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Everything posted by bunnyface

  1. If Bhanu screamed in my face in the middle of a challenge, we'd probably both be goners. I'd beat the shit out of him and he'd be med-evaced and I'd be ejected. That was some bullshit. You can't put someone in the middle that literally cannot reach to hold the pieces and then scream at her. He says he passionate, I say he's abusive. I'd also probably tell them I hoped they all died in a fire on the way out, after going to such elaborate means to vote me out, so that might be a personal problem on my part. She was much more gracious.
  2. I've seen enough of Kim that I hope she fails in a spectacular fashion. I don't want someone else to win a deal and vote her out. I want her to fail herself, in a huge and hopefully hilarious way. I like Claudia. I like Rob but I don't want him to win another game. I want someone unknown to win. But if he can sail to the end and help that other person, whoever it is, win, the more the better.
  3. I'm not a great Devin fan and I'm not much more of a fan after watching this. He admits he goes for a weakness when he finds one and doesn't let up until he breaks the person. But in that whole thing with Bananas, that didn't work out so well for him. Johnny found Devin's weakness and went for it and Devin didn't like that. It was an obvious low blow, but Bananas told him repeatedly to back off before it got to that point. It goes both ways. Tori's episode was interesting tho. She seems to own up to her issues and her part in things. Seems to be trying to move forward.
  4. I think there could still be story after that. Jacob and his mother getting reacquainted. Trying to explain where Jacob was all this time. Jacob adjusting to modern life. There could be story if the series lasts that long. As it is, they need to pick. it. up. if they're going to keep interest that long.
  5. Yes, and the way I understood it, *you* don't get what's in the case, it gets added to the pot for whomever wins in the end. So even if you make a "good deal" you don't get that money and have to hope to get to the end to get any money.
  6. Have they said exactly how Susanna and Elliot are related? It seems they are implying they are directly descended, but that can't be right. She'd have to be an aunt or a cousin or something. I wondered if they said and I missed it. The ending scene was where we started and I was afraid it was the end of the season and we got...nowhere.
  7. Okay. Like I said, half watching. I might give it one more go and actually pay attention to what's happening.
  8. That sounds great. I grew up in wheat/corn country in Kansas and no one we knew had farm hands. I've never experienced that or known anyone who did. Sounds like a different world. The farmers I grew up and know now are doing all they can to stay afloat. Every farm family I know, including my own, the wife/mother worked outside the home and the family wouldn't have made it without that income. And after that, she still did farm work. My mother was a nurse and drove an hour to town, worked a 12 hour shift, drove an hour home and still had ranch work to do on her days off. They were not destitute, they had a nice life, but everyone worked.
  9. This notion of a vast supply of "farm hands" amuses me. There are no farm hands. These are not the Duttons with legions of cowboys to do all the dirty work. I grew up in farming and I have never known anyone with "farm hands." The farm hands are the family. Wife and kids. Maybe a brother or someone comes to pitch in at certain times. That's the meaning of a family farm. These people can barely support themselves let alone farm hands.
  10. I kind of half watched this last night. I dunno if it's something I'll stick with. I came for Boston Rob. But I didn't understand his beef with Stephanie. (half watching) It seemed like she told him that case was 600K and he was mad she had a bigger case. But that didn't make sense. If she's giving you the 600K OF COURSE she has more. She's not going to give you something to put you in a better position than her. So I feel like I must have missed something. It would be different if you had to stick with the first case you touched. Then you'd be helping someone and hoping for a payback. But that wasn't the case, so I don't understand.
  11. Yeah, if "teaching people to make money writing e-mails" is not a scam I need to know exactly what it is. Because that screams scam to me. Otherwise....meh? It didn't grab me. No cast to love, no cast to hate now that the idiot is gone first. The challenges were okay. Meh. I'm sure I'll get sucked in somewhere along the way. But not feeling it right now.
  12. I didn't even remember Callum being on this season. And someone said something about a Jess or Jessica. Another imaginary person. No recall. I did kinda laugh at Laurel telling Jay and Michelle they need to change their gameplay because it doesn't work and they shot back that it works just fine, thankyouverymuch.
  13. I'm going with imagination. When she looked again, they were gone. Didn't Elliot see his dad too? Also, if Susanna and Coyle were really there, I think they'd be looking around like "wtf is going on here?" instead of simply staring at her.
