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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. TK Island? :-) Sure, why not? The more the merrier. I haven't seen Ridge's kids yet or know if he has any friends but TK can bring the father/son thing and do a great bromance. They just need to give him something to work with. To be fair though, and as much as I love the guy, he can tune out when he doesn't like a story and I don't really approve of any actor when they do that.
  2. I loved Zach and Kendall on AMC but before that loved TK as Ian Thornhart on Port Charles. Which is weird, because I did not like him all that much as brother Patrick Thornhart on OLTL. Go figure. I started watching B&B shortly before the Hope and Liam disaster at the Eiffel Tower, so I don't have any LG comparisons to make, but I do like the actress a lot. Her chemistry with TK surprised me, because their scenes were really awkward at first, with the drawing and such. I was a little choked up with Monday's episode, because Ridge took the high road and backed off Caroline - which of course confused her - and I felt her pain/confusion, too, (It was kind of funny, Rick mentioning the timing of it all.) I just hope it doesn't take Caroline too long to figure out what he (Rick) is up to. ETA: I can't quite wrap my head around the fact that Ridge is the biological son of someone named Massimo Marone, but who to me will always be Stefano DiMera. :-) TK certainly looks like he could be his son, though. And a favorite Zendall scene...
  3. From what little I've watched these last few months - and the trip in the truck in particular - all I can think of is "50 Shades..." I'm bitter that the time I spent coming back to DAYS to see AS off was totally and completely wasted.
  4. TK is one of the reasons I'm watching so it feels weird that he isn't very well liked. I will agree that it wouldn't hurt a few of the guys to hit the gym but OTOH, I care more about the acting and chemistry, so I'm good. Agreed, this is really disappointing.
  5. Rick's crack about Eric's former lovers and employees wasn't just being mean, I guess. :-) Wow. Is there anyone over a certain age he wasn't involved with?
  6. I just got caught up on 2 weeks worth of shows - halfway through I was wondering if it was even worth but by Friday's show... yeah, it was worth it. First a couple of comments on the previous 8 shows. Amsterdam was kind of boring. Normally I love foreign locations (the only reason I watch House Hunters International, for instance) but it fell flat to me. Maybe it's because even though I like both characters, Liam and Ivy - who are cute, don't get me wrong - are kind of boring. They have lots of friend chemistry but not seeing the instant romance. Wyatt and Hope were actually much more interesting to me. I enjoyed Wyatt finally putting it out there that it had to stop, the longing looks, etc. Totally #teamwyatt at that point. So, now - Thursday/Friday. Caroline finally gets tired of being humiliated and demeaned and starts looking at everything from a different perspective. (yay!) Lots of embraces (with me wondering what kind of shampoo she uses, lol) and then, Eric confronting Rick, like he should have the week before. And that final apology was masterfully duplicitous. Everything Rick said was intended to indicate he meant Caroline but we knew that he was talking about the company, and his position as CEO was what he was trying to save. This is the first time in decades that I've been so riveted by a triangle on a show, daytime or primetime. Kudos to the actors and writers (even Jacob Young, an actor I'm not very fond of). This triangle even makes Katie and Bill kind of interesting. :-) ETA: even the timing is interesting. Caroline finally starts to reevaluate and then gets what she claimed she wanted, a reconciliation. Looking forward to what happens on Monday.
  7. I haven't had a chance to see the episode yet - it's killing me. :-) But John/Joss I put in the "could have been" column. When she died, I don't think that Reese lost his 'twu wuv' but the chance that they might have become something more to each other. They seemed to be playing up his unspoken feelings for her in the episodes prior. Or maybe it was just me. :-) I'm not a shipper, so I don't tend to automatically go there. I just appreciated JC's acting. There's something about when someone close to you dies, if there was any sort of complicated relationship with unresolved issues (good or bad), it can just gut you because in an instant the world changes. You will never get a chance to change anything. In a funny way, it's a minor parallel with not killing the Congressman. The actions you don't take and the impact those choices have...
  8. One of my first experiences with Deacon when he was on Y&R and actually being a good influence on drunk Nikki, so I liked his scenes with Quinn. Didn't like that Wyatt was giving in to the crazy in his DNA. (Is this the first time he's done that?) B&B being able to film on location is such a treat to watch. After watching the decline ($$) of all the other soaps, I'm not sure if it's poignant, painful or both but I intend to enjoy it while it lasts.
  9. I'm not too happy with Moffat either, so I've been pretty grouchy about shows this year. If it weren't for Person of Interest, I wouldn't have anything to watch. I fell for Arrow because of Team Arrow. Watching Oliver become a better human being because of them. Nothing I've seen so far has shown me that Oliver is a better person because of Laurel. Sara worked, because her reappearance healed something inside him and he did the same for her. Then came Season 3. Sigh. Enough bitterness for tonight, I guess.
