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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. That was Madame Marisha, Julian's mom. But yeah--even with the changes from book to movie, wouldn't she have known Chris already as Cathy's brother? I mean, the PotW movie seemed to blow by a whole lot in a short time and didn't illustrate the details much, so maybe not?
  2. Oh my god--I have that leg issue too (tall family whose genes didn't reach me)! Tall people legs on short body! I am 5'4" and my legs are maybe an inch or two shorter than my 5'9" sister's! And people always think I am taller...until they see me next to someone else.
  3. I feel bad now for being pissy (not wrong, necessarily, but just bad for being so snappy about it). I am not even that sensitive about this type of thing in general; even when people make vaguely racist remarks (not saying anyone here would!), I'm usually like, "Eh, what a fuckin' dope" in my head, but just carry on unless someone goes way too far. It just bubbled up earlier and I am very sorry! Anyway, "ruler" isn't so bad, I guess, in a certain context where a descriptive term is needed, if that makes sense? But still, all of it can sound judgmental, I guess, especially online where you haven't the benefit of inflection. And with today's "real women have curves" backlash (UGH! Not too "curves" but to "real"--like some of us are not real!) and anorexia awareness info (that sometimes people seem to jump to when they encounter a thin woman), it gets touchy. And I think it depends on how a word sounds to an individual; for instance, "bony" doesn't bug me, but it does bug auntlada--my doorway-bashing compatriot--a little. And then there are the actual people out there who say things like, "You're lucky to be so skinny" or whatever but you can tell they're saying it so mean! Again, everyone, I am sorry I got a bit overzealous! Sarcasm is my go-to!
  4. At least I have an excuse when I bash my hip when I'm drunk...it's the sober times that really piss me off. Why is everything that exact height?
  5. Points taken; I apologize for harshness in my post. It's a touchy subject, and still "stick figure," while not the worst I've heard, does not sound positive. And I can identify with many, many things you've mentioned--the collarbones, the ribs, even the tripping on the carpet (and how about the hipbones bashing into just about any shelf or table edge?). And, the "skinny flab"--easy to hide but I know it's there. Anyway, I'm sorry. And thank you for your articulate rebuttal too. Further, I am starting to believe that if the clothes are made for women--any size and shape of woman--shopping is definitely more of a pain in the ass than it is for the guys. I seem to be doomed forever to buy the display shoe.
  6. Can my band, the Svelte Sandwich-Needers, open for you? We won't take up much room on the tour bus. Incidentally, as a svelte (though I finally got some minimal booty curve in my mod-30s), I often run into the waist-hip measurement disparity as well. That's why I liked when the waist became lower, and that built-in curvature at women's pants' (particularly jeans) hips became less pronounced. The way they were before, I could grab a whole arc-shaped chunk of fabric that was standing away from my body.
  7. Oh, good; clearly, thin women deserve to be called names, especially by other women. After all, they're doing it on purpose and are asking for it--and what's easier to change than the size of one's pelvic bones? I bet we deserve all those "eat a sandwich" remarks too. On that note, from now on, when I can't find a pair of shoes that's smaller than a size 6.5 or 7, I am going to think of them as shoes for Bigfoots. (Sarcasm; I'm not that judgmental about other people's feet. Or hips.)
  8. Are intelligent women really still referring to smaller-sized bodies as "stick figures"? Come on.
  9. I feel like it tastes the way baby vomit smells...so consider yourself lucky, I guess? Haha! Also, you observed proper office etiquette by sharing! Admirable response!
  10. Grossest chocolate in the world is made even worse by naming pieces "pips." OK, I realize that "pip" may in fact be a candy term that has existed forever and I just didn't know, but it's pissing me off--especially when "taught" to me by that condescending nasal voice!
  11. You guys, this local commercial is the bane of my existence (I just had to get that out before I catch up on the last few weeks' worth of this thread. And sorry for the click-through; the video wasn't on YouTube that I could find but the blue button works). https://vimeo.com/91531486
  12. I agree with you except for the desperate part. I'm in my 40s and, while I don't like the same kind of shoes these chicks wear, I want to wear whatever I like at whatever age I like. But yeah--Casual Jeans Lisa always looks fabulous!
  13. They gave him a tetanus shot and sent him on his way. He knows the dog is fine...but they "don't know" that he knows that. Quotations marks because I think the hospital people knew exactly what my BF was doing in that regard (he didn't want to make a big hassle for our neighbor or the dog), and chose to let it go.
  14. Maybe Kyle and Alexia pretended they didn't know the dog. My BF did that when our neighbor's dog bit him.
  15. I'm surprised she admitted to being wrong about airing that LVP had an affair (even if she continues to backhandedly state it as true), I don't think I've heard her admit to being wrong before about anything. I think Brandi's statement there is less of an admission of responsibility and/or guilt than an attempt to gain sympathy along the lines of "See how they treat poor naive me?"
  16. Haha--Nellie was always my favorite, even in her bad days. And Nellie at least had to be pushed to some kind of brink before really losing any semblance of dignity, unlike Brandi.
  17. One really can't help it after hearing it even just once.
  18. I guess I was too optimistic in thinking that there might be a Kim back story on it that was interesting!
  19. Oh, and why the hell does Kim pronounce ornery as on-ree?
  20. BitchlyCowCorn! I love that name and try to work that phrase into daily life.
  21. Neither of them look anorexic or even underweight to me. Some people are just thin, man. If I had a buck for every time someone tossed an anorexia remark or even a "good-natured" "Eat a sandwich"...or "What are you, 80 pounds soaking wet?" I might still be goofing off today at PTV... but it wouldn't be in an office! Or, the absolute dumbest: "It's not that cold in here; you should gain weight!" Yes, I'll get right on that, as it is so much more convenient and expeditious than wearing a sweater!
  22. Yeah, the worst of that bunch, man--people who are relatively tactful, sane, and calm are just oh so annoying...especially someone with the audacity to let her face actually have an expression on it! "Claimed" and "confirmed" are not synonyms, and saying something doesn't make it true. Or does it? Let's see: "I look like Heidi Klum in her heyday...and have Buffylike powers!" Nope. Oh well.
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