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Everything posted by bunnyface

  1. I must be getting old. This is the first time I have ever gagged during an eating challenge. They usually don't bother me in anything other than a vague "ew that's gross" kinda way. I actually ended up in the bathroom. Thank goodness I hadn't had dinner yet, so there was nothing in there. Ugh.
  2. Didn't get to watch until today. I liked the Reba and Kelly duet but almost wish they would have tapped Hillary Thomas to sing the other part, since her mother sang the original. I think that would have been fun. Otherwise, meh to much of it. I'm getting old and the music is getting younger. Kids...lawn...you know. I mean Hillary Scott, not Thomas. I think I keep making that mistake because I spend all my free time thinking about Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who is married to Hillarie Thomas. Dang it.
  3. I always knew there were audience plants, but I didn't realize they were such specific plants. Now it will take even less time than usual to watch the reunion show because there is no way I'll watch any Peachy-Specific Plant discussions. More time to make cookies!
  4. Son of a bitch! Couldn't they just edit him out? It may take a bit but they could do it and run the rest of the show. He isn't in every shot, doesn't speak every minute. May have to run 2-1/2 episodes at once instead of 2, but still...it's something. Or every time Scuzzy said something, have a voice over "the second judge reported the bake had a soggy bottom," while showing us said soggy bottom. We could still see the baking and contestants. Or at least run the rest of the episodes On Demand so that people that still want to watch it can seek it out. This sucks.
  5. But if a loved one gets out there and can't run, isn't that just the luck of the draw? I mean, Colby's brother couldn't throw water in a bucket worth crap, but it still went on. ;-) Unless it was scrapped for a real safety reason, like a water challenge that was unsafe, wouldn't it still go on? Otherwise, it could be construed as changing the challenge to benefit a contestant and S&P wouldn't go for that. Probst claims it was to save time to show more loved ones visit, but they didn't seem to show any more than usual. Which is perfectly okay too.
  6. Do you think it's the deprivation; lack of food, lack of sleep, lack of comfort, or do you think it's greed, dangling of money right in front of their noses, that turns supposedly reasonable people into very black-and-white one dimensional characters who believe "Everything I do to try to win this game is good and justifiable, but everything YOU do to try to win this game makes you a low-down dirty dog who can't be trusted. Even though you are doing the exact same things I'm doing." Because they almost all seem to revert to that character in this game sooner or later. I didn't really care for Joe but liked that he said "eh, they got me" and still showed up all smiles at Tribal. That doesn't seem to happen as often as the bitter ones, even though they all know going into it than only ONE person is going to make it.
  7. Satisfied with that win. Pulled for her all along. That being said, Steven can bake in my kitchen any time. Or anything else he chooses.
  8. They aren't my favorites either. But did you hear his answer to the hangar question? "It's where the planes...hang." I loved that.
  9. I am rewatching this season now. I haven't seen it since it originally aired and I vaguely remember the horror of J&V, with the emphasis on him. But man, she is no picnic either. I'm not sure I wouldn't have stuffed her in a cave somewhere and left her. And strangely, thus far, I'm not as annoyed with Freddy and Kendra as I was the first time. Thus far. Maybe it happens later.
  10. I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this or not. Also, if you can answer I possibly need pictures and for you to show your work. I not bright. I have only watched TARC way behind on youtube. I watched the last two seasons the last few months. How does one watch the new series in real(ish) time in the US? I went to CTV.ca but it won't play the team videos, so I'm assuming I won't be able to watch the episodes either. Do I just have to lag behind? Thanks.
  11. I have never actually watched season 1 before. I came in about season 3 or 4. I'm watching now from my Amazon account. It caught my attention last night in the Tunis episode that they were almost all wearing jeans. I never see anyone in jeans in TAR. They must have been so heavy and uncomfortable, even though we think of jeans as comfortable clothing. I'm assigning all the temper tantrums to the jeans. Although I'm not sure where that leaves all the temper tantrums in later seasons.
  12. We've come a long way from Myrna and Charla screeching about needing to get to "el doctoro". I think that was generally considered worse than "I'm in a race, please hurry up." One of my all time favorite shots was when a team (can't remember their names, season 5, not My Ox is Broken) picked up a set of binoculars and only pulled off one lens cap. So the graphics set up to the shot of what they were seeing to also only be seen through one lens for us too. It was hilarious
  13. I wonder what would have happened at the final task if the teams were closer together. It looked like a pretty tight space and more than one radio would have been distracting. Would they be made to go in turns? Would two teams have worked together to block the other from getting a number up? Previously they had separate work spaces or a big area to work in but that would have been tight. I'm not a Joey fan but I thought his yelling Go Red Sox was funny. I didn't think it was out of line at all. When Phil said "Brooke overcame...{pause}" I yelled "NOTHING! SHE OVERCAME NOTHING!" Brooke is the worst.
