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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I liked when Sasha remarked how convenient it was for Maya to have her little sister be her surrogate. Zing!
  2. I was thinking the exact same thing! Tell him to leave ASAP! Forget about the luggage! Just go! I wondered if that was "Peter Pan." Every time I see that ad, I want someone to beat the snot out of Peter! :-D
  3. I'm glad JF won. That bald guy from 3K looked as if he should be an extra in a movie about prison gangs! ;-)
  4. Yeah, Kevin using "artesian" incorrectly bugged me. I kept wondering what those cards had to do with wells.
  5. I almost hurled when Nicole said something like "I'm carrying YOUR baby" to Myron. Bitch, please. You are carrying your own baby. And if I have to hear about an "Avant-Forrester" baby one more time, I will hurl!
  6. Loved the episode. I liked when Dean referred to Sully as "Totoro"!
  7. I'm surprised nobody has had a Sioux City Sarsparilla by now. It's a good 'un. ;-)
  8. I knew Floyd was a goner when they left her with Hansee. I hope Hank makes it. Yeah, Peggy's line "It's just a UFO, Ed" was golden! BTW, the actress who played Simone said she was killed in an article someone linked to on this forum.
  9. The costumes alone are to die for. So is the actor who plays the infamous Monsieur, Louis' brother.
  10. The right team went home (WTF was Charlie Brown wearing?), but the 2nd place team should have won. I didn't see anything wrong with the character's expressions. On the other hand, the features on the 3 Kings figures were heavy and thick. Snoopy was the only good character.
  11. Wow, I didn't know Adalberto was from Cuba! ;-)
  12. The Purlettes Plus One need a Norma Jean to jump up on...okay, maybe just stand up. Unionize! Unionize! BTW, Jimmy Fallon was making jokes about ordering Bagel Balls at Starbucks on Friday's show.
  13. I didn't know what "pittuh" was until they cut to Paul and Mary talking about it. Oh, you mean pita (peeta) bread! ;-) I still love me some Paul Hollywood!
  14. The actor who played Athelstan is playing Louis the XIV in the series "Versailles." It's kind of odd to see him as the Sun King.
  15. If Evan Peters weren't doing that ridiculous accent, I might be able to stand March being onscreen.
  16. Ditto to not watching the show next Friday. If Titty Baby and Diane lose, I'll watch it on demand.
  17. Well, what Ivy did was wrong and stupid, but her being judged by that trio of hypocrites is too much for me. Wyatt and Steffy have both been in the Thomas role rabidly pursuing someone in a relationship (in their cases an engaged person) while Liam has been in Ivy's role giving in to the pursuer. They all need to shut it.
  18. Ivy did the Electric Boogaloo! I knew that electrical board was a Chekov's Gun, but I was hoping Bratz would get electricuted. Zende is safe -- he isn't a Forrester by blood.
  19. Well, Liam was cheating on Hope with Steffy and kissing Steffy when he was still with Ivy, so he is no one to talk. It's none of his business anyway. I wonder if Bill and Katie have couples waxing sessions? :-p
  20. Ivy needs to slap Bratz into next week even at the risk of injuring her hand on those fillers and Botox. Her relationship with Wyatt is none of that hypocrite's business. Hope all of this blows up in Bratz's face and Liam calls off the engagement.
  21. As much as I'm tired of Maeve mentioning her Irish heritage, I'm equally tired of Adalberto mentioning that he is Cuban. We've got it, people!
  22. Every time I hear "elderberries," I think of Monty Python and the Holy Grail: "Your Mother Was A Hamster And Your Father Smelled Of Elderberries!"
  23. Wow, who made Steffy of all people the morality police. BTW, that outfit she was wearing (half wearing?) was ridiculous. Looked as if she had forgot to put on a skirt.
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