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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. I could be forgetting or misinterpreting, I'll admit, but I don't feel like he actually denied anything. I heard a lot of vagueness and talking "around" the issue, which, to me, could mean that either Jax doesn't want to come right out and blatantly say anything, or that production doesn't want him to (maybe to save an oh-so-shocking reveal for later, or even because someone somewhere doesn't want it 100% revealed).
  2. I shared a nice, big apartment with my sister and her BF for year, and BF, who was about 24 and had never had his own place before, went wild and bought white wall-to-wall for the rather large living room. At that point, I was 28 and had been an apartment-dweller for almost a decade--I was like, "WTF are you doing?" Not to mention, he was a blue-collar kind of guy who'd often come home with dirty boots!
  3. OH MY GOD! I am usually pretty unflappable when it comes to the antics of these Housewives (even Jersey) but I was losing my marbles about the apartments and the furniture and everything! Not that I wouldn't (a) do it for my kids (of which I neither have nor want) if I could, or (b) have accepted it from my parents, but holy hell! I just can't even get my brain around it! I will not go into a rant about "in my day" or overindulging or whatever, but I'll just allude to milk crates and "found items" (i.e., garbage) as furniture and 40 square feet to share with another human... I think they're pretty darn hideous. However, the pale/nude gloss works wonders in making them appear to be full lips as opposed to wax lips. That color suits her.
  4. Ugh, you guys, I keep forgetting to check back in here (ironically, considering the topic, one of the nicer threads in this place) but last night's Obsession: Dark Desires made me cry. Made me want to rematch the bizarrely hilarious "I hate you, Amy!" episode.
  5. I was so hoping that we'd see Tom S. walk back into that club, immediately transform back into his regular demeanor, mentally check off "trick Kristen into thinking I am repentant so she'll leave us alone" from his list, and then indicate that his crying display was all for show.
  6. I don't know about grody, per se, but from what I have seen when I've been unlucky enough to be at a bar where a bachelorette party is going on, they're just as idiotic and are almost always filled with tiaras and sashes and oh-so-scandalous dick accessories and squealing and whoo!ing and ugly clothes and terrible dancing (whether or not the place has a dance-floor proper) and "bad-ass" (i.e., not at all) shot ordering. In other words, a bunch of creeps acting like they're the zaniest, edgiest, most outrageous gang on earth. It's horrid. Funny; to me, these examples seem like the best decisions anyone on this show has ever made.
  7. I am a decade older than these creeps (or more) and I know from experience that, when someone comes out and says that he is a bad guy to get involved with, he is doing you a favor! It took until I was out of my 20s to grasp that, but this Vail should take heed of this! Also, for James, when your current GF actually says out loud (numerous times) to you that she hates her ex's GF more than she hates the ex himself, it is a very bad sign. And, I don't get the idea that this weekend of debauchery would be Pandora's thing.
  8. Yesssss...unless we run into Joe Kenda, because that man will crack the case and then make witty quips in the retelling.
  9. Well, I should have been clearer: do advertisers find that an older demographic enjoys watching true-crime documentary shows?
  10. "Matlock will solve it!" "Grandpa, Matlock isn't real!"
  11. Oy, catheter commercials. The latest I've seen has an old cowboy on it who tells of all the rugged pain he's been through in his cowboy career. He wants no more of it, especially when he has to "catheter" (apparently it is a verb). Also, I notice there are many catheter commercials--as well as ones about bathtubs with doors and "I've fallen and can't get up" buttons--on the crime channels! Both ID and CI. Do old people love crime?
  12. Ugh, same here. And I do want to know the details of the causes I support. However, I am of the mind that showing positive results in these commercials might just yield more donations. Otherwise, I wonder if people adopt a philosophy of, "Well, clearly my money is not making a dent here--it's hopeless!" Show me the successful rehoming of formerly abused animals and tell me how my donations made it happen.
  13. No, just Uncle Wayne (maybe I will next time I see him though!); he's just big (and still likes to pick up and bear-hug his nieces, all of whom he refuses to believe are no longer nine years old) and, yes, he's the only Wayne. All I know is that no one in that commercial looked particularly large!
  14. Well, thank you for saying so -- but, you know, there will always be rude dopes somewhere…or people who legitimately don't realize it's not really OK…or people who choose words really badly. And, of course, old guys who are probably just trying to be charming or sweet or something! All in all, people should probably shut up about the bodies of most other people, but I won't lie--someone gives a compliment (even if it's a little too…familiar), I just take it as such and go about my business (and thanks, lady at convenience store who loudly exclaimed, "Whoo, if I had your legs I'd wear a short skirt too!" Haha, I felt simultaneously flattered and "skirt-shamed" a little!). Oh, and I will never get the people who just trot out the anorexia stuff! Come on now; even if that were the case, would one really just answer and/or confide in a nosy stranger about it? People are weird, man. I wonder if Brandi's ever gotten that kind of thing? I know nothing about her business in that regard, but to me she just looks naturally long and lanky--and perhaps even hated that about herself before she grew up (or, "grew up," in her case) and made it pay off.
  15. Unrelated update: I told him to go in the bedroom if he was so into snoring so much, and he haughtily walked away all pissy! Go to bed if you're sleeping? That's just crazy talk, I guess! Oy, that guy...
