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Everything posted by LittleIggy

  1. I wish Frankenmountain had ripped apart the rest of those Faith Militant guys. Cersei is the worst but between her and religious fanatics, I'll go with her. I hate f*cking religious fanatics. Tommen sure has drunk the Kool-aid, hasn't he? I have told that joke Tyrion told except it was a Brit, a Scot, and an Irishman and the ordered pints of Guinness. :-)
  2. Please just put Waffles and Puffy back together so we don't have to see anymore of their stupid-ass flashbacks.
  3. Go to TripAdviser and look at the Poor and Terrible reviews. Karan writes these detailed rebuttals to a lot of them. In one she says that their restaurant serves fresh, homemade food!
  4. Sorry, I don't think the guy playing Sweet is sexy or charismatic at all. I missed the part about how he made his fortune so I didn't factor that in. Besides, I love Brian Cox!
  5. Well, well, Bill the Morality Police dry-humping and playing tonsil hockey with his sister-in-law. Someone call Ridge because Will needs protecting now!
  6. I'm pissed that Mike tapped out. He had the Ritz-Carlton of campsites! Justin has the Hotel Hell of campsites, yet is persevering. A half million dollars isn't worth sticking it out? Mike and Randy are wimps now in my book. Hope Barbara says "You quitter!" ;-)
  7. I think Ethan's father had a good reason to be furious with him. Why were we supposed to think he was so evil?
  8. Knox is one of my favorite Revolutionary War people. He got those cannons where they were needed!
  9. Harper's Ferry looks lovely. I'd like to visit and now I know what inn to avoid!
  10. Which was General Knox? I don't remember seeing a 300 lb. guy.
  11. At least Mr. Lyle wasn't killed. So glad Hecate was. Dorian needs to grow a pair and kick Lily, Justine and her band of whores out of his house. BTW, why is Lily referred to as immortal? Proteus wasn't.
  12. Folie a deux? Karan makes the Vienna Inn lady look pulled together. Go read some of the bad reviews on TripAdviser. The earthworms in the bathroom made me gag! Speaking of gag, who would want boiled already cooked then frozenhamburger meat? Do they have health inspectors in WV? How is that kitchen still open. Watching GR shows has gotten me into the habit of saying "f*ck me." Boy, was I saying it a lot watching this train wreck (with whistles every hour!). Can't wait for next week when the cook goes nuts. ;-) Couldn't they have just got her to take up knitting or gardening?
  13. The cover story that would have worked is that Ridge banked sperm before his vasectomy in Paris just in case. That's all he would have had to tell that creepy doctor. I still don't see how Ridge's personal life has any effect on his competency as a CEO. Guess I'm just too logical to be a soap writer!
  14. Sorry, I didn't give a bleep about Sarah dying. Ben gave her a way out, but she didn't take it. Lord Varys on GOT is a eunuch, but his voice is deeper than Simcoe's! When are his testicles going to descend so we don't have to listen to that poncey voice anymore? Another problem with Simcoe is that he, like Rogers, is based on an actual historical figure who survived the war so we know his character won't be killed. Peggy unchaperoned at Arnold's house at night. A few episodes ago, she wouldn't go in to look at his new house because "oh, dear, it wouldn't be proper!" Whatever.
  15. Ian McShane will always be Al Swearengen to me. He can swear like nobody's business. Lady Mormont is indeed awesome. So is Blackfish.
  16. No, Liam, you would be married to Steffy if it weren't for STEFFY! If you were the great love of her life she wouldn't have married Wyatt in no time flat. She would have taken time to think and reevaluate her life. Bill is such a hypocrite calling Ridge a bully and domineering.
  17. Of course, it's "puh-con" for me. Nobody I know would be caught dead saying "pee-can"! ;-)
  18. Burst breast implant has to be the most bizarre reason to tap out ever! The first woman was just pathetic. Don't they do psychological screenings?
  19. Nope, praw-leen is the Southern pronunciation. I'm originally from Louisiana. When I was in graduate school in VT a few years ago, I brought this up in linguistics class. The girl from Alabama and I both said definitely praw-leen! :-) Where in the South? Just curious. I hope you don't say "pee-can"! See this: http://www.chowhound.com/post/pronounce-praline-815081?page=3 Interesting.
  20. Joy is supposed to be from the South, but she pronounces it "pray-leen" not "praw-leen?"
  21. I hope they get a cure for Cosima this season. There are enough other storylines that they don't need to drag this one out even more.
  22. He did seem to really enjoy playing a version of dodgeball with his young daughter. I was alarmed at how hard he was throwing the ball at her.
  23. Yeah, I don't see what the big deal would be about "the secret." It certainly doesn't make Ridge unqualified to run Forrester. The only person it makes look bad is Thomas. This is the fashion industry not a Bible publishing company. Little Ricky is married to a post-op transgendered woman (who kept that big secret for a long time). He and his wife guilted her virgin sister to be their surrogate. Nobody in the Forrester-Logan-Spencer coven should be throwing stones. Their glass mansions would shatter.
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