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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I thought the same thing. The issue wouldn't be Kim's competence. It would be her not having a staff to do all the little things (remember document review?) that have to be done.I know from personal experience that it is extremely difficult to literally cut and paste numbers the way Jimmy was and get them to line up straight. And, no,I wasn't doing anything illegal! I doubt Howard ever had any real intention of practicing on his own. Every person I knew in law school whose family had a practice knew right where they were going and planned accordingly. Loved Jimmy's crack about Chuck's baked potato imitation. Chuck is tied with Rollo on "Vikings" for the worst brother prize.
  2. I can't believe a vet would be too scared to get a cat out of a carrier. Every vet I have been to has vet techs to help handle the animals. Don't they learn how to deal with unruly cats in vet school? Anyway, I kept thanking heaven for my sweet kitties, Neela and Baelish, during the Sebastian segments. Even when I have to put Baelish kicking and meowing into his carrier, he has never tried to scratch or bite me. Zeus should be in cat food or pet store ads. He is gorgeous!
  3. Am I the only one who wondered whether Sandi's younger daughter was really the daughter of the older daughter? You know, where the grandparents become the parents and the mother becomes the "sister." Just a thought I had. Matt was so sweet with Maddox. That poor kid so needed his own room. Hope it stays that way. Yep, I shuddered when I heard the name "Anakin"! I hope he insists on being called Darth when he is older.
  4. I remember reading that it was a woman doctor at the FDA who was instrumental in keeping Thalidomide out of the U.S. Bless her.
  5. I tolerated Rollo when he was shirtless the majority of the time with his hair long and flowing. Now that he has his Prince Valiant haircut, fancy duds, and stupid French wife, in the words of Kevin "Mr. Wonderful" O'Leary, he's dead to me! ;-)
  6. Eric quoting Scripture is as ridiculous as Donald Trump doing the same. That composite pic of Puffy that Liam made looked as if it belonged on a ransom note.
  7. Yeah, that girl was dumb to go to that studio by herself. Don't people in TV shows watch tv? ;-) The actor playing the doctor plays Howard on "Better Call Saul"!
  8. Amen! I'm sick of her. Lagertha is a 100 times the woman she is.
  9. "Why is he a traitor? For not allowing the Vikings to sack his city and murder his people? For defending his wife and her family? Had he betrayed Paris after pledging his loyalty he would have been a traitor." He is a traitor to his Viking people. He betrayed his own people! He attacked and massacred the Vikings who were left there in Frankia. Murdered Viking men, women, and children -- his own people -- in a dastardly manner. That's why he is a traitor. Yeah, I would love for Gisla to meet Lagertha. She would leave with her head in her hands after Lagertha got through with her.
  10. OMG! I was screaming expletives at Rollo during that whole battle sequence. Very cathartic! :-)
  11. I HATE you, Rollo! You f**king traitor!
  12. Katie guzzling the cheap vodka straight out of the pint bottle made me laugh! Oh, and we are supposed to believe that people like Bill and Katie don't have at least a housekeeper. I mean, Katie in her bathrobe wiping down the kitchen counters?
  13. I liked Olensky being all "dad protective" with Ruby. I also liked him and Voight going old school on that creep and making him beg! And my fave Dr. Charles made a guest appearance!
  14. Scott Grimes looks about the same as he did on ER.
  15. I wish Liam would remember stuff but with "Eve" superimposed over Puffy.
  16. I didn't say it was a big deal. It just briefly took me out of the moment because those labels are so recognizable (and white!) if you shop at Kroger. Del Monte cans would have been better even with modern labels. I understand Jimmy. One reason I left the law was I couldn't be myself. I thought Jimmy was going to buy an accordion, but the bagpipe was an inspired choice. If you have ever been in a room with someone playing a bagpipe, you know how it feels to think your eardrums will burst.
  17. I noticed that in Jimmy's dads's store there were cans of corn on the shelf that were of a budget brand that are in Kroger stores. The product labels are white and say "Psst" and have an owl on them. They couldn't possibly have been in a corner store in the 1970s. I started seeing them only in the last couple of years. I want Omar to be my assistant. He is so cute and sweet!
  18. Really. And surely he knows her supply is not limitless.
  19. So CiCi was a granddaughter while that guy who looked as if he was old enough to be her dad was a great-grandson? Grandma must have had some widely spaced apart kids. Why would CiCi want to move back into that place?
  20. I can't believe that Nick, Hank, and Wu didn't recognize the term lycanthrope in its pop culture context. I would think everyone is familiar with that. I was expecting one of them to say "You mean a werewolf?!"
  21. Maybe Floki's "new friends" will let him braid their hair! I admit I too got teary eyed at Ragnar's vision of his past life. It was so poignant.
  22. I wanted to slap that smirk off of Myron's face when when her man-child husband said he was going to bring Ridge down. Oh, and Nicole needs a slap too for whining that her dad was "taking Sasha's side." No, bitch, he was saying that he was staying out of it which any sane person would do. BTW, I'm sick of seeing Nicole holding onto her baby bump. It looks as if the "actress" is trying to keep it in place.
  23. Yeah, me, too! Sociopath brats still being nursed by mommy! I really dislike the whole Aethelstan being Alfred's father thing. As if any king would allow his son to be publicly cuckolded and the resulting bastard be made a legitimate heir. The whole Aethelstan worship has always been hard to swallow for me. I miss shirtless, long-haired Viking Rollo! His Grace Rollo is just a traitor now. Go Lagertha! I loved her putting Ragnar in his place. That's my girl! Little Siggy was so adorable!
  24. But other couples have been shown doing things together, most recently Wyatt and Puffy frolicking on the beach. Not Zzzende and Nicole. Daddy Avant nailed it about Maya guilting Nicole into being her surrogate. Titty baby Rick's whining drives me nuts. He was actually bitching about living rent free in his Mommy's mansion instead of his Daddy's. Well, if it's so bad, you little turd, go buy your own effing house!
  25. My favorite part was Voight having a little chat with that douchenozzle bar owner. That guy knew Voight wasn't kidding about taking him for a "drive" if he didn't leave Chicago. Dude looked as if he had wet his paints!
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