  16. YES! And, while I do remember these things being said and while there have been times that the remarks really began to pile up and get to me, I'm one of the lucky ones who, for the most part, doesn't care too much and will just say (to myself, usually) "...eh, fuck it." But the fact that I do clearly remember things like this makes me wonder how someone more sensitive must feel when the remarks get darker than those old "innocent" standbys, "Do you, like, ever eat?" and "You aren't 95 pounds soaking wet!" (I certainly do, and yes, I am too, and then some!) I mean, my BF is a white man. If someone ran up to him and accused him--the individual--of being a raging racist and rapist and whatever else, I'd be very upset at that person on his behalf! (This is a terrible example, if only because the picture I've created in my head of this scenario is actually making me laugh as opposed to feeling horrified or angry…especially since my BF, at the moment, is passed out on the couch completely oblivious and snoring. It's so annoying that I might yell that at him.)
  17. I'm not about to call you an idiot or any other name because you seem like a nice enough person. However, I am not cool with assuming that I know how much or how little "sting" someone who isn't me feels when on the receiving end of rudeness...even if that individual is part of a group that enjoys more privilege than I do. In fact, isn't applying a blanket assumption to an entire group the very meaning of bigotry? Anyway, I don't think you're a bigot; I just think that a 110-pound chick can feel just as shitty as a 250-pound one when someone offers an unsolicited "Are you anorexic?"…or the ever-classy throat-poking finger motion. That said, Lisa's daughters were being pretty assy.
  18. Eh...I kind of thought the "which Lisa is better?" thing sounded legit enough, and like one of the more typical-for-her-age things that Portia has said lately. I'm not; she says this shit outside of the interviews too, at different events. I don't disagree with the first sentence or anything but the rest is coming off as very hypocritical. Weight discrimination does not apply only to the heavier among us. Why on earth should the "inherently thin" have to experience anything other than what they experience? At the risk of having the dreaded "thin privilege" label attached to me, I can tell you from experience that the skinny bodies get their share of horrifying remarks too (I can't even count the number of times the cliched "eat a sandwich" appeared on TWOP) and often to our faces. I don't care who weighs what, but if making remarks about one body type is wrong, then the same goes for others. Also, I don't find it weird for someone to throw a party after moving, whether it's a rental or not. Moving blows, and setting up a nice new place--even if it's just a bigger and better apartment--seems like a perfectly valid reason to host a party, especially if you didn't have the space to do so before. I don't know; I just don't see what's so crazy about it.
  19. I agree on this "more Kristen" business. If I am going to watch overdramatic crap, I want the queen of it onscreen as much as possible!
  20. I am NO KYLE, by any means (though, it's all so far, so good, as I've said)--though I simultaneously want hair as long as hers and also do not want it. But yeah, I feel like, out of all of these people, Schwartz seems more "effortless" than the rest. Like, leave shit alone and it will look OK.
  21. YES! Again, not my thing, but I see the "at first glance" appeal of Jax. I also wondered the very same thing about Vail! (In relation to Scoobie's post).
  22. He's good-looking enough, I'd say, if you didn't know his issues. Not my style, but not gross by any means. This Tiffany is a brunette and pretty, and seemingly a regular adult.
  23. Probably not a full-on textbook sociopath--I think he might feel empathy sometimes (but perhaps have no idea why…or how to spell it)--but yes, there's probably something! It's like there's a part of development that just got skipped with him. Ok, he's not my cup of tea looks-wise, but I guess I can see why someone would think he's cute. So there's that. People seem to (initially, at least) like him and find him pleasant and personable. He goes to a therapist (probably producer-driven but let's assume it's stemming from some kind of self-awareness). He has (had?) a modeling thing going. Perhaps he's a good enough bartender (do that job right, and I think money is going to come in--there will never be a dearth of drinking customers). Perhaps the show makes it seem worse. So come on, what is this man-child's problem? He has some things going for him. So, why can't he, at age 30-whatever, at least start thinking these antics are sort of silly? I did--we all did, I assume! He's like a teenage silly girl (I'm sorry, that's a little sexist) with his love of drama that he creates!
  24. Oy, these people! So much time and effort on keeping one step ahead of your supposed loved ones, it's exhausting! If they'd put that much commitment into working, imagine the careers they could have! Just get new friends already, all of you! Or maybe they can't, because no one normal will take them? I wonder if this Tiffany ever saw the show? Maybe he was somehow able to act like a regular person when he met her, or kept quiet enough that he seemed OK.
  25. Oh my god, alright! I am convinced (except maybe for the "many friends" part). Hallelujah, I have been saved from my diabolical bleaching (which I've also done for years) and flattening! In fact, I've been reborn as a curly brunette! As for luck, I'll concede that maybe generally healthy hair is luck in itself (and drinking a lot of water and eating a lot of vegetables helps, I suppose). But, ahahhaha--do you think I feel sad that you call my sight-unseen wet/dry hair applian--I mean contraption--"horrible-looking"? I don't care; it looks like any other flat iron. And, do what you need to do, and be whatever emotion you like about it. You should--we all should. Thanks for the concern about a complete stranger's hair; while I'm sure it is well-intentioned, it is also, quite frankly, somewhat creepy. Your friends' hair = not my hair. Edited because I felt like I was too mean (a little) and I don't want to get in trouble because I like chattering about this nonsense show with some of you! Sometimes watching dumb junk is what I need after a rough day of trying (and failing) to ruin my hair.
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