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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Disagree. While the story itself may indeed be false, that Person A told Person B (you...but not, you know, YOU you; just the general YOU) said story is true (provided that one is not lying that Person A said this, of course). For example, my boss just told me that he went to Comic Con last weekend. I did not see him do so, but if I told a coworker that he said that he went, I am not spreading a rumor. My sister recently did something horrible that affected me, and I found out before she came clean about it (and she only did that because she knew I knew). I told a close friend what she did, and even what she said to me after I learned about it. This friend (who is also her friend, but not on the same level he is mine) called her out on some semi-unrelated shit. My sister correctly inferred that my friend only did so because he had heard about, and was pissed about, the original nonsense. She then told me it was inappropriate to talk about her life to my friends. And this long, convoluted story is just to illustrate that I think it's a similar situation to our discussion here. I was not out of line to tell my friend about "her" life, as it was not a rumor-spreading or gossip and, most important, it most certainly did pertain to my life. Sharing it with a friend who shares his life with me is not the same as spreading rumors.
  2. I guess I just don't consider saying that someone told you that such-and-such happened to be spreading a rumor. Someone did tell her that, and that's what she said. It's, to me, vastly different than saying, "Hey, you guys, guess what happened! Rino banged Santa all the hell over the place!" I actually don't really care about any of these people talking about these things, and I wouldn't much care about it in real life either. Of course, I'd tell someone to shut up if he or she were saying nasty shit as if it were a fact about someone to whom I was loyal (and who was loyal to me). But I'd also probably tell my BF or a friend about the conversation (and maybe even the person who is the topic of the scandal, if I thought that person would be better off knowing), and that's what I don't consider "spreading a rumor." Of course, though, I am not on TV (not that I believe that even matters here; they all are, and they all know that mutual hugs and affirmations are not going to keep them there).
  3. Oh, she didn't forget; she said "no one in their right mind," and that term does not apply to these people. If that's the case, then Dina better get to apologizing too. She'd just had a conversation in which she was told that these twins (or one of them, rather) did not want to hear about this type of shit. She also was asked by Teresa to keep her mouth shut about it. She also witnessed the shit-show over Amber repeating something she'd heard to Melissa. What on earth made Dina think she was doing anything different? Maybe she did (she tried to flee from the conversation about Melissa stripping when she was in the run-down salon that time). Maybe Amber did too. That whole scene was dumb anyway; they drive all the way to a second location, sit down for wine without ever removing their coats, and have a no-backstory conversation that lasts 30 seconds (not to mention the Amber leaving separately part)?
  4. It's crazy, right? I was like, "Is it me? Is it you [to my BF]? Why is this happening again?" I wanted to like it because (and call me nuts), I like the style and aesthetic of the place, and it seems kind of fun to go there on a nice day and eat bad-for-you things!
  5. In lieu of "so there" or something: "That'll put marzipan in your pie-plate, Bingo!" -- RoboBuffy When one of the cats is being bad: "He's not a criminal mastermind; he's just a kid with nothin' and nowhere to go!" -- Sandy Cohen, The OC Usually when my BF says something that makes no sense: "This is where the fish lives." -- Melissa Strickland, MST3K: A Touch of Satan (also from that episode, "Zah!" followed by, "I've said 'Zah' in better places than this."). If someone says "asshole," my BF will say, "A what?!" It's from one of George Carlin's standup shows from way back when. One of those things that is hard to explain why it's funny but just is ("He's an asshole!" "A WHAT?!" "An asshole!"). Also, "Chung chung!" (that Law & Order sound) if something dramatic (or even just stupid) happens. "And I want to thank you, Ray Don…" Usually used during some impassioned speech about a minor annoyance. "Stay out of it, Nick Lachey." And this is not a saying, really but a gesture that my BF and I do if the other says "obtuse":
  6. If I ever go back to Sonic, you can call me stupid. For some reason, when the first (only?) one showed up around here (North Jersey), everyone was all excited about it. In all the times I've gone there (three maybe?), I have never gotten my food in less than 45 minutes. And the chocolate-jalapeño shake was nothing special.
