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Everything posted by bros402

  1. I reallllllly hope the writers go out and talk to some early elementary kids and just see how they actually talk. These kids are not talking like first grade at all. Graham is the closest to acting like a first grader (severe anxiety aside) They are all in first grade (Except for the baby) - So 6 or 7 years old.
  2. I really liked this episode - I am glad to see Tiya Sircar again, and I bet next week will be amazing
  3. This episode was better than last weeks, but it still feels like they are trying to find the right direction for everything - it is definitely heading the right way, though.
  4. I think you can play the violin one handed - but she lost her right arm, and most people are right hand dominant, so more likely than not, she lost her dominant arm
  5. I was half expecting Lena to reveal she knows Kara is Supergirl in this episode.
  6. Maybe he was getting on some diplomatic plane at a private airstrip or something. He might have a translator to keep up appearances - doesn't want to speak English in front of the people.
  7. Zippers can be tough. He may have not been developmentally ready for zippers at 6, and it was never revisited after, let's say, age 8 or 9 and was given up as a lost cause. But once he did a button, they should've explored zippers
  8. I can understand the show taking artistic license with a lot of things, and I understand that they may have not wanted to make a new set just for an IEP meeting, but they could've just held it in a set like the lunchroom, put up some walls, then it could just be "oh it's a meeting room attached to the lunch room." Kenneth arrived at the meeting, but only at the midpoint, it seemed, which was a bit peculiar - maybe he had to do something and was just coming back to assist JJs. Para's are people and they need to pee too :P Let's just assume Kenneth had to go to the bathroom! There are a lot of schools where they do not follow federal regs or common sense - and teacher's don't need PhDs or Masters, they only need Bachelors degrees. In my BA program, there were quite a few not-so-smart folks. With Dr. Miller, I can see her as semi-realistic as far as a show like this gets - she just seems like a timid person who does not handle confrontation well. Probably lets the district do whatever they want with funding or placement, which the district might like - better for them to have someone in charge there who accepts whatever they tell her to accept. This episode did an IEP meeting better than I would have expected out of a sitcom, but I imagine that it would've been a bit more contentious than that - although at least Dr. Miller going "That was great, JJ, We'll.... take it into consideration." - since with this show, you would expect her to immediately agree and all of that fun stuff, but going "We'll take it into consideration" is accurate. To be fair, at my final IEP meeting, the district didn't do *anything* to help me out - they had nobody from the local CC that I had applied to and been accepted at, and never even told me about voc rehab - found out about it when I was getting driving lessons at a special clinic - they asked if DVR gave me a voucher, I was like "what's DVR" and then I learned about it. But a person like Maya would be on top of this already, and probably would've had a voc rehab counselor picked out 8 years ago to bug the secretary to give JJ an appointment with.
  9. Hannah Simone is always welcome on my TV screen. They should make her recurring. I liked how Miggy is getting fleshed out to seem more like a person versus a caricature. I believe she was talking to Will. Maybe her office has Fridays off - some places, at least around here, do longer days Monday-Thursday, then Friday off. I think Douglas probably had a nanny at some point, maybe when his wife was alive, but then maybe he was too distraught after the loss of his wife. Or maybe his abrasive personality made every nannying group in the area blacklist him. With Jack, I *think* in a previous episode, Miggy mentioned he was dropping Jack off at daycare.
  10. This was a good episode - Jimmy-Dylan plot was great. I hope that they have Maya become an advocate - but a lot of her requests were a bit too late - career counseling should start at 14, per IDEA recommendations for transition planning. She should've also requested that they loop in voc rehab. Also, in my experience IEP meetings are never held in a room that big, they are usually held in some back room somewhere that students never know exist until they see someone go in. Or they think it's a closet. One time I had an IEP meeting in a room that was like 2 doors past a random door in the library, it was a conference room the school had in the middle school for some reason. Since positioning them like that around the desks makes it seem adversarial - and, also, why wasn't Kenneth there from the get-go with JJ? I'm trying to figure out who all of the people were at the IEP meeting - we have the LEA rep - the principal, dunno who the guy next to her was (Was it one of the people in the episode last season where Maya goes into a meeting and tells them to get funding for aides for everyone else?), and I think three other people? So guidance counselor, a special education teacher, and a general education teacher (Why not have Mr. Powers there in a gen ed capacity, flesh him out a bit?). I wonder how Maya planned on getting Ray an IEP? He definitely seems like he has an anxiety disorder - so maybe through that - but that would be more geared towards a 504 plan - and there aren't many reasonable accommodations for driving (Or was that in the dream?)