  14. I recently found The Amazing Race Canada on-line and have been watching it. I admit after watching a few episodes I thought "Wow, this is what TAR used to be." I love TAR and will watch it until the bitter end. But that doesn't mean I can't recognize what used to be and what is now. There is a marked difference and it's not hard to see.
  15. I finally got to see the show tonight. I went to look something up (which I didn't find) because for some reason, I had the impression that Nia and Ian were producers of the show, which may explain why they are hosting. I haven't confirmed that but something floating in the back of my head makes me think they were instrumental in it being revived in US. Or I totally made that up. One of those things. But I did find an article about why Antoinette had to leave. I didn't see it addressed elsewhere. Her father passed away. I also found this, which made me laugh: "Berry is, of course, key in making this all work. She gives off a grandmotherly vibe, but the kind of grandmother who was a spy back in the day and still knows a dozen ways to kill a man with a pastry bag." This was the article: https://www.yahoo.com/tv/the-great-american-baking-show-succeeds-in-importing-a-british-classic-040148967.html
  16. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole thing and was glad to see they are filming more series. I wish, however much it was not possible, that Elizabeth could have drug Margaret into a meeting with the Prime Minister and said "Tell her what you just told me." So at least Margaret would know the Queen wasn't just tossing her feelings aside and it was out of her hands. I think a lot of the pain in the ass moments could have been cleared up with "tell him/her what you just told me."
  17. I've never watched this show before either but when I saw John Henson, I was in. I have been in a deep, meaningful, lust relationship with John since way back on Talk Soup. So I said "I'll watch until John is out. I'm only in it for John." Dang if he might not go all the way and I'll end up watching the whole run. I did like his idea for a new show "30 Minute Meltdown." Because that's about how I cook. I get it.
  18. It's not as good as in the past, but I was enjoying wondering who was going to win...until right before a winner was announced we were told Vinny and Ma had their own show. Uh...how are they running a brand new restaurant AND doing a show? Suspense gone.
  19. Yeah, I'm wondering about that too. I don't like any of them enough to follow their Twitter or anything. If they ARE posting spoilers, what can TPTB do to them, if anything? If they lost and are still pouting a year later, what can "Survivor" really do to them, if anything? ETA: Part of this was answered above that I didn't see, about what had been said. But still wondering what can be done about it. They're still jerks.
  20. Worked just the opposite for me. I didn't "like" her before but after watching that Ponderosa, I REALLY don't like her. But I do like her drawing pictures for her daughter. But I don't like her.
  21. I'm late to the game, as usual, and someone else kind of addressed this upthread, but you guys are totally underestimating the weirdness that is my little town of Amarillo. I've read several times that we have more restaurants per capita than....whatever they were comparing at the time. We have restaurants. There are currently about 10 new restaurants building here at this time. Any time a new restaurant opens, it is totally inundated with people. They will wait for hours. Same for the food trucks. Maybe there was some producer manipulation? I don't know. But people here will go crazy for anything new and unique. Our city has some strange (to me) regulations about food trucks, so we basically don't have them. They had to get special permits to operate the food trucks here for the show. The trucks were a novelty and a chance to try something new and people weren't going to miss them. I heard about it too, but I'm not a big crowds person, and I knew it would be crazy. I never go to new restaurants either until they've been open a while and things have calmed down. As soon as I saw the waffle boys say they were closing up and going to church, and put up a sign to that effect, I knew they would be fine. This is one town where they will appreciate that you are attending church and they will wait for you. We don't have a large LDS community but the concept was understood and people were fine with waiting for that reason. When I saw that the city made the trucks move, I thought "don't mess with them, they won't come back." Then when I saw the amount of money the trucks made here (and I believe it) I thought "oh, they'll be back. They'll be back." We WILL pay for food we don't have to cook ourselves.
  22. Thanks. I hope things go well for him. I'll check it out again when he comes back.
  23. I admit I haven't followed this show closely. Loved Craig, feel nothing will ever be the same, so on and so forth. I had never heard of James Corden before, but found some of his work on-line and really quite like him but still don't make watching a priority. If I see it, I see it. But...even with sporadic watching it seems like there are a lot of repeats. Is it my imagination? Is the show not doing well or are there other reasons for so many repeats? What I've seen I liked but I'm seeing the same shows over and over. Or so it seems.
  24. Rodney, plenty of people live in Texas, want to live in Texas, love living in Texas. I'm one. I would NOT want to live anywhere near anywhere Rodney lived. In fact, I would really like to have an Early Rodney Warning System, so that if Rodney ever did come anywhere near my space, I had time to relocate. Anywhere else. Insufferable douchebag. But I'm happy for him if he really is at peace about his sister.
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