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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Eh, I thought Celia's reaction was funny. "They get bigger!" It is an adult themed show in any case.
  2. I didn't see a bare breasted comic book woman. Wasn't she wearing a black catsuit? Celia would have said something if she were naked. I thought that scene was funny. Comic book women do look as if they are smuggling basket balls!
  3. Rick could have told the fun story about how he manipulated Aly by dangling a shoe line in front of her. He and St. Maya could have regaled them with the hilarious tale of an embarrassed Aly serving them a post-coital bowl of ice cream. Then Thorne could have beat the shit out of him.
  4. Well, Giada, you can stop with the cleavage baring since your boy Dom is gone.
  5. Ooh, I didn't know Richard Armitage was going to be in this. Another hottie like Mads playing a psycho killer! Yay, Chilton is back! Makes up for Will the pill.
  6. Those were two mean old women. I loved when Cynthia went off on her mother over that "pieces of my heart" crap. I like Dr. Pfeffer. He's so mellow. Cory rocks! Dorothy is awesome too.
  7. Indy is my favorite character.
  8. But not by much. Maybe Rick and St. Maya will get married in front of Aly's coffin since it really is all about THEM.
  9. Good rule to follow: make sure the person you intend to kill is dead before you leave, okay?
  10. Well, Rick and Maya made the last few months of Aly's life miserable. Will they get any comeuppance? Yeah, when Victor Newman does (another way of saying "When pigs fly.").
  11. Where is Lt. Baker when you need him? I said why didn't they kill Nicole because I was comparing young characters. There are a lot of characters I would like to see die.
  12. Thorne should have torn them a new one for being so cruel to his psychologically fragile daughter
  13. Everyone has pretty much said it. Except for Ben getting smacked by that debris, it sucked.
  14. No kidding! How on earth did FC ever manage to scrape by without St. Maya the Transgendered? Short Maya was laughable compared to those tall, sleek models.
  15. The last time I took Wills and Estates, A male can have a posthumous heir only if his wife is pregnant (the heir is in utero) at the time of his death. The offspring will inherit after he/she is born. So the only way Margo can get anything through a child is if they keep Mason's death a secret for the time being. Ugh, I'd take Mads over Hugh any day of the year.
  16. Gary seems to have issues, eh? I wouldn't hire that nanny. She seems flakey (the preview seems to confirm it). Apparently, car seats can go in the front seats in the UK. The actress who plays Caroline was in "The Paradise." She was starchy, proper spinster!
  17. That's still not an heir. Sperm cannot inherit although...cue "Every Sperm is Sacred!" ;-)
  18. I mentioned the same thing in another thread. In any case genetic evolution doesn't occur that quickly to start with. Why couldn't the Abbies (cute name) have been dealt with as they occurred. Did the ob/gun just whisper to his/her nurse, "What an ugly baby!" How did they overrun everything? Makes no sense.
  19. Awesome episode! How depraved is Verger that when its him versus Hannibal, you cheer for Hannibal? I figured the surrogate would be a sow even though I doubt a human fetus could grow in a sow. I wouldn't put it past him to have used a human surrogate, take the fetus out of her, and put it in the sow. Verger still died without an heir. How would Margo get his money? Mads rocked it as usual.
  20. The first model on the runway, in the black dress, looked Asian to me. Is she transgender. She was gorgeous. I thought the blonde looked stunning too.
  21. I find it hard to believe that those dolls were worth half a mil unless she had some very rare early Barbies.
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