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Everything posted by langway

  1. At my company, you get vacation, sick, personal time, etc. How much depends on when you start. I started in January so I got all the bells and whistles, except for sick and personal time, which you're not given till you are out of your probationary period (90 days) after that, you're given however many sick days and 1 personal day. Considering I started in January, I got the full 7 days of sick time after my probation period, plus 15 days of vacation. A coworker of mine (well, now former, that's a whole other post) started in late May/early June, so she was given 5 vacation days, and when she was 90 days in, she would be given 5 sick days and 1 personal day. She wanted to take a 2 week vacation in July. She was told she had 5 days of vacation. If she wanted that time off, it would have to be unpaid. She made a huge fuss, went over my GM's head to his boss's boss, and called HR. So they made an "exception" (one of the MANY MANY exceptions this woman was given despite not giving any fucks about her job) and allowed her to use her sick and personal time before it even kicked in. So she used all of her time. And I know that she had already used at least 3 of those days because she called out anytime she had to go up to training, and always got paid for it, so how the fuck could she take 2 and a half weeks of vacation? And then, at the mid point of September, she calls out for an entire week, claiming to have strep throat. I KNOW they paid her for it because I heard her talking to our fill-in manager (the head honcho of our district, actually) and thanking her for allowing her to still be paid for the week and that she really appreciated it. Meanwhile, I called out because my cousin tried to kill himself, fill-in lady was nice about it, and the following week he was entering a rehabilitation facility and I wanted to be there for him. I called the day before to let her know, and she had a huge issue with this because 3 people had called out in the span of 4 days, as if that was my problem. And I almost never call out unless I'm shitting my guts out or puking. She said she'd allow me to use my time if I came in for the "safety meeting" and left right after. This basically meant that I couldn't even go with my cousin, but your damn right I used the day anyways. Asshole. But yeah, former coworker decided 2 months in that the hours of our branch (10-7:30, working weekends, etc) wasn't a good fit for her. Considering in past years people have used our grocery store branches as a quick stepping stone to go to a traditional branch, you're required to work 1 year in your branch before you can start applying to other branches within our company (this includes traditional branches, as well). You can request permission to apply to other branches, however, almost no one gets approved. This bitch managed to get approved to apply to other branches. So she does that, does not get hired by any of the managers she interviewed with. She apparently put in her two weeks notice two weeks ago (how ironic, I guess when she was dying of strep throat, she had time to go to interviews) and said she "didn't want anyone to know, especially not Langway" why she pointed me out, I have no idea. We were actually buddies and we would hang out outside of work, she's a cool chick to chill with, but she's awful to work with (she does nothing but her schoolwork all day long, doesn't help out at all, just not an ideal coworker. None of the people I work with are). This past Sunday was supposed to be her last day. Our new manager and the head honcho lady "convinced" her to stay the day before (Saturday). And then Monday morning, a new schedule was texted to everyone, with her work times being 9-5:30 every single day, even on Saturdays. Why are we bending over backwards for someone who doesn't even wanna be here? I was prepared to call HR and complain about nepotism, but when I came in on Tuesday, my other coworker texted me saying she wasn't there, was supposed to be at 9, it was 10:30, and then our new manager called and said she's "no longer with us as of Monday" so I have no idea wtf happened. Apparently we're going to have a branch meeting on Friday and we're going to discuss why she left. Gotta make a show out of it, I guess.
  2. He's a whole post on his own. He recently got promoted to a traditional branch, so good riddance to that fucker. A lot of our customers hate him, except for the very few that do whatever he suggests despite the fact it might not be the best idea for them. My bank really likes to push that we're "not like other banks" in the sense that "we care about their financial well being" but it's all bullshit. You're a business, you're trying to make a profit. You'd be stupid not to. Just say that.
  3. lol I struggle with this too. I seem to be irritated by most people/things. For example, my aunt's father in law died. My other aunt (her sister), my grandmother (her mother) and my mother (her sister in law) are all running around to help set up the post funeral luncheon right at this moment (the only ones who are doing this, mind you) while his actual family members and friends couldn't be bothered to lift a finger. When my grandfather died (my aunt's dad), these in laws were no where to be found. Didn't come to the funeral, didn't help with setting up the post-funeral luncheon thing, nothing. In my petty mind, I don't feel like my 75 year old grandmother (who is already in bad health) should be running around doing all of this when they didn't even send their condolences when her husband died 9 years ago. /shrug I know, family, death, not the time to be petty or judgmental, but I can't help it. When my grandfather died, his kids and grandkids did everything, we're a pretty big family, with some help from some family friends. This man's family is fucking huge and he has a huge friend group, and none of these people can help the grieving immediate family set shit up? Fuck outta here. My grandmother ain't gonna get a thank you, a fuck you or a dinner for everything she's done for them to this point and it grates my nerves.
