about the reunion. My feelings about Sandy seem to be corroborated. She fancies herself as a Captain, an O-6 equivalent in the Navy, yet she acts like an 0-4. At the Pentagon, we used to laugh and call 0-4s "the angry Majors." In the Navy, I guess they would be called "angry Lieutenant Commanders." This doesn't have to do with gender, rather it is a maturity issue. Sandy doesn't have the maturity to be an 0-6.
  16. Well then, why did Wendy remove the knife? When I'm eating socially with my friends, I never feel the need to remove a knife from them. Isn't Wendy the smartest person in the room?
  17. I wouldn't forget it either if I had a wine glass shoved in my face. I don't know why people are forgiving that. If C didn't hit M with the wine glass, who did? We saw it. So did the judge. This is a very serious question. I saw Monique getting smacked and then the hair pull. Was it editing? PSA: Not getting paid by Monique.
  18. What? Huh? Didn't she say he was the black Bill Gates? I can't follow your logic. When the kids age gone, you have lots and lots of time for yourselves. I didn't recall any discussion of taxes. Must have missed it.
  19. I think if you get a wine glass in your face, it is gloves off. I honestly don't know why nobody remembers that. I wasn't there but I remember the "am not, are too" sorts of exchanges, M asked C to remove her finger from her face, C did not, M flips C's hair around and C clocks her with a wine glass. Hair gets pulled. I'm a broken record and I am shutting up about this (I promise) but there is a reason the word "provoked" exists in the English language. M allowed herself to get triggered but C is far from blameless. C has zero introspection and needs to keep her mouth shut; kindness would become her. M needs to stay away from people like C because they aren't gracious. Actually many of the housewives across the spectrum could benefit from a dose of kindness.
  20. I consider Alcoholics Anonymous to be like Weight Watchers. The DSM-V considers AUD to be : To be diagnosed with AUD, individuals must meet certain criteria outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). Under DSM–5, the current version of the DSM, anyone meeting any two of the 11 criteria during the same 12-month period receives a diagnosis of AUD. The severity of AUD—mild, moderate, or severe—is based on the number of criteria met. To assess whether you or loved one may have AUD, here are some questions to ask. In the past year, have you: Had times when you ended up drinking more, or longer than you intended? More than once wanted to cut down or stop drinking, or tried to, but couldn’t? Spent a lot of time drinking? Or being sick or getting over the aftereffects? Experienced craving — a strong need, or urge, to drink? Found that drinking — or being sick from drinking — often interfered with taking care of your home or family? Or caused job troubles? Or school problems? Continued to drink even though it was causing trouble with your family or friends? Given up or cut back on activities that were important or interesting to you, or gave you pleasure, in order to drink? More than once gotten into situations while or after drinking that increased your chances of getting hurt (such as driving, swimming, using machinery, walking in a dangerous area, or having unsafe sex)? Continued to drink even though it was making you feel depressed or anxious or adding to another health problem? Or after having had a memory blackout? Had to drink much more than you once did to get the effect you want? Or found that your usual number of drinks had much less effect than before? Found that when the effects of alcohol were wearing off, you had withdrawal symptoms, such as trouble sleeping, shakiness, irritability, anxiety, depression, restlessness, nausea, or sweating? Or sensed things that were not there? It sounds like B has a moderate AUD issue.
  21. Thank you. I completely agree with you. This binary/black/white viewpoint is quite interesting. Provoking somebody you have seen be unstable is on you. That is why we have the verb in the English language. Didn't C throw the wine glass? Candace isn't blameless as I have said before. All of this is ridiculous. In parting, I guess bulls are to blame when they charge after getting speared by a matador.
  22. My opinion only, if you can stop drinking for a year at a time, you aren't an alcoholic. Alcoholics can't stop drinking and have babies with FAS. Acting out once you're drunk (ala Luanne) is a problem. Once again, my opinion only.
  23. I liked the intro to the show. I can't quote it exactly but something along the lines of people think the OC weather is always the same but we've had many changes along with showing a montage of former housewives. I thought, yep, Vicki and Tamra WON'T be back. Good riddance. I may eat my words but I like the new HW. I think I would love her on the RHOBH. But seriously, how do these women marry billionaires? I'm too old (and happily married). Is it the Patti (Millionaire Matchmaker) "the penis does the picking" thing? As many of you have said, my antennae is up with Brown wind declaring herself an alcoholic. She has seven healthy children; alcoholics have children with fetal alcohol syndrome. She may be a problem drinker but I don't think she is an alcoholic. I'm not a medical professional so this is my 2 cents. We all know disaster is somehow looming but it was nice to see the women happy.
  24. I'll give it a go. Never liked Vicki or Tamra so it will be interesting to see the direction the show takes. I really want it to get back to "nice." Yet I'm struggling to remember when that was. Season One?
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