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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Ditto to dreading this. Famewhore Edition indeed.
  2. I had a feeling Dr. Hotshot was terminal and had selected Rhodes to be his padawan. BTW, I watched a PBS show about Leopold and Loeb (wonder if it was already scheduled before that awful murder of a young girl by two teens in VA happened), and Oliver Platt was the narrator. I could just picture him telling me the story. Dr. Charles is my fave.
  3. I'm In the minority here, but I'm enjoying the Quinn/Liam story because it is so ridiculously cray-cray! The phone message thing was ingenious, and I can't wait to see JMW try to emote Steffy's devastation. Getting ready to laugh!
  4. Remember how self-righteous Puffy was about Ivy canoodling with Thomas while she was with Wyatt? And it wasn't as if Ivy consIdered Wyatt the love of her life. Bitch.
  5. The homeless guy's fate made me tear up.
  6. I knew poor Tom didn't want to go back to the front. I was hoping he would shoot Frank and run off.
  7. I want Mrs. Hughes (I'm glad she kept her name now!) to dump the food in Carson's lap, then go crack open a bottle of wine and have at it. Carson is such a dick to her. In "The Big Lebowski," every time Donnie would say something, Walter would say "Shut the fuck up, Donnie." I want Mrs. Patmore to say "Shut the fuck up, Daisy" every time Daisy opens her yapper. I can't stand that dowdy little shrew. The little boy talking with Robert was cute. I like how nonchalant Robert was about it. I still want them to give Robert a new puppy!
  8. I loved the Flip Flop guys giving the "dead" glowstick to Kevin! I moved approximately every two years as a kid due to my father's job (not military). The ones constant moving is hardest on are the children.
  9. If you really still love a guy, you don't swap spit with his brother and let said brother believe he has a future with you. You tell said brother to back off and give you space. Sorry, I'm being realistic and logical. My bad!
  10. I couldn't understand the praise for Robert's either. The model looked as if she were wearing a big fake nose attached to glasses thing. The maintenance guy with the pompadour and the John Boehner orange tan cracked me up!
  11. Conspiracy to commit murder of whom? The monster Wesen was dumped in the lake to cover up Grimm involvement and his brother was shot by a bunch of gun wielding boaters.
  12. What happened to the surviving brother?
  13. Agree! I've always liked Sharon's house because it looks cozy and inviting. Quinn's cabin does too.
  14. If a dog has lost teeth, the tongue can loll out like that.
  15. Well, any available fiancée or ex-girlfriend of Liam's within a 50 mile radius!
  16. He's too young to play Brooke's ex-boyfriend. Is Katie going to Forrester to berate Brooke some more and overhear Bill and Brooke? POD is standing by!
  17. I'm glad that wasn't another Munchausen by Proxy case. That has been done to death. I'm still confused about the dynamics there. Had the girl convinced herself that she was sick in order to give her dad a purpose? BTW, I heard something on Morning Edition about approval for gene splicing therapy to treat Mitochondrial Disease. The treated embryo would have genetic material from 3 people in it. Yes, Dr. Choi was swoon worthy in that uniform!
  18. Wow, projectile blood spewing on DA, then a play by play amputation on MS! :-O How could Dr. Hottie's wife travel to CA safely during a war?
  19. Wyatt does fit that definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
  20. Yeah, Dick lived up (down?) to his name. He looked like an elderly Al Sharpton. Couldn't one of Sandy's children have let her stay with them for those 3 months instead of her having to stay in that apartment with him?
  21. Peggy hesitated when that woman asked her if she would have let her children's bodies lying in the hoard if they had died there! That is so effed up! The only way that toxic dump would be habitable is if it were razed and rebuilt.
  22. They need that character from American Horror Story: Hotel to deal with it. Her speciality was getting out blood stains. Let me get in the line to slap Daisy! Mr. Mason (love Paul Copely) and Mrs. Patmore would be great together. Daisy needs a big dose of MYOB and STFU.
  23. Peggy is a serial animal killer. Twenty five dead animals!! I hate her just for that. Did you notice how she swiped at that little dog in her daughter's house? They didn't address why she had told her daughter that she hated her. As for Connie, everything was about her, wasn't it? Her junk was still more important than her family. I bet she junks the house up again. I felt so sorry about those two kids (Hunter and Fisher!).
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