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nutella fitzgerald

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Everything posted by nutella fitzgerald

  1. Yeah, Akinyi behaves about ten years younger than her chronological age, whatever it is. She’s too damn old to think she can stroll into a five-year-old’s life, marry his dad, and lurk about in some “friend” type of role when she is a grown adult. This isn’t a Mark/Nikki extreme age gap where the stepchildren are adults who no longer need raising. I also have a feeling that most of the dark-skinned black women in America are less than interested in sharing Ben’s Wonder Bread crusts.
  2. She came right out and announced his diarrhea to everyone!
  3. To be honest, I felt like Tom was Lebroning his lovemaking injury to begin with. What kind of ankle problem makes someone scream in pain when a boob touches it? Even if they’re not real, I would assume there aren’t blocks of tungsten carbide in there.
  4. Did they break into the apartment? I remember being shocked by Jenny’s description of Father-in-Law Sumit sitting on her couch and telling her that the family was on their way over. I would have expected him to be too busy introducing Sumit’s feet to his esophagus for such niceties.
  5. On a scale of 1 to smashing an entire apology cake into someone’s face, how furious do you think Mother Sumit was that Jenny still hadn’t left?
  6. I feel rather ill thinking about Jenny and Sumit having sex, so my research may be off. But from what I looked up, India overturned its laws against adultery just under a year ago, and the laws that did exist only criminalized the act of having sex with a married woman. So Jenny wouldn’t be guilty of anything under those laws. They could probably get police to take Sumit into custody for however long it took to clarify that Jenny is already divorced (a process that would probably be much slower if In-Laws Sumit have friends in the police department), but this assumes that all of this took place before the law was overturned in September 2018. Have we gotten any hints as to when Jenny began this ill-advised adventure? I saw another theory on Instagram: since Sumit was running around Delhi running his mouth about his plans to marry Jenny before she arrived in India, he might have set rumors into motion that they did get married, especially once locals spotted a dazed-looking blonde woman wandering around the city under the impression she could get a job there. In that case, In-Laws Sumit might have genuinely thought they had a case against him for bigamy. Have we talked about Jenny enduring the horrifying ordeal of Mother Sumit...pointing a finger in her face? What a blow she was dealt! If only Pole had been around to explain how gravely offensive it would have been if she tried that in jail.
  7. Does anyone else think Zoey’s curiosity about other people from India might have been accelerated by the family trip to China? Until that point, Zoey had become accustomed to being part of a sibling pair that doesn’t look like anyone else in the family. Then they all go to China, where not only is Zoey now the only one who doesn’t have anyone around who looks like her, but her partner in crime is now surrounded by people who resemble him more closely. At this point in the show, they hadn’t returned to India for a visit, so I think it makes sense that Zoey would be particularly curious when she saw an Indian person, rather than asking questions as a way to express her distaste for her Caucasian parents.
  8. If Sumit’s been married for two years, then this really puts a new spin on the scene where he told his friends about his plan to marry “that Jenny?!” - was the entire conversation scripted? Speaking of That Jenny, she can miss me with her wailing and rending of garments over Father-in-Law Sumit’s brilliant disguise of a motorcycle helmet making it possible for him to carry out the dastardly plan of, well, following Sumit to his love nest. I hope Wife Sumit had friends to cocoon her with takeout and wine while her husband’s mom beat his ass with a flip-flop.
  9. I am having an extremely difficult time thinking of any houseguest I would approve of staying with me for months. At that point, don’t you basically have an unemployed roommate who doesn’t pay rent?
  10. I don’t think Parents Sumit really were the problem, though, just the excuse Sumit gave Jenny since he couldn’t admit that the real obstacle to their marriage license was exactly what the official explained to them: the notification has to go to the home address so that if one party is already married, the existing spouse is going to receive notice that their spouse intends to marry someone else. Sumit didn’t want the marriage license to go to his address on record because then his actual wife would know something was up. I’m also not sure what religion Sumit is - I believe India is one of the countries that only permits multiple wives to men whose religion allow it, but I could be wrong about that.
  11. I agree with you in the case of a normal, non-televised relationship (whether it be a marriage or a blind date). But Heather is the only MAFS participant I recall doing this out of the 58 total over all 9 seasons, so she represents less than 2%. There was also a lot of speculation that after her season, production tightened their leashes on the couples specifically to avoid another spouse unexpectedly jumping ship.
  12. You could warn a girl before dropping that next-level cringe! I think I lost an inch of my height going through Jenny and Michael Jones’s love story 😣
  13. Wait, I just realized...did anyone discuss finances this season? I don’t mean Amber offering up her $80k salary for Matt to spend on Sonic dates with other women, I’m thinking of the talks we saw in the past, like Bobby and Danielle with the spreadsheet, or Atlanta Ashley briefly considering thawing when David told her how much he makes a year.
  14. Does anyone else want to set Jenny up with Zied from Before the 90 Days? They can commiserate about their lying married significant others. It could be the genesis of a whole Bachelor Pad-type spinoff!
  15. Thank you for sharing this!! I always thought it was suspicious that David's grandkids and Annie were so affectionate with each other while David and his kids would argue about the relationship.
  16. I would watch a 90 Day spinoff about Drascilla’s adventures in the sewage system of Seoul after throwing herself down the drain to get away from her new hamily. 90 Day Fiancé: Down the Drain. Have you seen their Cameos? (skip to 2:00 mark of that video) Baby Pierre was actually given a clip-in extension or similar hairpiece to play with. If he’s really lucky, the hoarders’ nest will also have a bathroom with a drain large enough for escape.
  17. Definitely not saying Creepy Akinyi of the Talking Walls is perfect here, but... If you arrange a visit specifically for your boyfriend to meet your family and met with him ahead of time to let him know he should make sure to greet said family members, is it really hanging him out to dry if you don’t think to remind him, “the people who live in this dwelling are related to me, please remember the human beings you are about to see ARE NOT FURNITURE,” immediately before entry?
  18. What if all the candy panties Caesar bought took his bank balance below the amount necessary for the plane ticket purchase to go through? 🕵️‍♀️
  19. Why would anyone want to read the memoirs of a man who couldn’t keep it in his pants or do it skillfully enough to not get caught? Can I sell a book about how I consistently drive over the speed limit and sometimes get pulled over?
  20. Because it’s too embarrassing for the state of North Carolina to showcase both Caesar and Tim, especially so soon after we saw Jonathan import his child bride into the Tar Heel State?
  21. Raven Symone probably first appeared on The Cosby Show around when MAFS Raven was born. Poor timing, Parents Raven!
  22. I think he’s just talking to say something at this point, since he looks dumb as hell for setting up these dumpster fires of couples and everyone knows it. They really needed a comeback season after Philadelphia’s 50% decision day (and even that was a miracle, because no one could have expected St. Stephanie to be able to handle Insane AJ) and these hot Charlotte messes sure aren’t it.
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