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Everything posted by DavidJSnyder

  1. They've already diverged the timeline so that the Earth isn't destroyed, so this Fitz can't get to the version of the future they were trapped in the long way anyway. I wish they had a more convincing reason why the future could be changed when previously it seemed impossible. I guess Fitz was just wrong, but if so why did they fail with Ruby's Dad?
  2. I think they're flying through an anomaly like the one that sent Mon-El to the future in the first place. Presumably now that have they it charted, Mon-El is supposed to be able t get back to it somehow. (I'm not sure how he got back to Earth for that matter. Did they turn around and drop him off or is there some kind of shuttle on their ship?)
  3. I wonder that because Amazon has had the streaming in the U.S. it messes up the chances of Netflix picking up the whole thing.
  4. In Italy's defense, The Magic School Bus does have seat belts.
  5. Do you think The Ray's uncle is supposed to have somehow traveled from Earth 1 to Earth X, that Uncle Skip isn't literally Ray's uncle, or they just forget Ray is supposed to be from Earth 1 originally?
  6. I know minotaurs and mazes go together, but I was very disappointed that the threat in the Zork game David was playing wasn't that he would be eaten by a grue.
  7. I blame the Legends for messing with the timeline.
  8. "Those stupid hawk flying-chicken people."
  9. Anson Mount (Inhumans, Hell on Wheels) cast as Captain Pike. http://deadline.com/2018/04/star-trek-discovery-anson-mount-season-2-captain-christopher-pike-cbs-all-access-1202360639/
  10. Oliver is also shown missing an arm in The Dark Knight Returns.
  11. Diggle is acting weird enough that I'm wondering if he's actually being mentally influenced somehow. Like Lyla is the real big bad this season and she wants John at Argus for some reason.
  12. Iron Chef America in the traditional format is returning, now with Jet Tila as floor reporter. https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/iron-chef-america-returns-to-food-network-with-classic-fan-favorite-format-300625155.html
  13. Tommy actually mentions a Black president, presumably Obama, being something new that happened while Oliver was on the island in the pilot of Arrow. So Obama could have elected in 2008 and either lost in 2012 or left office for some other reason with the guy who died in Invasion maybe having been his VP. Or chalk it up to Flashpoint.
  14. The Waverider has advanced nearly-instantaneous hair styling technology based on a device originally developed by Curtis Holt in the early twenty first century for putting in Mr. Terrific's cornrows.
  15. It was part of a product placement deal NBC has with Target. http://www.adweek.com/tv-video/target-is-everywhere-in-tonights-episode-of-nbcs-superstore-including-the-title/
  16. Veronica Cale So Cisco can't open breaches but Jesse can use the beach room to get Jay from Earth 3. (Also when she first zoomed off I was wondering if she should look like she was traveling at normal speed.)
  17. So, Alena knew Caden for about a day? Didn't it seem she was more familiar with him previously? Also, when they use Barry for transporting them across town, it really emphasizes that he's not being used to evacuate the city or look for the bomb or anything. Even if they think he would draw too much attention and cause Caden to trigger the bomb prematurely, , he could have easily taken William to safety.
  18. Based on this, they didn't need to frame anybody. They could have just had someone impersonate Barry's Mom and the judge would have let his Dad out without any further investigation. Fabricating evidence is illegal, no matter whether it can be proven to be fake or whether the person being framed is actually guilty. When Barry said he wanted to be cleared via legal means, he apparently just meant he didn't wanted the illegality to be provable or that he really just didn't want to be a fugitive. I hope we don't see any more attempts at legal drama. Barry is prison was fun, but all the actual court stuff was embarrassing. The idea that this would pass muster, they're just going to clear Barry without any further investigation stretches credulity beyond my normal fairly broad acceptance levels. I assume Barry is going to go back to his normal job and life and Devoe disappearing as mysteriously as he reappeared won't ever come up.
  19. Saru believed Michael about Lorca being evil really, really quickly. Where did Lorca and his team get their fancy new shirts?
  20. This is probably not what they were going for, but I am tickled with the idea that Oliver dealt with William being mad at him for lying about being Arrow by lying that his family used to have meetings.
  21. Oh, I misunderstood who was the criticism was directed On my part, I'm happier that there's some kind of logic to it compared to the powers just turning her evil of the previous year. A Hulk-like multiple personality I understand.
  22. They're yelling at her so she can get angry and change though. It's not because she doesn't want to.
  23. By then the Klingons in general knew there was something up with Discovery, but L'Rell was hinting at turning Voq into a human with her "give up everything line" back in Episode 4 after she and Voq had been trapped on the cathedral ship for 6 months. So was the plan 1. Turn Voq into a human, and 2. Wait for the humans to develop some secret technology we can steal. and 3. Use the tech to take over the Klingon Empire? Because that seems to me like an overly convulted and/or optimistic plan.
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