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Everything posted by DavidJSnyder

  1. I'm not seeing how Alt-Saru would have gotten from the Shenzhou to the palace ship. He wasn't on the shuttle with Michael, was he?
  2. They didn't know about the spore drive when they turned him into a human, did they?
  3. Does anyone have a firm idea what L'Rell and Voq's goal with their elaborate sleeper agent plan was? What was he supposed to do if she had successfully reactivated him right away?
  4. It is weird that if they were going to change everything about Imra except that's she's from Titan (her looks, her powers, her relationship partner) they didn't just use a different Legionnaire.
  5. Universal Kids used to be Sprout, if you're looking at an older channel listing. Comcast owns the channel so it'd be curious if they aren't carrying it.
  6. Rusty is from "Into the Dalek" which was Capaldi's second episode.
  7. Here they have the videos for both the original and the recreation.
  8. They mentioned Evelyn enough times that I'm a little surprised she wasn't part of the evil superteam at the end.
  9. They have power inhibiting cuffs and such that work on Barry and so would presumably on Thawne. (We even saw the Nazi version of those in the previous crossover episode.) Sure, he's going to escape eventually because superheroes, but you at least try.
  10. Brandon Routh did a really good job of just silently being sad. There were clunkers in here they didn't work for me. Flash just letting Thawne going rather than trying to lock him up. Why is Cold chiding Heatwave for shooting Nazis without due process? Also, Earth X is still presumably ruled by Nazis, but they kind of treat Ray going home (and Cold staying) as casually a trip back to Earth 2 or 3.. Even with evil Arrow and Supergirl gone, there's still a bunch of Nazis over there, right? So The Ray could probably use some help now. But overall, I thought the whole think was a lot of fun and felt epic enough to live up to it's own hype.
  11. Barry should have at least grabbed Joe for the wedding.
  12. Alternatively, they didn't want to deal with yet another speedster in the fights.
  13. Is anyone else getting a bit of the podcast repeated over and then the end cut off prematurely or is that just my phone doing something weird?
  14. So, the Inhumans tell the guy on Earth they need a place to live. Guy on Earth says "I've got a place." Did I miss it when we find out where that place is, or is it implied someway that I'm missing? Because I don't know where they are, or even where they might go.
  15. Also, robot Stella on the original series is just based on Harry's perceptions of Stella and in his head she's probably worse than reality.
  16. When Michael says she didn't fraternize on the Shenzhou because of her position, are we supposed to think she started as First Officer as soon as Sarek got her the job? Because that doesn't make any sense. But if not, why didn't she go through some of these issues already?
  17. Was that existing footage of Violet Beane for the little bit from the breakup cube or did they film new material for just that?
  18. I call by son "buddy" all the time.
  19. Spoilers for the fan theory mentioned above that totally makes sense.
  20. This ship is full of Klingons who are are bad at fighting. Also, they're in a Klingon cell. The Klingons can have listening devices everywhere. They don't need to work with Harry or put one on a spider.
  21. The one from the ship was missing from the ready room when the Klingons got there.
  22. I like the feel of the episode I think more than any of the other episodes,. I think it might be because it sets up a moral quandary that actually seems to be bothering Michael. But then I think about the details. Why would Landry assume the anesthetic would knock out the creature without even checking? Who stopped to grab Captain Georgiou's telescope when they were evacuating the ship, but left behind a recoverable dilithium processor? ( I guess the idea was it wasn't safe to remove the processor, but why didn't they blow up the ship on the way out then?) How did the telescope catch up with Michael now when she was literally supposed to be on a prison shuttle out of there yesterday? How could they possibly know exactly how long the shield's on the planet were going to last? The Klingons just sat there for six months starving to death for six months? Six months is a really long time to ignore the Shenzhou on principal before finally giving up. But still, I liked it the feels and as least the non-Klingon parts moved at a decent clip.
  23. Also Michael Michele from Homicide and E.R.
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