  10. To be fair, Sara's BC journey overlapped Oliver's (early back story/journey) for the most part, so it wasn't wasted screen time. Unlike BC 2.0, which doesn't and is.
  11. I want Felicity to be part of Arrow until the final scene of the last episode but after that, I can see EBR with her own show. Maybe they should do a reboot of Bewitched so she can bring a little Felicity to Samantha?
  12. Interesting that the bitterness thread got a break this week. :-) Most of my bitterness since the premiere has been secondhand (since I couldn't bear to watch the worst) - Secret Origin is the first full episode of S3 that I've watched. I liked it but I didn't FF any scenes in this episode, so I'm officially firsthand bitter about Quentin and SWMNBN keeping Sara's death from him. I can't imagine how hard that's been for those of you who are still watching. I think the 3 inter-cut scenes would have been more effective if I hadn't laughed out loud at one character's arms flailing all over the place. My bitterness at the gym scenes would fill a whole post if I could stand to analyze it so I'll just go back to lurking now.
  13. I figured the techno babble wasn't going to be great when Felicity said she coded a Zork emulator in Linux. I have a 10 year old Linux PDA that has a Zork emulator on it - and previous models going back another 3 or 4 years had them too. But then very few shows get tech right. Arrow isn't unique. Also ETA: I haven't seen the whole episode yet. I usually just ignore Felicity's tech dialog but the Linux thing... maybe the rest will be the normal variety of techno babble.
  14. From what I remember of OLTL/AMC before the cancellations, that age group (early 20-somethings) was underrepresented. And no one from the online reboots seem like a potential Hope. Denyse Tontz maybe? (Miranda/AMC) A little bit young though.
  15. I found today's episode very strange. It's my first time seeing the famous Taylor (not really impressed) and what on earth was the floaty head thing and is Aly officially -um- psychologically challenged? I suppose that explains the obsession with Hope and Liam's love life but wow, did not see that coming. :-)
  16. I won't get a chance to see today's episode until quite late. I'm hoping that the ultrasound scene segues into a scene with a discussion of conception/due dates? This show has some odd timing, though so I'm learning not expect logical follow-on scenes.
  17. :-) Maybe she (Laurel) stays at a radioactive bed and breakfast? I will admit to total ignorance on how the whole meta-human thing is supposed to work on The Flash. I only watched the episode with Felicity. I'm too leery of these showrunners to risk getting into another show they are doing. (If all goes well, I'll binge watch on Netflix next year.) ETA: for moderation purposes, I'm only referencing the Flash/super powers in relation to moving Laurel along (it could be any plot device - I don't care) but not watching The Flash is pure Arrow bitterness. Not really a cross-over post but it can be moved or deleted if necessary.
  18. As long as Sara was alive anywhere, the audience would be comparing Laurel's BC to hers. The only way to stop that would be for Sara to no longer be a factor at all. I agree that this show relies too much on death to propel the journeys - it's cheap and lazy writing. I think the only one that has been interesting to watch (in spite of the bitterness) is Moira/Thea. While I'm not a fan of super powers, I'm with those who wish that Laurel would visit CC and come back ready to go and actually get on with it. I'd still be bitter about Sara's death but at least they'd stop rubbing it in. ETA: I hope this post did not cross the line re: Laurel for the mods.
  19. I'm not watching Arrow this season for obvious reasons but couldn't resist sneaking a peek at Felicity on The Flash. It was nice to see that the character worked with that team as well. It made me miss Team Arrow, though.
  20. While I enjoyed most of the episode, I guess I'm sitting by myself in the corner tonight because I'm not liking the parallel Elias/Brotherhood and Machine/Samaritan with our guys in the middle. Harold in Hong Kong kind of made the episode for me. Never would have predicted that one - well, except for Samaritan being interested in her company.
  21. I didn't enjoy Maya/Rick but loved Eric, Ridge and Caroline. Nice to see TK awake finally. Was beginning to think I'd hallucinated the memories of how good he could be after seeing him with Brooke and Katie. Hope and Carter seem to have a nice, low key chemistry. I still don't like her but she's not quite as annoying in scenes like these. ETA: Hypocrisy factor aside.
  22. Wasn't there a webisode where he puts it in her cell in the Storm Cage? Or was that just the diary?
  23. I came to B&B because of the former ABC actors but sorry, Jacob Young wasn't one of them. He does throw glassware in the grand old GH/Sonny Corinthos tradition, though. :-) While I usually like the fact that B&B is half an hour - and think maybe if more of the soaps had scaled back they might have been saved - on days like today, I wish it was an hour. Because I really wanted to get more of Ridge. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. And I wanted to see more of Ridge and Eric.
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