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Everything posted by tessaray

  1. Given that I (somewhat unwillingly, since I am not a shipper by nature) am on the CaRidge ship, I hope this means that Ridge has been an arrogant, egotistical jerk but now is showing some character growth by having him connect on a real level with Caroline. If they have to use their connection as "ahhhh-tists", then okay. That works for me at the moment. Because even if they do have something real (other than physical chemistry) there will be lots of complications. They are at different points in their lives. Maybe go "A Star is Born" by making Caroline the design star on the rise. And on the personal front, she's going to want kids, not sure Ridge is going to want a third family. ETA: I don't know if it's JY or what but as great as his performances have been, I just don't care. I might have if he hadn't used the company to lash out so viciously. You can't sell me on his dedication to it by showing me he was willing to endanger it to get revenge on Ridge and Caroline. Or maybe if I had been around for Raya 1.0. Now I think Maya should get a clue as to what's in store for her if she ever gets on his wrong side.
  2. Didn't one of the spoilers say ? Because as I was doing dishes last night, it made me wonder if maybe I don't even know if it would be a reasonable retcon.
  3. I think so, mainly because Katie was confident and gracious and Caroline looked like she was feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Katie used some very flowery language but what I heard was "good luck with that". :-)
  4. Or Katie decided to make it clear upfront that Caroline didn't steal her man, that she had finally figured out she didn't want him if their relationship was all about Ridge. Which I gather is true - since I started watching Katie spent most of her time staring at that red ribbon while Ridge was off badgering Brooke and doing whatever else it was that he did.
  5. So Bill took off in the middle of conversation to go yell at Rick and Maya but Caroline never made it to the part about giving up on Rick and now reconsidering her relationship with Ridge? That was a very oddly written scene. I did like that Rick was puzzled by Caroline's change in attitude. There's nothing that makes a bully crazier than sensing his victim doesn't care anymore. (BTW, I only use the term victim in the sense of the nasty way he's been treating her, regardless of whether or not you think she deserved it. He was enjoying hurting her. At least until he had control of the company and didn't have to pretend anymore.)
  6. I'm finally caught up and while LG kind of glows with TK, I would have liked a day or two between the previous guy and the new guy. I don't think this show knows how to do that, though. At least the acting is several notches above the H/L/W showdown at the Eiffel Tower. The guys who play Carter and Othello seem like good guys in their own way but their scenes were painful to sit through. I like Othello, just for his affection for Rick and Maya because they need that - but an actor he is not. Carter - I want to like him more, and he's okay being Ridge's friend but sheesh... he makes me feel sorry for Maya. It's no secret that I am on the CaRidge ship but one of the spoilers had me going WTF?
  7. I have no idea what most of that means. :-) I don't entirely disagree with you, I hope I would never do to someone what Caroline did but I'm an old lady and I've seen workplace flirtations turn into affairs/divorces and some that never do. I've seen the same happen with friends. But a marriage is a precious thing and I can't say that I would divorce my husband if he unintentionally got too close to someone he worked with. Would I be hurt? Yes, maybe even beyond forgiveness. But I definitely wouldn't get past it if I knew they had had sex. For me, that's the dividing line. It's easy to say that an emotional affair is the same but for me it isn't. The fact that there was a line that wasn't crossed could make all the difference to the innocent party. ETA: I would be more likely to call what Ridge and Caroline did an emotional affair if they had pursued it in other ways like "accidentally" meeting up for coffee or drinks, whatever or personal emails or letters, stuff like that. Most of what happened, especially physical contact, was triggered by the forced working setup. Lame, maybe, but mileage varies...
  8. I'll agree that you can get whiplash watching relationships on this show. I won't repeat what others have said about the reality of people developing feelings and not acting on them. But to expand on it, I don't think Caroline should have "confessed" to Rick. Telling her husband that she had faced temptation and things were under control would have only hurt him - what would be the point? I do believe even married people have the right to keep some things private. At that point she still loved Rick. Maybe she was stifling nascent love/lust for Ridge but that didn't mean her feelings for Rick and her marriage weren't real. Maybe it's because I'm not Catholic but while worrisome, impure thoughts and "committing adultery in your heart" aren't anywhere nearly the same as having sex. They just aren't. IANAL but kissing is not sexual contact and wouldn't give you grounds for divorce, at least for adultery.
  9. At that point, the collection was done (along with the forced proximity with Ridge), Caroline had come to her senses and was determined to forget about him and if Maya hadn't said anything, it's quite possible that things would have been fine. But what I meant in my comment above was less about Maya destroying their marriage as the public way she went about it, which guaranteed the maximum amount of damage. Maya had to make sure there was no way Rick could forgive Caroline, which might have happened without the public humiliation.
