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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. "That's what she said!" Michael Scott Seriously, who was the Michael Scott they were quoting at the beginning? Just seeing the name made me laugh.
  2. I felt sorry for Granny until she opened her mouth!
  3. When Alan talked about hunter-gathers being efficient rather than lazy, I thought "Wow, Jim on 'The Island' was one extremely efficient guy!" ;-)
  4. Next time cast some single guys who won't pine for their families. These guys act as if they have been away from home for months.
  5. Think about the name "Isis." Too bad it has been co-opted by terrorists.
  6. This St. Maya storyline is boring the crap out of me. I don't give a flip whether her father likes her or not. Not everyone has to worship the ground she walks on. I wish Aly would take out Steffy and Maya.
  7. So advanced weapons couldn't take care of a bunch of naked guys with big teeth? Even if they are fast, that doesn't fly. And I thought the downfall of civ as we know it happened in 2095. How is that Adam guy there? WTF.
  8. I didn't see Gary's wife as being a bitch either. As mentioned previously, she was just telling a funny story. I was worried when Harry left. Was he driving?
  9. I've watched enough soaps to know that something bad was going to happen when Kate said that! Just wait for someone to blurt out to Robbie about Gillian bashing in what's his name's head. No secret is ever safe with that lot!
  10. When Gary Oldman played Verger in "Hannibal," he sounded rather like Jimmy Stewart.
  11. What happened at the end with Coral? I was watching online at the Lifetime site, and it cut off right when Coral's son justifiably went off on her when she whined about everyone letting her down. I hope he told her to stuff it and left. I really felt for him when he said you wouldn't clean up for me but you would for this boyfriend. Where was she going to live? Yeah, I got "closeted" the minute I saw Brian.
  12. How do they know that there are no other communities of humans? There could be people in Australia or NZ, for example.
  13. I loved Kings! Eamonn Walker, another of my faves, was also on it. I knew it was too good to be on network TV more than one season.
  14. You would think these guys would have tried to be more mentally prepared. They seem to be getting freaked out so easily. Alan is the man! When he was staring into the camera as if he was going nuts then was like "just kidding'" I liked him even more. I agree with others about catching rain water. Why aren't we seeing that? I wish someone would actually try to build a cabin
  15. I was hoping for Aly executing her revenge today (or at least acting on it up to a Friday cliffhanger) but instead it's more blah, blah, Maya, blah, blah, Maya. Looks as if Pops is ready to hop on the May-avy Train. I had to laugh about Mom talking about how Maya had "worked" to build this new life. Yeah, sleeping with the boss will do that!
  16. I miss Deadwood, too, and speaking of which, Powers Booth would make another good candidate for Ethan's dad. Garret Dillahunt could even show up as Ethan's evil brother! :-)
  17. Have you seen "True Grit"? Jeff was awesome as Rooster in that. I always saw Sam Elliot as the Cowboy from "The Big Lebowski" (the Dude abides!) until "Justified" where, as you noted, he killed it as a villain (no mustache made him look extra creepy). Yeah, I was thinking of Al Swearingen with Ian McShane!
  18. I watched a PBS Frontline documentary on transgender children/teens. It was interesting that the mothers appeared to accept the situation more quickly thar the fathers. The fathers shown who were having difficulty weren't hostile to their children. They were just more trying to hold on to the past. One dad wouldn't agree to a legal name change (to a male name) for his trans son. He didn't want to let go of his "little girl." Interesting program. I'm sure it is still online at PBS.org.
  19. I still think Maya should have genuinely apologized, but I guess she is unable to.
  20. Ian McShane; the uber-Bridges Bro. Jeff; Brian Dennehy
  21. A gunshot to the head can seriously mess up a face. A shotgun blast to the face even more so. I certainly think they could be blinded, maimed, and/or burned.
  22. I wanted Will to have a piece of his brain literally fried like in the movie Hannibal. I am so tired of that puppy eyed, sad-sack. I've always thought that he just needs to have sex with Hannibal and get it out of his system. Alana and Margot were hot. Looks like some mostly naked Mads next week! Yum! ;-) BTW, who was in that soup he was feeding to Will?
  23. I didn't see it as racist either. I think people are going overboard here. I meant "Aly" not Ivy.
  24. If the caiman were alive after they trussed it up, wouldn't its tail have been thrashing?
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