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Everything posted by bunnyface

  1. I don't know. I really enjoy TAR Canada and they stay almost 100% in Canada. They've gone a few other places but mostly stay at home. An NA edition would be fine for me. There are some spectacular locations in NA that are just as beautiful as anywhere else in the world, that some wouldn't see otherwise. However, I'm not up on the latest with US/Canada border relations at the moment. Nothing seems to be happening with TAR Canada either, as far as I can tell.
  2. Yeah, that's the first basis of appeal (if convicted) before you get to all the other, routine reasons for appeals. On the other hand (I don't know, I'm asking) is waiting around for a certain judge a kind of "judge shopping?" The first routine judge was appropriately denied by the defense. This judge could be denied appropriately by the prosecution, but they then they would be stuck with Laski, who they don't want. Using the correct rotation seems the most fair, and the best dramatic use, of course. I don't know where I've heard the term "judge shopping" before, but I know I've heard it.
  3. I watched three episodes last night, so they kind of blend in and not sure what was introduced when. But with Amy's husband. (John Ross Ewing!) They stayed married so he could stay on her insurance. Okay, fair enough. But since she's in private practice, she's probably paying a pretty penny for insurance. I can't see that struggling practice having employer-sponsored insurance? And if they did, her "boss", Rachel, the only partner, would know who all she was sponsoring insurance for? Have we ever seen another living soul in that practice? A secretary, receptionist, paralegal? It all seems strange to me. Also, there is the Affordable Care Act. It's not great, I know, but it's an option. My ex was on it and was in the hospital and rehab for about 3 months last year. They covered all of it. He met his out-of-pocket max with the ER bill and the rest was covered. I made dang sure his premiums were paid. He hasn't seen a single bill from all that. So it is an option. They are acting like her private insurance is the only option. If he is so ill he can't work, he probably falls into the subsidized category and will have a low premium. Even if they divorced, she could pay that premium and he'd be covered. It all seems odd.
  4. I wish they would quit these "crossover" storylines with GA. I'm sorry, but I'm never going to care about Station 19 and I only watched the few bits that were going to transfer over to Gray's. And honestly, I'm not sure I care enough to even keep doing that.
  5. I know he's a horrible, irredeemable sociopath, but I do enjoy some Oscar.
  6. I agree about Celi. I mean, Celi would have been my pick to sit out. But in hindsight, Swifty would have been better left out. I would not have predicted that going in.
  7. I watched a few episodes when this show started and then saw it in passing last night. Talk about changing: Ana-Kat is a completely different kid! I watched a few minutes more than I would have just trying to figure out who that random kid was, then they said her name.
  8. Has an air date been announced for this? I tried to find one but didn't.
  9. Shush you. Bite your tongue. Keep your trap shut. Put a sock in it. Don't make me come over there.
  10. Yes, I was wondering if the challenges were more dangerous this year, or if the safety was lacking, or if the contestants just weren't as prepared or thoroughly vetted as they should have been. I can't decide if it's one factor or a mix of all three.
  11. Opal was on the phone quite a bit. I believe she called the guy who stabbed DeLuca and told him she was being followed. While DeLuca was following Opal, a guy "bumped" into him and then we pretty much didn't see DeLuca again. They were probably hoping DeLuca would cause a scene "I've been STABBED" and she could get away in the confusion.
  12. I agree with this, except that each team should go into it blind, without watching the other teams. The last person to go in these competitions almost always has an advantage because they've watched all the other runs and learned from their mistakes. They should go into it as cluelessly as the first person did.
  13. I agree that the challenges are great. My only quibble is that I wish the criteria were to be done first but be done RIGHT. Not traps hanging half off the side of the boat, not trash strewn all over the street, not pavers all crazy instead of in correct placement.
  14. I finally got one right, last night. The dancing was the clue that gave it away to me. None of the others had what I thought of as dancer's bodies. So yay for finally getting one right, but yeah, it was kind of boring. But I love Craig, so I will be in until the bitter end.
  15. Somewhere else there was speculation that when Mikey slipped down the steps and landed on his back, he really hurt himself. But Phil didn't say he had an injury, which he did say with Tara. Also speculation about the push, but if that is it, they *should* have said he violated the rules, this was violation, this was the consequence, don't do this. And maybe they did, off camera. Because no one seemed surprised at what was going on. But it would have helped up.
  16. Ah, Mikey. The guy I was loving to hate. Hope he's okay.
  17. I wouldn't want anyone near me singing that song on a plane, in a train, in a car or in a bar. I would not like that song at all.
  18. I thought the same thing about eyebrows and was going to comment. I didn't get to watch the entire episode this week because of an interruption but I saw the beginning and he's talking about how much stamina he has and how strong he is. Meanwhile, every time you see him, he's bent over and sucking wind. He's not all he thinks he is.
  19. I don't know about this person specifically, but nurses in general? Can kick all of our asses twice a day and never look back. I wouldn't count out someone because they are a nurse and you feel they aren't worthy. Nursing's not a game.
  20. I'm still no good at this game. I knew the guy wasn't a pig farmer because I have a little too much knowledge of that, so that lie had me confused. I knew the blond was lying about something and that simpering, acting confused drove me crazy. I hate that. It's not as cute as the thinks it is. But I didn't nail the Hustler until the end when he switched from trying to convince the other guy it was her, to trying to convince the lady it was the other guy. There would be no reason to switch directions like that.
  21. I suck at this game. I never pick the right person. Probably explains two divorces. But I'll watch most anything with TVs Craig Ferguson.
  22. I fell asleep in the middle. Probably not a good sign.
  23. I know it's all fiction and there is no way to know what was truly said, but if the Queen actually did say anything like BP "is rather too like a prison," I want to just bang my head on the wall. I don't personally or politically or existentially wish her any harm, but also think a week in a REAL prison would be very interesting experience for her. With the life she's lived, there's almost no way for her not to be out of touch with normal people and normal life. But golly, at least pretend a little.
  24. I remember him from ER, but of course, I didn't like him there, so I never like him when I see him. I'm very much a "first role was ooky, you'll always be ooky to me" kind of person. There are several actors who walk onto a scene and I immediately know they are the bad guy. Even when they aren't, I know they are and the writers just didn't discover it in time.
  25. I loved, loved, loved Miranda, so I was looking forward to this. Unfortunately, it just wasn't there. Some bits were lifted directly from Miranda, like the 'what not to wear' bit. So not sure if that's really a Mayim dig, because it was on Miranda also. I also love Leslie Jordan, so was hoping for the best. I will watch a few more episodes to see if maybe they iron it out. But I was so disappointed.
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