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Everything posted by AnnaMayWong

  1. clanstarling, you may have deduced Quayle's situation correctly. If we follow that line of thought, perhaps, Quayle realizes that Broussard is too emotionally attached to Katie and is attempting to sever the bond betwixt the two. Also, earlier, Quayle may have been dismissive of Will other than another tributary of information. However, now, Will is the leader of THAT department and has shown himself to be formidable, well, at least, energetic in wide strategizing and personal combat. The resultant... -- unexpected strong interference. Maybe, a rising Opponent to his (Quayle's) goals/desires. And, if Quayle's compatriots are part of his political manoeuvring and machinations to garner Snyder's post then Will is not an obtuse assimilated zealous 'turncoat'. IF this is the case, I may be able to unfurl my lips that twist in disgust as Will relentlessly and, apparently, tirelessly runs about in non-stop action and flurry paying no heed to the well-being of friend and neighbor. P.S.: I want to know more about the events surrounding Lori-Katie('s) and Sawyer-Will('s) missing son. ...
  2. Riiight, Katie is a double-agent. So, that must be why she called(like Will couldn't figure that out) Quayle-Broussard, The Resistance, to let 'em know that Proxy Snyder was snivelly and shakily holed up at HER bar, The Yonk. Katie didn't have to call. Broussard et al all had no idea of Snyder's location. In addition, Will's former boss met her demise due to Kate's non-surreptitious Intel. As a matter of obvious fact, if not for Lori-Katie, what would have the local Resistance accomplished thus far. Now, I don't know if Quayle has the hook-up with Resistance both near and far, but based on the viewers limited vision of him, I declare Quayle a nimrod. Will knows that feckin' Lori-Katie is aiding La Résistance. And, she knows it. Yes, indeed, he is subtly yet emphatically dispensing warning that Eyes Are On Her (for family protection of course). Uh huh, I agree with some other posters--Katie and Broussard were most definitely 'sleeping together'. Snyder remains an arse. Will, that hair may have been full of body in younger years, but, now, it's lacklustre and, actually, strawlike. Get thee to a barber. Now.
  3. Ray Liotta is performing some fine acting. I think that Woz's luva has plans for making Woz the patsy in this criminal enterprise and debacle. Jennifer Lopez's 'acting' has smoothed out a bit and she's doin' okay. Is Harlee going to be accused of deliberately injecting an air bubble into Sap's tube? Attempting to shoot him? She stupidly raced through hospital corridors with her weapon unholstered. And, Harlee will be 'discovered' there--in an area where she should not be without permission(Sap's room) during a time wherein all others left/evacuated induced by a nurse upon discovering a threat of a bombing based on obviously abandoned real explosives as she, Harlee, brandishes a gun while standing over a recently killed police officer/FBI informant. Whew! Okay, riiiight, yeah, yeah. I can see how ALL of that will not pose problems for Harlee. Miguel was great in his accurate jabs at creepy obsessed Stahl. I would assume that Sap, himself, hid his contract with the FBI underneath the carpeting. I doubt that he held suspicion of his room being ransacked. His partner had to tear apart the room before locating it. ( Who is going to clean up that mess and what will Mum think.) Nuthin to say about the rest of 'em.. EXCEPT, man(!), these officers(police/FBI) are contemptible and detestable thus far. ...
  4. Well, it is ridiculous. REAL Housewives ridiculousness. Kyle is usually pummeled into positions of 'She can't win for losing, and 'Damned if she does; damned if she doesn't'. Therefore, Kyle should cease any and all efforts to curtail Kim Konversations by others. Kyle gets battered, berated, and condemned if she dares to mention Kim, ergo, Kyle should not be damned if she does not hinder, obscure,... these conversations by others. So, Disengage. Although, more's the pity, I am certain that Kyle WILL continue to be blamed for arsehole Kim's Klashes and Klunks as well as Kim's general bitchitude and bitchery. ...
  5. ...And, as for Kim trying to be a good person, I reel in disbelief. Kim is often deplorable not woeful.
  6. Avaleigh, this is a superb post. You have formulated (a)sound logical premise and analyses. Your deductions are insightful, also. The world did not rest upon Kim's shoulders during her youth, adolescence, nor adulthood. Kim didn't have some horrific childhood--a spoiled one, yes. Furthermore, most significantly, Kim has been 'of age' for THREE DECADES. And, Kyle should not bear the hideous burden of ramifications from Kim's selfish decisions to disregard responsible behaviors and sound decisions during her (Kim's) ADULT life.
  7. Perspectives DO differ. You are correct. For instance, I cannot view Kim as a sensitive suffering soul in ANY manner. She is a true and through asshole. ...
  8. ...oh, Alex(hmm. uh,huh). Alex and his accent... uh, yum. Miller finally became mildly interesting. The Obsession while rattling around that station was tiresome. Poor ole Holden is eventually realizing that No Good Deed Goes Unpunished. Naomi holds the group together emotionally. Also, she possesses the 'brains' (without hauteur), maturity, AND wunderkind technical savvy to get the job done. I like her. ...
