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Everything posted by krankydoodle

  1. Covenant had its problems, but I enjoyed it enough that I'd love to see this sequel too. I'm disappointed that we never got sequels to Salt or The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai, and that there hasn't been any news on a follow-up to Spy.
  2. I wasn't convinced when I first heard about the longer cut, but the promise of more screen time for William Jackson Harper and scenes of bickering academics changed my mind. I'm especially looking forward to an extended version of the scene where Christian reveals his thesis. I love that Josh hits back at him with “You didn’t even know how to use JSTOR!" 😆
  3. The Differences Between 'Midsommar's Theatrical Release And Director's Cut
  4. I liked this too and agree with you on all points. I have some issues with it, but found the movie atmospheric and the cast appealing enough that it didn't really affect my enjoyment. I was surprised that the showing I went to on Saturday night was half empty given that the movie--initially at least--got a lot of attention because of del Toro's involvement and people's fond memories of the books. I don't know that I need to see a sequel (though I like the idea of Stella working with her dad and Ruth to rescue Auggie and Chuck), but I hope this does better than the sparse crowd at my theater would suggest.
  5. Agreed, but it's fun to catch young actors who went on to be famous like Neil Patrick Harris and George Clooney. Speaking of MSH actors, I'm happy that Louis Herthum (Deputy Andy) has been popping up in so many interesting projects over the last decade or so. I don't remember him getting a lot to do on the show, but he had a likable presence. And whenever I see something about the new HBO show Mrs. Fletcher, it takes me a second to remember it's not MSH-related.
  6. It's because of all this that I was shocked the show had Steve lash out at Tori on the plane with the question "How could you grow up with every advantage in life and still struggle to support your kids? It’s mind-boggling to me!" and not have her come back with anything. I really liked this episode and thought it had some genuinely funny, touching, and intense moments. Tori stealing the dress was a low point, but the scene on the plane afterward made up for it. I think 6 episodes seems about right. I hope they're all this good.
  7. I had low expectations for this, so I was surprised that I enjoyed it some. It had a lot of problems and I was frustrated that they left a lot unexplored, like how URM lost the war even though they seemed to have superior tech, but I guess the movie was already overstuffed. I was happy to find out that even though the scene didn't make it into the movie, the little dog seemingly killed by Grewishka survived:
  8. Yes, it seemed to me that Mrs. C was giving the stink eye to the other woman when she mentioned the lack of rigor (and looked at her pointedly a few times before that too), but Leonard didn't notice since he was behind her and mistakenly took it to mean Will had been complaining to Mrs. C about him.
  9. The Russos just wrapped up a Reddit AMA.
  10. I wasn't all that interested in watching this despite being a fan of the original show, but the positive AV Club review has sold me on it. I'm surprised by how much the actors are willing to joke about themselves, especially Tori Spelling.
  11. So disappointed to hear about the cancellation of No Offence, especially since I remember seeing articles about the creator's excitement about plans for future storylines. Boyd on Waking the Dead is such an aggravating character. He's often needlessly belligerent, but the show seems to present him as someone we're supposed to grudgingly admire and feel for and I just couldn't. I never warmed to Spencer either. Grace was the only one I liked.
  12. The OA Cancelled at Netflix ☹️
  13. I know Cassie's the focus, but it seems odd that the other characters are so neglected. I expected the partnership between the new detective and Cassie's cop dad to take some time to gel while they got used to each other, and I still don't know anything about the 2 junior detectives. Their boss just pops in and out and never asks where they get some of their information from. It's still watchable, though, and I'll keep with it because I've missed this kind of show and I like the actors playing Cassie's dads.
  14. The Crowd Fundeth, And The Crowd Taketh Away: The 'Veronica Mars' Problem Linda Holmes's take, which is that the movie's sudden transformation of Logan into a viable long-term partner for Veronica because Rob Thomas wanted to give fans what he thought they wanted led to the character's fate.
  15. I liked these articles from writers who look at season 4's ending both critically and as fans (the Vox article is especially enjoyable because it includes a handful of quotes from Television Without Pity's boards): We Used to Be Friends: The bombshell ending to Veronica Mars’ fourth season might be the point where I say goodbye Why the ending of the Veronica Mars revival was so shocking: To understand the Veronica Mars finale, you have to understand the Veronica Mars fandom
  16. What a weird show. I liked it ok, but not as much as I expected to after reading some of the raves about it. She seems to be the favorite of a lot of viewers, but Tati was the character I enjoyed least. I've heard that playing dumb characters well can be particularly challenging and I didn't think Ana Fabrega made it work. But I did like the explanation for why she is the way she is and she looked great in that JLo dress. Andrés was my favorite and I was a little sad that he and Juan Carlos split up. The subplots with the news anchor and Fred Armisen weren't very well integrated, but I loved some of the show's odd touches like the water demon's determination to watch The King's Speech and the owl in a wig as a major tourist attraction. And the friendship between Renaldo, Ursula, and Andrés was genuinely sweet.
  17. Pugh really got off to a running start. I don't think Fighting with my Family or The Little Drummer Girl got as much attention as expected, but she was amazing in Midsommar and now that she's been cast in the Black Widow movie, she's well on her way.
  18. The show (at least the first 5 episodes) got a positive review from TV Line: Hulu's New Take Is a Witty, Old-Fashioned Love Letter to Rom-Coms
  19. I believe it happened when older Jonas found the box with Aleksander's gun and real passport and discovered that Hannah was blackmailing him.
  20. I was also annoyed that we didn't see Weevil in the last episode. I wish he had been included in that post-time jump segment, possibly as one of the businesses that had been forced out, and with a moment showing he and Veronica had mended their relationship to some degree. A goodbye hug with Wallace would've been nice, too. But ultimately, the way the show ended has soured me on the rest of the season and issues that I rolled with as they came up (like those in @justmehere's list) bother me more now. It'll be tough to rewatch the earlier seasons now, too, knowing that this is where we end up.
  21. Poor King Pagursky! Despite the darker tone of the show, I still didn't expect them to kill a random innocent kid and have his severed head sitting on a counter. Matty's ok, but could easily tip over into annoying. Maybe I missed something, but I didn't get why she skipped out of the police station since the current chief (yay, Dawnn Lewis!) actually seems competent and interested in finding the culprit. Still, it was good to see Liam Fitzpatrick again. I'm surprised Rodney Rowland didn't become a bigger star. And I'm glad to see Logan getting more involved in the central mystery, but have a hard time believing that even those 2 goons would be dumb enough to straight up attack a congressman in his fancy hotel room. But I'll go with it.
  22. They didn't give us a good look at him, but according to the subtitles that was Corny. I'm so happy the show is back!
  23. Yes, I remember a previous Tom Hanks appearance on the show when his needling of David Walliams for I think not having an Oscar went on so long that it got uncomfortable until Peter Capaldi tactfully interceded. Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal have been so much fun on their press tour for Spider-Man. I especially enjoyed the moment here when Tom Hanks asks Holland to say a line, which he enthusiastically agrees to only to promptly forget it and turn a surprised Pikachu face to the audience instead. Gyllenhaal's mock disgust when Holland says they're friends off-screen was also great.
  24. USA Today review: Hulu's 'Veronica Mars' is the best TV revival in years There aren't any spoilers, but I'm even more excited for the show's return after getting a better idea of what to expect.
  25. A.P. Bio has been renewed for NBCUniversal's streaming service Yay! 🙌
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