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Everything posted by MaryWebGirl

  1. Wary! That exactly describes how I read that look. I'm not a mom but I imagine that that's how parents of teenagers feel a lot of the time--wondering what on Earth is coming next.
  2. I really don't think it matters. If she had told him, he very well could have gotten mad that she was bothering him with some stupid thing he doesn't want to do and lost his temper. If she had just gone ahead and gotten him a ticket he could have gotten mad that she dragged him to something where he was the only dad and lost his temper. If she had decided they were going to the party he could have gotten mad that she was denying the kids something more fun than a princess party and lost his temper. He's an abusive asshole who doesn't thinks Disney on Ice is a good reason to choke his wife. She'll literally never be right, no matter what she does.
  3. Thank you! I've only been to Monterey once and Big Sur once on different trips, but I remember the bridge like you said--way south and not really near much. Seeing everyone drive over it all the time made me think I wasn't remembering it correctly. One scene I really liked was when Jane "saw" someone breaking the windows and getting in. That struck me as very realistic for a person with anxiety or PTSD.
  4. There's a mild physical resemblance but I see him as the guy who drives the orange Lambo in Silicon Valley--made big tech money early and now just invests and lets other people do the creative work and heavy lifting. From her phone call it also sounded like Renata did more along the lines of VC stuff. It's different form Ed, who appears to do actual hands-on stuff.
  5. I hadn't thought about the watch parties (I've never been to one) but that is a bummer. I'm personally OK with the time because I like watching fluffy TV on Friday nights . I use Apple TV so I'm not sure how that will work, but hopefully I can see it live-ish.
  6. No, I think this is insightful! At this point they're both basically caricatures, and it's hard to get too deep with characters like that.
  7. Racism is not a buzzword--it's reality. Not calling out racism is what allows it to perpetuate. If someone is telling me that something I've said implies racism, of course my first response is to get defensive and laugh it off, but it's far more helpful if I take that direction and evaluate myself and my words and actions.
  8. I'm copying this into 123 because @twinkietwin94 reminded me that Panera was so much better when it was St. Louis Bread Company. I lived on that soup when I was in college! The quality has gone so far down. And they got rid of their yummy shortbread cookies.
  9. Exactly. I don't think this is a scientific number, but I read somewhere that losing weight is 70% food and 30% exercise. So even if his workouts are fabulous, there's only so much they can do in the time frame they're working with.
  10. There is a fairly concerted effort nowadays to not make kids give hugs and kisses to people they don't want to because it teaches them that they have ownership of their bodies. However it could also be commentary on Amabella's parents being more cold and distant. I didn't read the book so maybe it plays an important part later, but I'm kind of annoyed that they keep spending time talking about the stupid play. I'd rather they focus on the main characters more.
  11. I was always a big TWoP person--I felt like the rules kept conversation on a more interesting level. Fametracker was fun, too. If you don't have rules you get garbage like your average news site comments section.
  12. Did they move for her to be a DCC, or were they moving for her husband's job anyway? One interview they did gave the impression that it was the latter, only maybe she had to go early to audition.
  13. What's not to love about soup? At the very least it's an excuse to eat more bread.
  14. I would have some sympathy if he thought his throat was sore but was really closing up from anaphylaxis, but sniffly allergies? Nope.
  15. It will likely depend on the Cowboys pre-season schedule, and those aren't out yet.
  16. The NFL would love to expand to China ($$$$$) but they can't work out the logistics for games. There is always talk of putting a team in London, too, but again the logistics are hard for the visiting team. There was also one game played in Mexico City this past season. I don't think Japan is quite the market for football, though.
  17. I'm way in! I've been waiting for this show and the first episode didn't disappoint. I think the age spread of the moms is really interesting given the demographic mix of the characters -- it strikes me as pretty realistic from people I know in similar communities. I'm probably going to watch it again to try to catch everything. That drove me bananas too. Is it it in the book? Because it just struck me as a silly little dramatic tic, not something a real person would do.
  18. I liked Kylee, too, and I hope she does try out again and makes it. I just looked at her Twitter and I didn't realize she has a degree in chemistry! Now I like her even more.
  19. For drug store Cover Girl Lash Blast in the orange tube, but I almost always use Chanel Inimitable Intense. I know a lot of people say expensive mascara is a waste but every time I try something else I'm disappointed by it and go back to Chanel.
  20. @heatherrrrz to back up what Moni is saying, I recently started using the IT CC cream and I actually found it made my normally dry skin very shiny by the end of the day, so I wouldn't think that that's the cause of your dryness. Also I've never liked any makeup remover wipes I've tried--after a few uses they all irritate my skin. I use the Clinique Take the Day Off balm with a muslin cloth to remove my makeup and my skin still feels soft afterwards, not stripped and dry.
  21. Maybe that's why Simone is hitting the classes so hard. Also it appears that she's really close to Stephanie, so maybe she wants to be able to do that with her.
  22. Yeah apparently they make a claim of "exfoliating" all the old lipstick that's "built up" on your lips, but really they just contain alcohol and make your lips peel.
  23. Good for Robin! It doesn't look like a network affiliate, so maybe it's something she just wants to do in the offseason to build her experience and go on to bigger and better things once she really retires (wishful thinking on my part because I want her around as long as possible)!
  24. She was a Chargers cheerleader this season, so who knows what she'll do next year. http://www.chargers.com/cheerleaders/roster/rose I liked her--I always root for the ones who get a little mad and don't just turn into a mess in the office.
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