  11. Until I started growing out facial hair, people would ask me what grade I was in (or if I was lucky, what college I was going to). Now people only check my ID once, instead of heavily examining it, looking for the security features, asking me the date of birth on the ID, bending it a bit, all the fun stuff. I'm a 28 year old guy with CP.
  12. In my town in Central Jersey, no fancy district, people pay 10k+ in property taxes. Let's see what the average house is in Alpine - Zillow estimates it at at staggering $2,517,600!. In 2017, an almost 21 million dollar home in Alpine had $155,311.38 in property taxes! However, according to this ranking, the average property tax in Alpine is $20,910. So let's say at most, Randall and Beth pay $40,000. It also looks like they are in a HOA community, so those fees could be like 20k a year.
  13. That was a very good episode. The name of the elementary school was almost as good as the airport last week.
  14. I definitely buy that Poppy's kid could've stumbled upon Pretty Woman on Netflix or something and watched it - I do not think any sane parent would let their first grader dress up as the john from Pretty Woman, let alone agree to dress up as a hooker. I don't think they need to drop the kids, they just need an adjustment - and usually around episode 9-12 is when writers start to see feedback from viewers before writing/shooting, so maybe they will course correct. A lot of great shows adjusted around that point.
  15. Ehhh they could do what my uncle did - he rented an apartment near his work to live at during the week. Randall could live in a room in his building during the week and go home on the weekend. They could've at least picked a town accessible via NJ Transit! Then they could've been like "Oh Randall takes a train on the NEC to Philly every morning at 4 am and comes back at 9 PM every night because the Pearsons are super duper duper speshul"
  16. Yuuup, this was my train of thought. Since typically horses are well hung, not donkeys.
  17. The Janets could be there for when someone good enough to deserve a good place needs one. Though I imagine they may be held until there are a few people, otherwise a good place with nobody in it other than a Janet could be a hell in and of itself
  18. tbh if they had shown the second grader's mom as some kind of snooty person, I could've bought that maybe Carrol's father acted like he was acting and he was just impersonating him. But no first grader acts like these kids act. Except maybe Graham. He seems the most like a first grader out of all of them. Sophie seems like if she were an actual first grader, she would be in an enrichment program - as she seems gifted for a 1st grader. The others.... no. The twins are just not fleshed out enough beyond "hey they seem sort of sociopathic" and Poppy's son is very one note so far. I would like to see an episode where we see how the group met - I want background on the parents.
  19. My dad's 1st cousin 1x removed (or 2x removed, I forget) invented the slow cooker! :P
  20. Janet going "Bing!" had me laughing hard I think next episode will be good - Eleanor seeing her horrible mother. Off screen last episode - so Jason can get half of Tahani's money despite being a Floridian
  21. I hope that the kid writing improves in future episodes. They are talking like 10-12 year olds, not 7/8 year olds. I hope that they do not couple any of the parents together. Angie and Will seems to be what they are angling for, but I hope it never happens.
  22. I imagine the 3 day thing is done for a lot of non-addictive medications - I have epilepsy, sometimes I need a 3 day supply because I had a seizure and needed to take an extra pill, or I drop one and it manages to somehow land in the garbage can. With things like antibiotics, or a controlled substance, they aren't gonna just throw you one, but I imagine for things to manage chronic ailments, they will give a few pills to tide you over - especially if it is a long standing prescription
  23. I think we will have 1-2 episodes of the Soul Squad doing good deeds/helping people accrue points.
  24. I like how when they were going home from the event, they were like "Ok, see you at home" like it was a super short drive. It's 2 hours.
  25. Mike B is good in small doses.
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