  10. If it weren't for the fact that they are battling over Rick (!) and the queasy racial subtext, I think I could enjoy a long-term Maya/Caroline rivalry. They do seem to have all the pieces in place for it.
  11. I can't quite forget that Maya not only deliberately destroyed Rick's marriage with her little boardroom announcement, she humiliated him in the guise of being this awesome truth teller. And then conveniently tracked him down and had sex with him when he was drunk and out of his mind with grief and jealousy. Caroline may have given her the ammunition but Maya didn't care what damage she inflicted by using it, as long as she could pick up the pieces. Note: I didn't see Maya/Caroline round 1 and not sure what either one of them sees in Rick.
  12. Ah, sorry. I didn't like Patrick Thornhart but loved Ian. (Not sure if it was because of the drippy poetry or the better female costars on PC.) I liked Zach Slater, too, especially with Kendall. On B&B I really like his father/son dynamic with Eric, as much or more than with Caroline.
  13. His stint on OLTL was 1995-1997, so yeah. While I don't particularly care for TK's original poetry, Brown Penny is Yeats. It fit his character, an Irish poet reciting Irish poetry. It did get old fast. :-) ETA: TK does have a great voice for poetry, if you like that kind of thing.
  14. The idea that Control would have had a baby or adopted a child after 9/11 took me out of the episode but other than that, loved it.
  15. I don't think Caroline really had the right to tell Rick about Ridge's drawing problems. Did Ridge put her in an awkward position there? Yes. But she kept getting pushed into the collaboration when she tried to back out. I don't mean to sound like I approve but sometimes you can't control who you are attracted to. LG did a good job with it - Caroline knew she was a little too close to the fire but both tried to back away and contain it, while still being irresistibly drawn to it. What makes this a good story is that you can't put the blame 100% on any one person. I feel for all of them in one way or another.
  16. I think Rick had every right to feel hurt and betrayed and while he had no obligation to forgive Caroline or Ridge their emotional affair, once he took her back to get the CEO job, he lost the moral highground (what little he had, considering he was the one committing adultery with Maya), forfeited any sympathy I might have had and is now just as tainted by the whole mess. He can whine all he wants but he could have really taken Caroline back and worked on their marriage if she had mattered more to him than the enmity he had for Ridge. It was his choice. Which is kind of ironic, since making his marriage with Caroline work would have been the best way to hurt Ridge. (And I do think she honestly wanted to fix their relationship more than she wanted Ridge once Maya outed them, but a person can only take so much...)
  17. I don't think these producers feel the need to be limited to logical plots that have internal consistency. If they want to do something that makes no sense (LL/Instant BC) they just fall back on comics! and expect viewers to STFU and move on. Considering the body count for both Oliver and Laurel's "journey", I have no problem seeing them as endgame now. Because comics (certain versions of them anyway) trump everything else. ETA: This isn't even a bitter post, just realistic.
  18. They'll have to turn up the heat pretty soon if they want Caroline and Ridge to even simmer. (I have no problem with simmering but right now we don't even have that.) Brooke was so boring when I first started watching. She even made Deacon boring, pretty flashbacks aside. I think the current situation that Brooke will be walking into is night and day from the way things were when she left, which makes me interested in seeing how she reacts to it. Well, as long as Ridge is all "Brooke who?". ;-)
  19. This reminds me why I could never get into B&B back in the day. As much as I like Susan Flannery (she was my Laura Horton/DAYS) the character of Stephanie Forrester was always too much for me. I don't mind sneaky and manipulative but the sheer toxic nastiness made my stomach churn.
  20. I don't mind the fly-overs or any of the establishing shots. Compared to some soaps where you can get whiplash from the absurdly short scenes, that second or two gives you a bit of mental transition and it works for me. Of course, they probably only do it to save money on actual content but it's much less annoying than drippy Hope montages.
  21. I'm a little confused by the writers and what they are doing with Caroline and Ridge. At first (given the age gap) I wanted it to be more of a Mac and Rachel (Another World) love affair but couldn't really think of what CaRidge gives them that the other relationships in their lives didn't. Maybe I'm over-thinking it but until I see differently onscreen, I'm just going with the artistic partnership filling that need. Ridge needed a helping hand - literally- and still needs something fresh with a new perspective, Caroline needed a glimpse into the real artistry of the designs that were in Ridge's head and what she could do if she got to that next level. Add the artistic rush to plain old physical attraction - that has to be incredibly compelling. And all the ingredients are there for it to become something greater than the sum of its parts. Hey, it worked for Bogart and Bacall. :-)
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