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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I'm sure Steffy already has an assortment of strap-ons. Liam has a big jar of lube.
  2. I saw part of Dr. Phil today where they had a transgender person (man transitioning to woman) who was a jerk. A fully transgendered woman (who used to be part of SEAL team 6) called him out on it. Made me think of Maya.
  3. This time Ivy would have been within her rights to play the "Not a Real Forrester" card since Steffy was so hateful. Ivy is part of the Forrester bloodline not Bratz. I wanted to slap the smug off her face, but I would probably break my hand on the fillers and implants. Why is Liam the Golden Son? Because he got his wee man into Bratz? Wyatt has much more initiative, IMO. I still wish someone would find that bloody tire iron with Steffy's prints on it and take it to Lt. Baker.
  4. Katie did say she needed a new "project." She ran FC for a bit so... We are seriously supposed to believe Eggo is both President of SP and VP of Forrester? GMAFB! All we see him do is stand around and hold Bratz purse. The writers can't even get this right. Can you imagine $Bill, as written, stand for his son to be over at the "Dressmaker's" being handmaiden to Steffy?
  5. Charlie and that other guard should not have been manhandling Ivy like that. She needs to get a lawyer to sue FC then get a tech expert to recover that video. Geeze, Eggo is such a pathetic wuss following Bratz around like her own personal Flying Monkey.
  6. Why were they using inches to measure the breadsticks instead of metric measurements. I love Kimberly!
  7. My local PBS buried this somewhere on the schedule so I just binge watched online. Twice the Paul! ;-) so glad to see my blue-eyed hottie back. I really like Kimberly (such a great smile) and Ron (or is it Rod?) the rocket scientist. I loved the bear decoration named Paul!
  8. I knew Bratz would turn on Ivy in no time flat. BTW, when was Steffy ever the "Face of Forrester"? All I remember is her taking over Brooke's lingerie line. Eggo is more pathetic by the day, following his dominatrix around like a puppy. I wish Wyatt would deck him. Wouldn't take more than an openhanded slap!
  9. Yep, those flashbacks keep making Tom look more pervy by the minute.
  10. Titania was not a "trickster." That was Puck. Titania was an ethereal fairy queen. There were mistakes in this. For example, Hermione was the one with the tears (very badly placed), and Ophelia is called Hecate in the picture with the judges. I did like the line about Hecate looking like a Blackadder fop.
  11. STFU, Brooke! You tell her or I will? It's none of your freaking business!
  12. The clip they showed clearly had Thomas kissing a passed out Caroline so his explanation/justification/whatever the eff that was to her was all the more creepy, IMO. "I saw the way you were looking at me." Dude, she was intoxicated. That wasn't desire. It was trying to focus her vision!
  13. Ivy and Wyatt are idiots for trusting Bratz and her "I'm a good person" bullshit. That vindictive heifer will turn on them in a heartbeat. Someone get Brooke a Chairman Mao pantsuit, big brooch, and a buzz cut. She has turned into Stephanie!
  14. Two Y&R related pieces on Inside Edition today. The first was about Max Page (Reed). Poor boy just had his eleventh heart surgery! He is a real trooper. Then next segment was about Sandra Bullock's new boyfriend who used to be engaged to Kristoff St. John's daughter. The daughter is really pretty. Her mom talked about what a good guy he was but thought he was better matched with Sandra since he is 25 years older than her daughter.
  15. Meghan was cute sassing Michael Dorn, and I loved Ben's model with all the saluting. He was working it! Glad Ben won.
  16. Thomas is disgusting. Caroline was clearly drunk and emotionally devastated. He took advantage of her altered mental state. So what if he didn't know about the pills. I'd call him a pig, but I would be insulting some very smart animals. As for Wyatt, he better not do what Steffy wants. If Ivy hasn't made a thousand copies of that video, she is nuts.
  17. Wow, in France men get an official "I had a vasectomy" (translated from the original French) letter. Is that for showing potential hook-ups? Speaking of hook-ups, how gross is it for creepy Thomas to make moves on a drunk Caroline?
  18. Poor caiman. I was hoping it would get away.
  19. Walter White (best TV character ever, IMO) on "Breaking Bad" did awful things, but I never stopped rooting for him. He still had a shred of humanity. Victor has not the slightest shred. Send over that steward who looks like Matthew McConaughey! I need another Cosmo! :-)
  20. I just finished watching episode 3 of season 1. Boy, was that Frank a douchenozzle! He even smarted off to a judge (the tattoo artist). Glenn looked a lot better without the black dye job. Did they do having the winner opine on who should go home after season 1. I found that very awkward.
  21. I think the guy who did the "snake" should have gone home. It was laughable and, as someone already noted, with Glenn harping on anatomy knowledge, it's "snake anatomy" was effed up. What did Glenn even mean about "anatomy"? Libby's creature was an alien so couldn't it have whatever alien anatomy she wanted? I've wondered about this before.
  22. OMG, Ridge, STFU! Steffy said she didn't want to model. Live with it.
  23. I say "jool-ry." Two syllables. It appears I pronounce it the British way whereas Quinn and Ivy pronounce it the North American way: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/us/definition/english/jewellery
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