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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. Yes. Next week is Halloween themed.
  2. They stopped on the way home to buy the morning after pill, so not Harris - this time anyway.
  3. Just a reminder that everyone is entitled to their own opinions as long as they don't break site rules. Discussing religion can be challenging but as long as it's directed at the show and not fellow posters, it's fine.
  4. I thought it was brilliantly done - and I was very skeptical they could do the subject justice before watching it.
  5. Partisan politicking is prohibited on these forums. (Please see this post in our FAQ.) Except in direct show context, avoid citing politicians, parties, or Administrations. This includes political topics raised by Roseanne Barr. What does that mean when it comes to The Conners? It means that political topics presented within the show may be discussed in that direct context, but posts containing personal political views are subject to moderation. Like Roseanne before it, the show addresses cultural and social issues. Social and cultural issues are not the province of any one party. Discussion of these issues is welcome here, but your posts should neither reference, nor make explicit, your own political affiliation. If you have a question on any of this, please PM the forum moderators, @Pallas, @statsgirl and @tessaray. Thank you.
  6. Partisan political discussion is prohibited on PTV. (Please see this post in our FAQ.) Limited discussion of politics as used in an episode is acceptable. This topic is for speculation on The Conners upcoming episodes and The Conners lack of political content is off-topic. Posts attempting to start political discussions will be removed and may lead to warnings or other consequences.
  7. Air date: Oct 23, 2018 Note: ABC's website calls this episode 103. No word on when the original second episode will air.
  8. Yeah, the Blue episode was for November sweeps. The B plot of the church episode has Mark doing a survey about the election, which won't make sense if they push it out past that. Now I'm more interested in seeing why they moved it out.
  9. I was watching him in the background specifically looking to see where his hands were and it didn't seem like it but easy enough for the show to claim it was if they decide to go with it later.
  10. I'm okay with the Diana character. They need an antagonist and the actress is good. Most sitcom characters start out one dimensional anyway. (And every workplace has the young, slightly obnoxious, on the way up executive.) I used to love Murphy's rants and am glad CB can still pull them off. I kind of wish Miles had been the one to pull out his phone and record it though.
  11. I have mixed feelings about Jim's appearance. I'll just say I'm glad he was feeling up to doing it. And the flirting with Phyllis was kind of cute. However, the only thing I laughed at was the preview for next week. (I can really relate.)
  12. Some of the stills floating around showed all the Conners at church and DJ giving Darlene a bear hug (like she had just agreed to go with them, though that's just my interpretation). Did the original show ever have them at church? I missed big chunks back then. I wonder if they are trying to substitute religion for politics, since one of the other taglines for the new show was about in-law problems. I guess if Geena's parents are religious in the traditional sense, it could be a source of conflict?
  13. The original 2nd episode is called "The Separation of Church and Dan". I wonder if they thought the Johnny Galecki episode was a better draw, all things considered.
  14. I didn't see Dan having an epiphany and accepting a gay grandson, I saw a grief-stricken grandfather giving scant attention to his grandkid, realizing it and then giving him his full attention, Conner style with the Enrique comment. (ETA: and yes, a bit of discomfort that Mark was being open about stuff he'd rather not talk about.) I thought the varied reactions of the kids were well done. Kids can be brutal about their elders dying. OTOH, Mary having the fruits/vegetables reaction was good, too - it was sweet she wanted to keep everyone else well but also evident she was processing things differently than Mark or Harris.
  15. I missed the first 5 minutes too and had just watched it on the dvr. You should definitely try to catch it online, there were some good lines.
  16. They crammed a lot in the first couple of minutes. It opens with dishwashing and a discussion of death and casseroles, DJ and Gina come in, Jackie gets a phone call, Dan's back is bothering him because he's sleeping on the couch (evidently Roseanne died in bed), Gina and Darlene have a quippy conversation about the Bible, hell and reincarnation - they're smiling like it's a familiar thing and then Jackie comes in from the porch and brings Dan out there to tell him that the coroner's report says Roseanne died of an overdose. All in the first 3 minutes.
  17. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of the show. Direct comments to what happens on-screen and not your fellow posters.
  18. No matter how anyone feels about Roseanne and the way The Conners came to be, the show deserves to be evaluated on its own merits. Please focus the snark on the actual content and performances.
  19. A brief intro to the The Mandalorian universe. Plenty of time to study up, as the show won't debut until Fall 2019, assuming Disney gets their new streaming service up and running by then. https://www.polygon.com/2018/10/15/17979318/the-mandalorian-live-action-star-wars-series-lore
  20. I never watched CBS soaps until all my favorite NBC and ABC soaps had gone under or become unrecognizable **cough**GH**cough** so I'm not sure I agree with the rankings but it's an interesting list. I'd never heard of some of the shows. The 30 Best Daytime Soaps of All Time
  21. SB had a pretty great cast too.
  22. An interesting question. I think back in the early days, there were so many more of them and they didn't last forever - though a lot of that was due to the transition from radio to television. I'm not sure what the average was. I have the following website in my RSS feed reader and am always kind of amazed at the soaps I never heard of. https://www.welovesoaps.net/search/label/History It's funny but when I first skimmed the question I was thinking that you meant half hour vs. one hour vs. ninety minute format until I saw years. It's too bad that the half hour soaps mostly died out first. The genre might not be down to 4 daytime soaps if there were some half hour dramas other than B&B.
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