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Everything posted by DavidJSnyder

  1. I agree that it's ambiguous. The interviewer brought up the theory and Fuller could have explicitly said "It's the same character from The Cage" or "It's not the same character from The Cage" but he didn't do either.
  2. The female lead character will be referred to as Number One. Which may just mean she's the ship's First Officer and be a symbolic connection to Majel Barrett's character rather than anything more concrete.
  3. Here is a bit of the transcript where Axanar comes up. When asked "Is it Axanar?", Fuller answers "I actually don't know what the history of Axanar is." Which if you squint is not quite a denial, I guess. I think it's probably something else, but I don't have a solid theory.
  4. I'm wondering how the idea of a lead who isn't the Captain is going to work in practice. If you look at the first season of The Next Generation it feels to me like they were trying to set up Riker as at least the co-lead and failed. Or on The West Wing where the originally though the show was going to be staffers and the President only an occasional presence. If you're on a ship as the show goes on the Captain is the one making final decisions of importance. Even as a more minor character, I still hope the Captain of the ship isn't another straight white guy. Unless he turns out to be evil.
  5. Detectives- Frank Pembleton (Homicide) and Marcellus Washington (Hack) Captain - Ray Holt (Brooklyn 99) Medical Examiner - Dr. Ben Gideon (Gideon's Crossing) DA - Bayard Ellis (Law and Order- SVU) Psychiatrist- Dr. Darryl Nolan (House) Civilian Consultant- Nick Atwater (Thief)
  6. Yeah, I didn't realize we were doing Joe's last show. Take care, sorry for inflicting Star Trek on you.
  7. The prospect of Gillian Anderson in a Starfleet uniform would be strong nerd bait.
  8. You're saying he's more than fully functional.
  9. Benedict Cumberbatch has Doctor Strange and is a great impressionist.
  10. Fuller denied the rumor of it being set between VI and TNG a while ago. This weekend he said they weren't telling us when it's set yet. The NCC Number seems to imply before TOS, but I can see Fuller doing something more complicated than that.
  11. Irt seems to be inspired from some Ralph McQuarrie concept art from a movie that never happened in the seventies.
  12. Star Trek Discovery Link not working for everybody. See a better one below.
  13. Tom tweeted that it will be in September.
  14. I think he was saying there will never be another show with mostly one writer with that number of episodes a season.
  15. I think we'll get an Oldtown location for Sam at some point.
  16. He told Bran that the Children found him before he was all the way dead/turned and put some dragonglass in his chest.
  17. More from Fuller. He says it's not accurate to say it's an anthology show and that it's not set between Undiscovered Country and Next Generation.
  18. Bryan Fuller gives a few details about production, such at that the first season will be a thirteen episode, serialized story.
  19. There's also a vague possibility they're using a fake name to cover up that they're using a character they don't want us to know about yet.
  20. Maggie from the description is probably Maggie Sawyer, who is a Superman supporting character. Snapper Carr is the one-time Justice League's teen sidekick, though I'm not clear why you'd reuse the name for an old-school reporter.
  21. Tara says Jimmy Fallon when she gives her list of people she still had left at the end.
  22. It's really hard to know how much credit or blame to allocate to a writer based on the shows they worked on as long as they're not showrunning. Fuller would have worked with Coleite on Heroes and presumably liked him.
  23. Writing staff adds long time Trek veteran Joe Menosky and non-Trek veteran Aron Coleite. Menosky has written many episodes of Trek including Darmok. Coleite worked on the series Heroes, The River, and Hostages.
  24. Kirsten Beyer who has written Voyager novels has been added to the writing staff.
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