  7. A belief that Korina is a douche isn't an assertion that's she's the only douche. I believe that editing and production interference can--or attempt to--change viewers' perceptions of what happens. I also believe that my own eyes saw that girl act like an entitled bitch as well. That doesn't mean that I blindly assume she was the only one to have done so, or that she may not have had unseen-by-me reasons for doing so. Just that what I did see was Korina being a douche.
  8. The "nose-blind" commercials for Febreze--there's one about cooking smells and it is so stupid! It say something about how you think the kitchen smells normal but all your guests think it reeks like a fish market. OK, well, if these guests are coming to your house and you are cooking fish, presumably the guests are coming to dinner, where they will eat what you've cooked, no? So you're serving something that offends your guests' noses…or your guests are rude assholes (who also don't understand fish, or how cooking works)? There's one for some feminine-problem remedy. I hate it because the lady in is says something like, "…the itch and pain of feminine itch." Why say "itch" twice? Yes, an itch is indeed itchy.
  9. And this is why they should use the 90-minute format thoughtfully! Show me why you think this thing is so fucking fabulous, man! Because best ever on 632 years of this show? I mean, we all have different tastes and all, but my first thought was "Better than Seth Aaron?! Bah!" And WHY--show me why!
  10. Plenty of people in NYC wear white with little trouble. It's "streetwear," not "lie down in the street-wear." That said, I thought that shit was the ugliest outfit I possibly have ever seen in this show. Why all the asymmetrical hanging bits? Too much going on and also just horrid. Oh, please--it's not like NY is devoid of people who are "unfashionable." Sure, it's an epicenter of fashion but that's only one facet involving a tiny subset of its inhabitants. It's also home to all sorts of people with all sorts of styles, good, bad, and otherwise. There are millions of people (which makes it impossible to say that "nobody…but nobody" would do any one thing) in that city, and not even close to all of them care about clothing, much less care about couture--that's why there are Old Navys and Forever 21s in Manhattan as well as anywhere else.
  11. Did someone on this show say "college" for "prison"? I know "going away" has been discussed but I don't recall the "college" one.
  12. I love Spike now and forever and I don't care! Also (and I've said it here before), seasons 6 and 7 of Buffy are my favorite ones, and I say that as someone who watched the show from the premiere episode.
  13. UGH! "More ah-pehnnn!" I don't use that brand (animal testing) but I did think her lashes looked good and real; mine look about the same with mascara on them and I am completely incapable of affixing false lashes. That shit is not easy, man--especially for a makeup doofus like me. ETA: I looked again and, yes, I definitely see clumpiness in the bottom lashes (which I don't do on myself--too much mess potential). The top still looks OK to me though.
  14. There is? I've never seen one in my stalking, not that I can do much more than drive past or peer through the gate (just twice, I swear)--which pretty much gives me basically the same view as the show's establishing shots anyway. There is a small house next door, but that's someone else's. Edit: Oy, never mind; I see that someone else answered.
  15. All I know from being 'round there here Jersey parts is that "it is what it is" and "going away" are by no means phrases exclusive to these people. They're common colloquialisms.
  16. I agree that it's clunky as a sentence, and certainly doesn't convey much in this context, but it's not actually incorrect in terms of grammar or syntax. I don't usually watch it either, and I didn't think of this…though, oddly, my BF did set the DVR.
  17. Me too, and will be basically passing by their house on my way home. I wonder what a clusterfuck that street's gonna look like.
  18. This is from People.com, so who knows how accurate all of it is...
  19. I have an urge to leave work and go drive past their house. It's certainly not a logical urge and yet there it is...
  20. Is there anything I can watch live online? Stupid HLN isn't working and News12 won't let me because I apparently have the wrong kind of cable.
  21. I confess: if this is true, it makes me like him a little. And did he browbeat Amber into not saying anything (even after she said she wouldn't) just so she wouldn't steal his thunder when he did? Because clearly him telling her to keep her lips zipped was not because he wanted a relaxing vacation. I am pretty sure Joe has only one brother. The other guy is his brother-in-law. Also, Pete Giudice used to menace my BF and his friends when they were kids. Joe, apparently, did not; whether that was due to being "nicer," or to proximity (he was in a different school), I have no clue. I am all for a large closet, but a two-story one like Kathy describes sounds kind of stupid.
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