  9. You are speaking my language and it just may be 'Belter' Creole. Feckin' Luv Amos! ("...just let me get this[semi] below...) WOW! Although, prior to pulling a gun on Naomi, Semi was okayish. And, I was looking forward to a transfusion of fresh blood aboard the ship. *( And, yes, I do know that Burton is originally from Earth, however...)* ...
  10. I have never held a belief that The Visitors or The Hosts were EXTRAterrestrial or NOT because we have been presented with so little information per the storyline. Long-term blindness, deafness, and ignorance about the storyline is not "good" albeit Science Fiction,...in books, television,... Rather, that illustrates an aimless, unstructured, somewhat, chaotic 'mind' of The Creative/Production Team. *( episodes in seasons are few and, oftentimes, short-lived, nowadays. no time for needless musings and fillers. so, The Team needs to develop, write, direct, edit,...the plot and other aspects of production FAST and WELL. they know the parameters. do THE job.)*
  11. WHY is Wendy always so scathing and disrespectful to Suzanne?
  12. I STILL don't understand how some of Skaikru became THAT adept at Grounder 'language' so quickly.
  13. ETA: Wow! I confused Kenny Doughty's character, Aiden, with the character of Joe. Do NOT know why I erred in that. Was looking at an episode and it dawned on me. *So, I guess my above⬆ statement is pointless.*
  14. Fuck Jasper. I am sick and tired of his extremely selfish self-pitying staggering. Pike is gaoled unabashed and unchagrined. Aand, he is a dangerous ILL-INFORMED militant as are his Assholes-in-Arms. Bellamy, Bellamy, Bellamy...that⬆ includes you, too. There you go, Once More into the (wrong) Breach. So, a brazen haphazard scheme is afoot and, thus, the covenant shall be broken. Nay, obliterated. Wow, Lexa❗(Although, shades of Hunger Games). Must be all that Night Blood. Now, if we just knew both the mythology and truth of that ichor. I'm wearied by Clarke. Her pensiveness and soldierIng melancholy is grating. I don't get the fascination. Yet, due credit to Clarke and ALL of the OTHER architects, I must emphatically say that the Mt. Weather Manoeuvre was THE feat of stratagem. Although, Jaha, SEEMINGLY, is twisting into an ever tightening spool of lunacy, I don't care for The Show placing him into a descent of malignancy while Abby, Bellamy, and, especially, Kane rise to semi-touted status despite former unscrupulous and even deliberately murderous behaviors. Grounders vs. Skaikru--THIS will end in anguished obligations and schemes of revenge. Again. ...
  15. Nuh! Uh! Both o' youse need to STEP waaay BACK 'cause I want 'im--a lot! (lol!)
  16. C'mon Show. Ratchet it up a dollop❗ ...How are the non-Host(s) administrators chosen? What is the highest administrative position held by a non-Host(s) in this society? WHO holds that position? Are we going to discover the differing roots of each of these administrators' collaboration? Their varying shades of 'villainy' ? Wow, Snyder. Rank double-crossing. Or, is his sanity questionable(?). Does he have command of his senses ? Possession of a full complement of wits? Frankly, he seems a fell fellow in actual deed. Feckin' Lori ! ( Ah, alright, alright. Feckin' KATIE ! ) Does she do ANYthing other than wander about in relentless wide-eyed stupid-assed wonder(?). Hmm, well, she DOES perform 'shivving your husband in the back' acts as she languorously pedals her bicycle. What the _ _ _ is The Factory?! Are we going to get a gander of the 'Raps' during the current season? I wanna know about the lay of the land and The People beyond The Wall. ...Cuppa coffee anyone?... __
  17. Too good! Too funny! ON POINT and Marvelous!
  18. Dr. Hobson does, indeed, appear mighty happy in her season 8 relationship with Lewis. And, still working the crime scenes...
  19. I just rewatched the episode early this morn and read your comment during my viewing. So weird! *(I only recently found this thread.)* Needed my fix of a calm, good 'n' decent acting, 'cerebral' mystery.
  20. Inspector Lewis, the character, oftentimes, has seemed somewhat dim to me. For instance, in the season 8, episode 5, he runs about clumsily, ranting while making inept decisions and conclusions in an extremely cloddish fashion. I know that I listed only the one episode of quite a few, but seeing him lurch around brought forth my aggravation with the character. Actually, it may be the actor, Kevin Whately. He irked me on (inspector) George Gently and The Broker's Man as well. However, despite my frustration and slight disgust, I really do like the show--and MUCH more than Inspector Morse. *( I do love Endeavour) ...
  21. Wendy does appear to be inordinately proud of being able to retain the spoon-fed Talking Points as she races in studio at the last moment. It's SO VERY obvious. Also, it's rather riveting to realize the number of people who believe Wendy to be 'one of us', 'the real deal', sane(?). Even more fascinating, upon simply leveling criticism at Wendy, how some believe one to be 'jealous' and a 'hātä'. I do tire of Wendy's ignorant 'what the hell' racial generalizations. Maybe, ignorance truly IS bliss (and, seemingly, an avenue to finance success). (sigh) Ah, Wendy, perhaps, in the future... Anywaay, kudos Wendy?! ...
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