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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Why do they have to take up half of the show with the cure for insomnia, aka, Zzzende and Napcole? I would rather watch a puddle of water evaporate. I was cracking up over Quinn naming Liam "Adam Smith" (was she an economics major?), then giving him a woeful childhood, then telling him that their Kodak Moments were lost in a fire. Please don't tell him that his beloved pet rabbit, Mr. Fluffypants, died of cancer!
  2. Mel's speak no evil model was really selling it!
  3. What happened to Floki's daughter? How did she die? Ecbert is back! My hottie King! Kwenthrith fought like a shield maiden. You go, girl. Athelwulf was no slouch either. Agreed that Judith is a snooze. Rollo kept his shirt on. :-(
  4. The actor playing Fuchanan was great on "The Wire" and he is great at making me totally hate him on SVU.
  5. Yeah, the poor Forrester/Avant clan having to settle for Brooke's hovel. Boo-fucking-hoo! I gagged when Maya "talked" to the fetus, saying she was "Mommy" then referring to Nicole as the aunt. Does that moron seriously believe that her teen sister will be able to pretend that her firstborn and (at the time) only child is her niece/nephew, that she will have no maternal feelings for the child? Is Maya going to have Nicole breastfeed the baby then snatch it away from "Auntie" when it's full?
  6. Let's see, we have a guy who suffered a traumatic brain injury days (weeks?) ago who is still dizzy, suffering amnesia, and sleeping most of the time. And today we find out that he feels nauseous, too. WTF? Liam needs to be in a hospital. Now! Nice that Quinn managed to get him some jammie bottoms.
  7. I'm Glad Rhodes took the device out of that guy. It was his choice. Leaving it in would have been playing God with his life. I wanted to slap those smug anti-vaxxers. It was the teacher's fault since her immune system wasn't strong enough? Please STFU! BTW, what was the disease the unvaccinated kid had? "E" something?
  8. Why does Howard kiss Chuck's ass so much? Is it that he doesn't want to pay out what Chuck would take away if he left the partnership?
  9. Otis getting his nerd on with the brother was so funny. So was the guys getting into the elevator. Cruz had a lipstick kiss on his forehead!
  10. Rick is such a titty baby it is hilarious! One minute it's "I'm leaving and won't come back until I get my way," ::clomp clomp clomp! Slam!:: the next it's "I'm going back because I deserve to be there"! What a whiney brat. Maya already has a baby and needs to put him down for a nap!
  11. Kim said "we" and Jimmy picked up on that.Chuck and Lady Mary Crawley would make a great pair!
  12. Wonder what abuse Kathy doled out to end up with dissociative personality disorder? I know that diagnosis can be problematic, but it wasn't just one child saying he/she was abused.
  13. Nacho's dad was heartbreaking to me because he was such a decent, honest guy trying to talk Mike down from exotic leather. Fuck Chuck. What a selfish bastard. All those names for that fetish cracked me up. "It must be like Hellman's mayonnaise-has a different name out west."
  14. Rick actually left the portrait propped up by the staircase. I wish Little Ricky had tried to haul that big ass thing out of there before finally giving up. Katie, Brooke didn't "steal" your husband. For one thing, a person can't be stolen unless he is kidnapped like Liam. For another, you practically handed Bill over to Brooke on a silver platter.
  15. Yay! If Eric didn't grow a pair, he at least grew one. He should have gone further and slapped Ricky upside the head for disrespecting him like that. It's Eric's house. If he wants to put a picture of Hello Kitty over the mantle, it's his prerogative. Rick is such a titty baby with his tantrums and ultimatums. Too bad he and Myron didn't check into the Hotel Cortez. Someone please get Katie some waterproof mascara!!
  16. I wondered about the TutuBlue material as well. I'm extremely heat sensitive and would love clothes made out of a material that kept me cool. Also, does the material repel water? When they all pranced in, I thought they were wearing pajamas!
  17. I think he is guilty too. The position of the her hands is what got me. The poor woman was fighting back.
  18. Well, geeze, when you watched "Apollo 13" were you in suspense over whether the astronauts would make it? I enjoyed the episode (Silas got his just deserts) and the series.
  19. I guess I'm in the minority here because I think Bertie was too hard on Edith. Surely he could understand how difficult it would be for a woman in her station to admit that she had an illegitimate child. And how dense was he that he couldn't pick up on the signals that there was something in her past bothering her? I too think that before megabitch Mary opened her mouth Edith was still trying to figure out how to break the news. To me, Bertie's reaction was all about him. I cheered when Mrs. Hughes mentioned all of the adulterers who had dined upstairs at the Grantham's table. Touché!
  20. That actress played "Morgan de Witt" on the Bold and the Beautiful. I used to call her Morgan de Half-Wit. As far as her presentation went, that name still applies.
  21. I agree! The first time I posted about it, I called it the Bordello Portrait. She looks like a old time French Quarter Madam in it.
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