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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Det. Hardon is joining the cast? Woo-hoo! :-) I'm surprised they showed that footage of pre-work JMW. For a while, they seemed to avoid showing her full face in the flashbacks. I agree that someone needs to do an intervention with her re: messing with her face. Thank you for making me laugh, Scott Clifton. I needed it. A Victorian maiden couldn't swoon any better than you did!
  2. When JMW (Steffy) was trying to emote through all the Botox and fillers, I thought of the show FaceOff. Sometimes the judges will ask the models to try to be expressive to see if the prosthetic is functional. JMW would fail that test!
  3. The part about that little boy was so poignant. I can't even imagine having to tell a child that he had a disease like that (I looked up Krabbe disease and it is awful). I love Oliver Platt!
  4. I'm glad Sasha told Zzende what Nicole did. Sasha gave Ms. Flat Affect the chance to come clean, and she didn't. BTW, how is someone your "boyfriend" if you have never dated (living in the same house doesn't count)?
  5. There were too many black lines on that guy's cake. The Lorax looked as if he had pubic hair. The modeling wasn't great either. The Cat in the Hat looked like a monkey. The winner deserved her win. I would love to taste all of the cakes. They sounded scrummy!
  6. That episode was a mini "Marigold Hotel" reunion with Ronald Pickup (the old man interviewing Thomas) guesting. I felt sorry for the old man when he talked wistfully about the ladies going up the grand staircase to bed. That manor house was enormous. What would he expect a "manservant" to do there? Not to be mean, but I still think the little girl playing Marygold (hate that name!) is odd looking.
  7. Hey, at least her eyes weren't bugging out and she was fully dressed! :-D
  8. And did you know that car ownership is disappearing? Ugh, bring back Ashton Kucher, not the clown in the western shirt, when they need a guest shark. The picture of a hirsute Kevin was hilarious!
  9. " Angela Basset = we all wanted more of her"-- Not me. I'm not a fan of her scenery chewing.
  10. Well, Zzzende does belong to Nicole, doesn't he? He is her possession she must protect! Ugh! I'm so glad Sasha heard her BFF stab her in the back.
  11. STFU about Sasha having no modeling experience, Nicole, when you had zero experience in anything except blackmail and dancing like Urkel when you got an internship at FC.
  12. Me too! I started crying when they started playing "The Ballad of Lucy Jordan" (love that song) then really bawled when the Countess came in. Denis O'Hare knocked it out of the park this season. BTW, my one question is that with Liz a ghost, who will be the intermediary between the designer and his fashion house?
  13. Zzzende is like Ben Carson on Valium when he is around Nicole, but he sure lights up sound Sasha. If Nicole tries to pull crap to get Sasha canned, I hope Sasha uses her leverage with Julius. Guess Maya and Rick got Nicole to waive her medical confidentiality rights. She can't even go to her ob/gyn appointment without those two being there! Wonder if Maya goes with her to the loo when she has to pee!
  14. A question: who dresses (I roll my eyes just typing that) Edith? She doesn't have her own lady's maid. Did a single ever get her own maid?
  15. Consider that the Golden Globes considers The Martian a "comedy or musical"!
  16. Then later snuggling her mostly naked body against his shirtless one.
  17. I wondered about that too. What was he doing with explosives in the house. I knew Jackie was way to calm about giving up those bears. She had a really nice, airy house after the cleanup. Too bad... BTW, could items like those bears which had been laying around for years unprotected really be auctioned off for a decent price?
  18. I can't wait to hear Bratz's explanation. I mean, it's no big deal to lounge on your bed in your bra and panties with your fiance's brother who is also half-naked and has the hots for you, then get in bed with him because you need a "shoulder to lean on." Yeah, right...
  19. I wondered how on earth Mary was the mother of those kids! Where did Mary and her husband get the money to pay for two surrogate pregnancies? The kids were wonderful, especially, the little boy. I wanted to scream when Mary started to paw through the toys they had decided to give away. The dad should have grown a pair and taken the kids away until she got help. Ruby cracked me up about the "brand new" turkey baster. Bitch, please! You can't even get into your kitchen! It's unusable!
  20. Okay, you peasants, uproot your entire life because in inconveniences the Crowleys! Geeze... I like that Cora understands that Mrs. Hughes wants her wedding to be hers not a gift from the Abbey.
  21. Also, some reviewers said it was a pain to clear up to clean because of its flexibility.
  22. I didn't know he was still alive (he's 87)! I remember him from game shows when I was a little kid. I thought his name was so funny! I love karma biting Steffy in the ass. Now she knows how Hope felt.
  23. OMG! I thought the exact same thing about her outfit! Where was the rest of it? If you want to wear a short dress, go ahead, but wear one that looks complete not like you forgot the rest of it. That lady was cray-cray. Her eyes were scary.
  24. I wanted that old man to punch Waffles! BTW, why was everyone exiting/entering through the rear of the plane? I noticed that, when they show Liam/Steffy flashbacks now, they take pains to not show a full-on shot of her "pre-work" face. Don't want any invidious comparisons, I guess. Oh, Zzzende has a passion to be a photographer...since yesterday! Puh-lease! I thought he took the internship to become a Forrester exec. If his "career" is so important, Zzzende should quit the internship and go to university or a college of art and study photography.
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