  14. Yeah, I think this was filmed a loooong time ago, re Kam and Leroy. I was looking forward to this after the slop that was the past season. BUT they've managed to kill it for me with this trailer. Am not looking forward to the shit show of Rachel, Tina and Veronica again and especially not looking forward to the double shit show of Cara, Laurel and Nicole. (Isn't Nicole married now?) Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna watch it. I saw some faces streak by that we haven't seen in a while, so that will be fun. Hopefully.
  15. I wondered about that too. "I got here through this, I wanna go home!" But we did get one brief scene of him standing by the pond with an older woman and she said something along the lines "I know this place calls to you but you must not go in." So maybe they kept him from going in until he grew up and kinda forgot? Not that he would totally forget but as we age, memories from childhood become dimmer.
  16. Well, swell. She just got her long-lost brother arrested by the British. Smooth move, Kat.
  17. I don't think any of the finishes were very close because that was a looong, narrow straightaway and the whole time they are filming one contestant running, you never see anyone else in the background. I think if they had been close enough to even see, they would have shown that. "Oh, XXX is coming up behind you!" None of that.
  18. I finally got to watch this tonight. Yes, Ty's bio should have stated from the beginning that he did not want more children. Most of these women went into this looking for the "traditional" arrangement of marriage and 2.5 children and are in the child-bearing years. If he didn't want that he should have stated it up front. And I don't like the "maybe, with the right person." That leaves people believing "oh, I can change him" and we know how that generally works out. The one farmer who let the girl go who wanted to see the world. Nathan maybe? They all run together. I would swear I'd never seen another one of those girls he has before tonight. They snuck in. Apparently they haven't been as dramatic as the others because none of them stuck out. My picks are Grace and Joy, mostly Joy because she drives Reba crazy and I don't like Reba. Melody and Megan with Ty. Kiana and Sydney with...Mitchell, maybe? I lose track. I don't have a clue who the other one has left. They are blanks to me.
  19. I don't live on a farm currently but grew up on a farm in a farming community. Family farms are failing in this country and being taken over by corporations. A farmer today has to spend about half a million on a combine to harvest corn, then turnaround and get (today's price) $4 a bushel for that corn. And that's only one piece of equipment needed. And if the crop doesn't make this year for whatever reason (rain, drought, pests, bad thoughts) you're sunk. There aren't a lot of extras. They are not in this way of life for the money. The wife and the kids do the work also, in addition to the wife probably working a full-time job. The kids drive tractors, trucks, help harvest, everything. (I grew up with 9yos driving huge grain trucks into town to deliver at the elevators. It seems crazy to me now but we never questioned it. It was what was done so the family could keep harvesting.) I'm sure there are exceptions in both directions, but it's not generally a cushy life or a barren life. It's a life. A life with hard work. All that being said (sorry for the rant) this is the silliest show I've ever seen and I of course am going to keep watching to the bitter end.
  20. These are not huge corporations with lots of employees. These are small family farms and yes, the wife is the employee. Welcome to actual farm life.
  21. I kind of think that's the key to those things. Go quickly so you're done or almost done before you have time to think about the balancing part and you can jump off the end.
  22. And Bev wasn't even going to tell Jackie. She was just going to get on a train and disappear. Imagine the havoc that would have caused everyone if Jackie hadn't found her just as she was getting on the train. That's not good judgement either.
  23. Have we ever seen TJ be this involved in a final? It seems like usually he just sends them on their way and meets them at the end. But I don't remember him being present and actually forcing someone to complete a challenge and telling them they can't quit. I bet Corey hurt after doing down the rappel on his ass. Berna cheated off Colleen twice (she let her look) and still came in last. I'd be okay with never seeing her again. I think I prefer the seasons where you have to go into elimination to get to the final, even though that system had flaws also. But to see a final stacked with people who never saw an elimination doesn't feel right.
  24. Estelle Parsons was definitely reading lines from a cue card over Jackie's shoulder and then in a separate scene. I'm assuming it's a goodbye also. Makes me want to go watch Bonnie & Clyde again.
  25. Well, it's over. That's something at least. They did flashbacks to a couple of challenges I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO memory of. This season lasted a thousand years.
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