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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Why didn't Queenie say to Iris and Ramona, "Hey, you look just like..."? I hope Ramona is gone because I'm sick of Angela Bassett's scenery chewing. I thought I couldn't hate March more (that accent!) then he goes and stops Sally from killing Sad Sack. Yeah, and why aren't Sally's friends ghosts there, too. And why would you go back to a place where people tried to kill you, Countess? Duh? Loved her bustled coat!
  2. Zzzende wants to be a photographer now? Oh, please! Was there a sudden die-off of professional photographers in LA that they would have to hire ol' Xanax boy?
  3. Those airplane seats look too big and nice for steerage, aka coach. Plus, they have real coffee mugs.
  4. Wonder if the 5 kids the Extreme Sandbox guy had were from a prior marriage or he had them with the fiancée. If the latter, I mean, come on, fiancée means you are going to marry her. What is he waiting for? :-D
  5. Zende and Nicole should be marketed as insomnia relief. The cute "awake" dog on that Belsomra ad would fall asleep as soon as he met them.
  6. Liam fighting with the evil sink then conking his head was hilarious! As someone said, why not just upgrade Ivy to business class? On a flight back from China, I got bumped up to business class, and it was heaven!
  7. I liked The Dowager's line (to Isobel): Do you ever get cold up on the high moral plain (paraphrase)?
  8. Is Dr. Tolin new? I like his no nonsense, tell it like it is style. I don't know about the mental health laws in WA, but I practiced mental health law in TN and a judge there would give Judy's daughter a conservatorship over her mother with no problem. I was surprised when the exterminator said that there were probably 50 mice there. I was thinking more like 100s!
  9. I missed the beginning (watching Downton Abbey). The house Roxann - did she and her mom both clutter it up? Her mom had died only recently right? How long had Roxann lived there? The baby was too cute!
  10. Well, it would have to be corporate business (which this isn't) to use the jet so I see no problem in that respect.
  11. Steffy just needs to STFU lecturing anyone about going after an engaged man. Bitch, please. Plus she had the nerve to say that Ivy went after her creepy brother when she knows bloody well that he set his sights on Ivy.
  12. Liam must have the Golden Wonder Wang between his legs the way women can't get over him.
  13. I don't like Ivy behaving as she is , but if Bratz brays that Ivy is going after an engaged man, I want lightening to strike her. She was all over Liam when he was engaged to Hope. Likewise, Wyatt was all over Hope when she was with Liam. Neither of them have room to judge. BTW, isn't it bizarre that near-death experiences make women crave Waffles?!
  14. Does nobody ever close doors when he/she has something sensitive to talk about? Guess not...
  15. Do they have a different attitude toward drinking during pregnancy in the UK than in the US.? I was surprised that nobody objected to Sharon's drinking (not surprised that she drank while preggers since she is an alcoholic in denial) especially Rob.
  16. I find killing off dogs so funny...not. I don't blame that woman for telling Sharon she didn't want to pal around with her. I know I wouldn't.
  17. "That clown picture of Maya"! YES! I love you , Bill! And listen to him, Eric. Leave the real matriarch's portrait up there.
  18. RJ must really loathe his parents (can't say I blame him) since he chose a ski trip over a visit home!
  19. Julius was whining about all he had "lost," but didn't he get fired because of his behavior when people mentioned Maya? I can't remember exactly, but I thought it was his temper that cost him his dolce vida. So STFU. And, Julius, like Maya, you have no authority to order people out of LA. BTW, I did feel sorry for Sasha.
  20. Cupid, I've had a rough couple of weeks, so thanks for the laugh (a gut busting one). I needed that's! :-)
  21. I would love to tasted Nadiya's chocolate/peanut butter tart. Sounds yummy! Call me shallow, but I like Paul because he is hot and has a sexy accent! ;-p
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