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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. On the Charlottesville, VA NBC local news, they showed people playing in those inflatable balls. The balls were branded Knockerballs, and they talked about their being "packages" for parties, etc. Wonder if it is a franchise of that what that dope was pitching.
  2. I love the version of that in OBWAT. Very haunting and plaintive. What was the singer's name? Was the last name Stanley?
  3. The Chief needs to take Voight up on his offer. He'd dig up who is behind this.
  4. "Big Lebowski" musical reference! :-) Ted Danson looks hot with the white beard and hair. I didn't like Simone, but I didn't want that to happen to her.
  5. Nope, wouldn't pay almost $50 for a tee shirt either, even if I really liked the design on it. As for the socks, as someone up thread mentioned, I put my socks in one of those small zippered mesh laundry bags and toss it in the washer. Problem solved!
  6. Have you seen Gaga in that Barnes and Noble commercial with Tony Bennett? She looks gorgeous!
  7. My fave so far too. So much better than the serial killer dinner party episode. I loved the 20s costumes. I'm in the that apparent minority that doesn't like March. I just find him annoying with that campy, ridiculous accent. Glad Finn Wittrock is back.
  8. They need to quit persecuting MY Chief Boden!!
  9. That was an awesome line. Karl rocked. So did Peggy, taking care of Dodd and his idiots. Floyd better have survived!
  10. I saw Mary in a promo for a holiday baking series on ABC. Just caught the tail end of it so I am curious.
  11. I like the guys' costumes for Dakini! ;-) I would love another season if it meant Sergei would control Paul and make him squirm. And focus on Daphne, not Claire.
  12. In one of those Bourne movies, Matt Damon hacks off his girlfriend's hair and colors it (they are on the lam) in a hotel bathroom and the result looks like an expensive salon do! :-pCalled Mia having MS.
  13. Eww. Just eww. Any sympathy I had for Claire (which was little to start with since the actress is so bad) is now completely gone. WTF was the padlock on the door for? As for Paul, what a dick. The dancers should have all walked out. BTW, why did he commission Toni if he despises her work? He is always mocking her behind her back.
  14. The Russian mobsters with the young, scared girls serving them reminded me of "Eastern Promise" (great movie and Viggo is so hot in it). Wonder who searched Claire's pointe shoes. I wanted to see Daphne dance as the Black Swan, too. I think Mia has MS.
  15. For once I agree with Paul: "This doe-eyed thing has to go. " Amen, brother! It's hard to relate to a character who has no personality. Claire is a cipher. I like Daphne much better. BTW, yes, the "this is a dick" scene was a hoot!
  16. I hope so! Dewey Crowe...I mean Romeo needs to protect his darling Clementine!
  17. I threw up a little in my mouth when Maya said Nicole would be a great "auntie"! Bitch, please.
  18. Paul is a disgusting, baby bird killing pimp! Ugh! I wanted Claire to air violin when he was telling her his story. Speaking of Claire, I know she is an incest victim, but I am tired of her deer in the headlights, on the verge of tears affect. The dancer playing her can dance, but I have yet to see her really act. That "stripping trance" scene was risible. Just saying.
  19. I thought guys went to strip clubs to watch dancers with ginormous boobs not tiny ballerina ones! ;-) Anyway, I love getting to see the ballet dancing and practicing. The strip club stuff is like Littlefinger's brothel in GoT, laughably gratuitous.
  20. Don't tell Pam or Brooke a secret if you want it to stay a secret...
  21. JMW's face is so weird and puffy that I can't concentrate on anything else when she is in a scene. Didn't she used to have an angular face pre- fillers, Botox and implants? Why would anyone do that at such a young age?
  22. I still can't believe Paul and Mary thought Ruby's "allotment cake" was all that! Ruby's pouting got to me. The girl in the season shown on PBS last year was younger and didn't act like that. I wanted Kimberly to win, but since she didn't, I'm glad France's won. BTW, I wish Paul had shown how to twist a pretzel! I have Amazon Prime, so I'll check out Season 1!
  23. Maya's "true, authentic self" is a selfish, self-righteous, self-absorbed bitch.
  24. That Charlotte cake would be great for a Halloween zombie party!
  25. Guess Eric and Brooke were listening to the crickets chirping in their heads while Julius and Vivienne were speaking sense and logic. Entitled morons!
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