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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. Poor Tracy needs therapy for her PTSD. It's sad how she has convinced herself that she was responsible for that woman's death.
  2. I'll be upset if Jose doesn't build a cabin with a sauna! ;-)
  3. I'm Just glad poor Randy got a fire started. I used to hear about "banking coals" to keep a fire alive during the night. Is this possible with wood fires? I know nothing about the subject.
  4. I like the "My Cat from Heaven" segments. Loved the hero cat who alerted the mom to the baby in peril.
  5. It seems strange to be looking forward to watching B&B, doesn't it? ;-)
  6. I'm glad Vivienne took Sasha's hand at the end and hugged her along with Nicole. It was the anger speaking when she lashed out at Sasha. No way she believed that a child could have come up to her and said "Your husband is my father." I still think it is ludicrous that they are having this huge family drama in someone else's house! There aren't any servants there during the day? Thomas is creepily obsessed about that baby (cutie!).
  7. Is that the same Noah grown up more? He was really cute. Fisher Stevens has a pencil neck.
  8. The hoarder pissed me off yelling at Choi to hurry up. I mean, WTF guy, how do you expect him to hurry through your hoard? I watch "Hoarders" and invariably start swearing at the hoarders most of the time.
  9. That's some phone Katie has -- images on it actually get clearer as you zoom in! Bet if she had zoomed in more, she could have seen what time it was on Ridge's watch! Why did she think the cops would come after Ridge? He was nowhere near Dr. Sleaze when he walked in front of the vehicle. Ridge should have handed Katie a bottle of Grey Goose and a glass. That would have shut her up.
  10. Rogers is now my favorites character. He is so funny. I hate seeing Andre moping about Peggy. I'm surprised he doesn't have "John 'n Peggy" in a heart written in his little sketchbook. I wanted to grab that cat o' nine tails and lash Simcoe in the face.
  11. Yeah, nobody's beneath Victurd Newman except Ramsay Bolton. Those two would be BFFs. :-p
  12. Julius is such a jerk. Everything is about him. He acts as if he should get a medal for taking care of his own child. I know in real life a lot of guys in that situation don't, but IMO taking care of a child you helped to bring into the world doesn't make you a freaking hero. It makes you a decent person. Decent people don't rub their child's face into this support and make them feel guilty about being alive.
  13. For once I could root for Nicole! BTW, exactly how were Julian and Maya going to banish Sasha from LA? Knock her over the head and put her in a shipping crate back to Illinois.
  14. I hope that giant drop kicks Ramsey's evil ass right into Ghost's waiting jaws. My new motto : "I drink and I know things." Tyrion was awesome with the dragons. BTW, I want a dragon the size of a house cat. I want Davos to find out what Melissandre did to poor Shireen.
  15. Nicole only thinks she knows what she signed up for. She was emotionally manipulated into being the surrogate by Maya. The whole point of my original post was that Maya, who we know is selfish, will be totally insensitive to her sister's plight and will sashay around playing "Mommy" in front of Nicole.
  16. Not even George Clooney could rock the Caesar cut! How tall is Sasha Roiz (sp?)? When he left Demon-seed Diane's bedroom, it looked as if his head almost reached the top of the doorjamb. i don't understand either why it would help a candidate to have a child out of wedlock with a woman living with another man by whom she had another child out of wedlock, said woman then leaving that guy to hook up with the candidate again.
  17. Nicole will always be the baby's mother. This young, immature woman will be expected to pretend to be her firstborn child's aunt every single day. This is why this whole setup is a recipe for disaster.
  18. I wish someone had told Bonaparte that his soul patch was laughably ridiculous.
  19. I bet when Nicole delivers her spawn Maya won't even let her hold it. Then she'll coo to the baby "I'm your MOMMY. And that's your AUNTIE Nicole."
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