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Everything posted by TattleTeeny

  1. Since when did prisoners wear pinstripes anyway? Pinstripes are thin and vertical like you see on businesspeople suits; prison stripes are wide and horizontal, and possibly only exist in cartoons and old-time comedies, where they are often accessorized with a ball and chain. I'm a "Teresa fan" and I "care" (though I admit "care" is a strong word here, as far as her actions affect me on a day-to-day basis…which is not at all) that she was involved in all this shit, and believe if you wanna play, you gotta pay. Still, I'd say I'm a fan because she's one of the few on the show I am entertained by. So, "most likely" is a stretch.
  2. I'd watch a show about Teresa in prison. What can I say--I like true crime and I like Teresa; I'm set.
  3. I think she calls it that because tons of people call it that; it is a long-time common euphemism for doing time and the Giudice's are far from the only people who use it. I've heard the term since I was a child. Maybe it's regional to the tri-state area but "going away" is by no means a "Teresa-ism" at all.
  4. Oh, your ass hurts! After all these years, I am still not even sure what that means!
  5. Me too! My BF's relatives live two seconds from Teresa (and he's had run-ins in his youth with Joe Giudice's brother). Ever since I learned exactly where it was, I like to make a drive-by every now and then. I used to have an apartment right near the gelato place where Kathy peddled her wares and where Teresa flipped the table (close to where Al Manzo said there was not a KFC when Joe Giudice said there once was--and Joe was correct, by the way). Also, Dina got her tattoo where I get all my work done. And, my sister was at Joe Giudice's sister's wedding; she's got pics of Teresa in bridesmaid-wear! Also, and unrelated: I live in the same condo complex as a recent Hell's Kitchen contestant (who is not well liked here on this site). But he's a really nice guy...and a doting dog owner too!
  6. Haha--I graduated in 1989; maybe "your ass hurts" was passé by the time your time came (assuming you're younger)? Now that I think about it, that phrase may have been big in my junior-high years. I assume from your user name that you're from Jersey too?
  7. I forgot to add that I noticed someone (one of the guys) made the comeback "your ass hurts!" I laughed; I don't think I've heard that since high school.
  8. What I took away from this is that Rino really seems like a pretty nice guy. I also still can't understand why Twin Teresa finds Original Teresa responsible for the stupid rumor. In fact, I think she doesn't and just can't apologize for it. Also, Amber still doesn't bother me at all. Perhaps I'm grading on a curve here, but she's OK with me and, dare I say it, pretty good-natured.
  9. The whole rivals thing is so stupid! It doesn't even make sense from a competition standpoint! Maybe if it was done in a sort of Survivor way, where they're a team until numbers dwindle and then it's every man for himself or something. But the way this is, the rival part has barely come into play in the challenges. And with people being eliminated one by one, not everyone even has a rival anymore, so what's the point here?
  10. Thank you--I thought I had lost my mind or missed something.
  11. Did anyone else feel like the reveal about Josh came out of nowhere (from an editing standpoint, I mean, as opposed to a sense of "and I thought I knew Josh so well!")? It seemed like the contestants were talking about Josh and his weed as if we already had been introduced to the topic--I felt like I walked into the middle of a conversation because I saw no lead-up! It was tattoo business as usual and, all of a sudden, a "how could he?" discussion. I rewound to see if I missed something and there was nothing there. Cris pissed me off. I was so excited to see a shark tattoo like the guy wanted! Instead, he just slaps on a picture of a shark, which, unless the canvas is really into sharks (and he might be for all I know), is kind of a random thing to have on one's body.
  12. Oh no! Everyone who's anyone knows that, if Jesus were an athlete, it would be a surfer!
  13. I think Tuesday! I noticed it when my DVR tried to tell me about some kind of tragic conflicting recordings. Oh, the perils of these first-world problems! Right there with you. I went for a second opinion (even though I trust my longtime vet) for a 17-year-old cat. I lost him anyway (and thousands of dollars), but I HAD TO try. I was shocked then too. And sad as hell. Still am, if I am being honest here.
  14. Thank you. I worried that my example became extremely convoluted.
  15. I have a sister who does dumb shit all the time (and is not technically a dumb person, if that makes sense), for prolonged amounts of time, and is always in shock when it blows up in her face. I took the other poster's comment about Teresa being in shock, despite knowing the possible outcome for a while, to mean that, for some, when the verdict (literal, in Teresa's case, as well as metaphorical in other people's situations) actually is in place, it's a call to action that can be daunting to even the best planners or people who ponder every possible outcome. For instance, I was in shock on two separate instances that two chronically ill (and very beloved) pets finally passed away--even though one was euthanized, and I was the one who took her to the appointment. I am not a dumb person, and also not someone who didn't think about and try to brace myself for those moments all too often. Still…shock.
  16. Ugh, why does anyone on any competitive reality show say this? So you came here and not only occupied a spot that could have been given to another hopeful tattooist, but also wasted your own and everyone else's time by giving half-assed ink to unsuspecting people because you weren't really trying your best? Why?! If I were a judge, I'd toss someone not despite him or her saying that, but because of it.
  17. I like him. I see how he might be a bit much in real life (if he acts like this 24/7) but it seems like if you're OK to him, he's fine with you. And I don't mind a little bit of arrogance.
  18. I didn't think Cris's work (technique, whatever--I don't know what I mean) was terrible--it seemed very nice and neat and sharp (too sharp in the abs, though). But that Jesus looked like King Neptune! Emily's was so no good--and while I dislike her immensely, I actually thought her peacock and her octopus tree weren't so awful (I know, I know--that's crazy of me). This one, though--ugh. Bah. I might be nuts but I did not think the famous tattoo guy's Jesus was so great. ETA: Day off work today, and I'm heading off to my tattoo man at 2! Whoo!
  19. I just figured she didn't yet know when she was supposed to report. I don't recall hearing a specific date at the sentencing--just 2015. Ah, never mind -- just read this part below; I'd forgotten that Andy confirmed the report date.
  20. Oy, it's a tricky thing indeed. If my work friend's was as awful but larger, I might actually say something, as it probably could be fixed up. BUt this can only be covered entirely--there is no room for repair here.
  21. Yeah, with the exception of the "dust" on Doritos and the like, I can always taste the onions. I can taste whether a tomato has been sliced with a knife that previously sliced an onion. I can taste the onionyness on a plain bagel that was adjacent to an everything bagel on a tray. And don't even get me started on a half-plain/half-onion pizza! You cannot cook onions next to a non-onion food (and, yikes, the time a sliver of onion ended up under the cheese on a slice from such a pizza, I had decided to at least try out of sheer hunger!). I've involuntarily spat food out abruptly because of secret surprise onions, and I've also swallowed entered bites of food whole just to avoid making it worse by grinding it up! Oh, I hear you on all of this. Do you ever get "Not even French onion soup?" That pisses me right off; I just said I can't stand onions and (A) you incredulously inquire if I might be mistaken about that and (B) cite an example with onion not only as the main ingredient but right there in its name?!
  22. We have all of 3 in NJ, I think. I just don't go to Sonic too much. Smashburger is better anyway!
  23. They drop it and go, though if you listen carefully, you can hear them starting to ask if you need anything while they're leaving. The button is useless; I suspect it's a diversionary tactic.
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