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Almost 3000

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  1. Judge Judy or Bonnie Hunt would be really good mods while different at least there would be some intelligence which is sorely lacking.
  2. This is so Carole's next book. A memoir, guide and quasi real romp of a widow's adventures in reality TV. The memoir part is the hook to actually sell it since straight fiction was a bit of a disaster.
  3. It was Vh1 and they have the whole up on-line for the fourth season.
  4. You'd think Anna and Jana would be close because of their age but I'd bet Anna only has the time of day for Jana when she needs something. Anna seems very Michelle that way to me. I've never cared for Anna because she seems full of herself and very "I'm Sadie, Sadie married lady..."
  5. Thanx @Absolom that's exactly what I was referring to but didn't want to give anymore weight to "Ruth" or any other of her phony personas.
  6. That was quoted a long time ago as fact on the old TWOP thread from the same poster that started the "sin in the camp" rumor. It has been repeated many times as true but its been pretty much proven elsewhere that the poster was a phony that dropped tid bits here and there as a Duggar family acquaintance.
  7. Now that you mention it I thought the shoes didn't look fresh but didn't put it together that they might be used. Just never considered USED for a wedding AND being featured on TV.
  8. I always thought that was one of the strangest Duggar stories and somehow they told it wrong because it makes no sense. But, then again maybe not and Michelle is just that strange to come up with such a bizarre solution.
  9. Just to give a reference I'm a fifties kid and my dad said the same thing about stitches to my chin. Because I was a girl I got 3 stitches but a son would've probably gotten just a bandage. Interesting that people still have that notion that a girl and her beauty are valued and a boy's looks is not viewed the same way.
  10. Yes! and for the most part they really looked pretty good BUT no one dresses that way in southern CA so I thought the stylist missed the mark. I actually thought those Sky tops and jeans or slim pants were a rather perfect style choice for the OC wives. Ah, memories the memories but sorry for the thread drift...
  11. Vicki has looked lovely in some of her business dresses. I've always thought Vicky and NYC Ramona suffer from the same poor style choices and Ramona too looked her best the season she hired a stylist who dressed her in more upscale attire that looked like dressy business wear.
  12. Thanks @BradandJanet, Derrick does remind me of the brothers and that's who I was probably trying to come up with. Funny how I/we like to match up people with their celebrity doppelgangers.
  13. His Yelp (or whatever the online review site was) reviews mentioned attitude big time.
  14. I wonder about Julie too. She seemed to put her heart and fell just short of her soul too into Bethenny and the Skinny Girl endeavors. I always thought Julie and Jason made for a better match and at least it seemed like Julie liked him. I can't even imagine how tough and stressful her job was.
  15. "E" ordered the shows so I don't think they'll be on Bravo.
  16. That curler has become a "friend of the housewives" and quite an amusing sidekick for Ramona. I actually do the same trick so I can't rag on her to much but at least I don't do it on camera.
  17. @MrMattyMatt ~ I saw the ladies night out money thing in a movie with Sandra Bullock called "The Proposal" but I'd bet its origin is really from English pubs. I've actually never heard of it being done by strangers in a public place. Sounds like a bad idea and a fine line between fun and possible assault.
  18. Joshie's instagram has always had the best wedding scoop for the Keller's, Bates' etc. He must be in major withdrawal.
  19. I think she sees this as visibility for her Skinny Girl contract that ties incentive bonuses to her continued promotion of the brand. Its in her best interest for the cocktail line as well as her other products that tie to that image.
  20. I didn't find the wheelchair funny BUT gotta admit the lighted and scrolling sign with her name made me smile and think, "Well here's your banner Aviva and the producers hate you too."
  21. I just wandered over here to report that Steve Edwards on my local Los Angeles station said the same thing. Hope she gets it even if I don't like her because I'd like to see how she does. She seems like she'd be a train wreck with the current cast.
  22. @ChicksDigScars ~ Its was also one of the poises Jill pinned on her Pinterest. I wanna see the bridesmaids, darn it. So far Jill's event is surprisingly tasteful as I wasn't expecting much after viewing the colorful Tori Bates wedding choices. I think there were at least two wedding planners involved. The first was probably a paid or not church representative and second a coordinator hired by TLC. This seemed to be a fairly buttoned up event and we know Michelle didn't do it.
  23. @Mrs. P. Its the Duggar call to look down at your shoes when something "defrauding" is in sight. So yes in a round about it does have to do with the athletic shoe.
  24. and its all done with volunteer help. Michelle in particular sure gets a lot of help and we never see her actually doing anything for anyone else except talk about support which usually means showing up with the army and standing around. They are such a J.O.Y.
  25. Yes, that's a great way to describe her look. Kim of Queens from that beauty pageant show has those same strong features. My guess is they both interview well and look striking on stage because its not a typical pageant look.
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