  4. Oh yeah, I am well aware all banks do it. It was just WF that got caught. In fact, I had a client come in and we got to talking about her credit cards. She's got one with a pretty big limit and high interest at Capital One and I told her about our balance transfers with 0% interest for however many months. She immediately came in to get this card, we looked at her account and sure enough, she already had it. It had never been activated, never been used, complete confusion from the customer who said she didn't even know about this card before I spoke about it. It had been applied for over a year ago. My manager comes over, we call CC support and this woman completely missed out on the 0% intro offer because it's only for 15 months, which could have actually helped her. She said she usually doesn't bank at our branch, but goes to the one a couple minutes down the road. She's very upset when she leaves and is adamant that she never gave consent to get this card, she never received disclosures, etc. We look to see who put in this app and it happens to be the manager of the branch she says she usually goes to. My manager says "Oh, I could never imagine him doing something like that" and more or less tells the customer she had to of given her approval because that other manager "isn't dishonest" the customer was obviously upset when she leaves, my manager continues to defend the manager at the other branch and says "our company doesn't do business this way", like somehow our smaller east-coast only bank is somehow above dishonesty. I laughed at him and said he was delusional. I'm just waiting for our new hires to start doing this. We work teller + platform due to the set up of our bank, and the new people heavily rely on people walking in specifically for products. Even at the teller line they don't offer anything, they just wait for someone to say "I want this". They also fight over walk ins, right in front of the clients, rofl. But this one new hire, my god, is she a fuck up. In banking, every day is a "will today be a day that I hella fuck up?" (we're human, it happens) Apparently, for this woman, every day is a great day for a big fuck up. I mentioned previously in this thread that my bank is unconventional. Our little branch is inside of a grocery store that our bank has a contract with. There are a bunch of these "in-store branches" in our market. We're open 7 days a week, we're open til late in the evening, open on holidays, etc. As a result of this, it's very important to have a good relationship with the people that work for the grocery store. The GM of the grocery store came over to cash his money orders. In new woman's mind, money orders are cash, period. True in theory, but they have to be ran like checks. That's why they have MICR numbers. And if they're not money orders from our bank, you need to have the funds available in your account for recourse in the off chance it bounces or is fraudulent. The amount of people who don't understand how money orders work is too damn high. This goes for all checks not drawn on our bank. Leave it to this lady to not even scan the money orders and just give the dude cash, and later being short $1200.00. This is something I've gone over with her previously. This is something that gets taught extensively in training. Why she decided to do this after doing it the right way for 2 or 3 months now is beyond me. But, instead of just cashing the money orders off of his account, in a panic, she fucking deposits the money orders into his account AFTER SHE ALREADY GAVE HIM THE MONEY. So not only did this man receive cash for these money orders, he also got a deposit for 1200.00 into his account. She refuses to take responsibility for this, she refuses to have anything to do with it, she makes excuses left right and center. If she would just say "I'm a fucking dumbass", I'd be more inclined to not want to choke her to death. Instead, it's "well money orders = cash" Lady, it could have been a fake for all you know! Fake checks, fake money orders, fake certified checks, I've seen them all! You have no idea! This is why we don't cash checks unless the money is in there! Fucking hell. And then she told a client we could cash a check not drawn on our bank despite not having the funds in his account. That was fun to deal with. Love getting screamed at for something I can't control. Yesterday, a lady came in to deposit a check into her account. The account had two names: Brandy Lynn Smith and Brandy Lynn Johnson, lol wat. I told the client this, she has a debit card, the debit card says Jane Doe (her name), the signature card has Jane Doe with her signature, plus Brandy Lynn Smith. What the fuck. Brandy Lynn Smith is her daughter, she recently got married and came in her to change her name, she's now Brandy Lynn Johnson. My coworker gets back from lunch, we look further, Brandy did come in to get her name changed. The same fucking dumbass that did the shit above also ERASED Jane Doe's name from this account and put in Brandy Lynn Johnson in her title spot, thus displaying Brandy's name twice with two different last names, and Jane's name no where to be found. I was like ROFL I AM NOT CLEANING UP THIS MESS YO. So yeah, I wanna kill her.
  5. Same with my company. They make it through the hiring process, pay out the ass on background checks, piss tests, and training costs. Those people quit either in training or right after they're done with it. They lose people as quick as they get them. Then, they get desperate and hire people who are incapable of retaining any information, have no people skills (shoutout to the most recent hire who overtakes every conversation with every client and makes it all about her personal life), and can hardly count money (which is kind of needed in banking). Plus there's the whole "goals that are impossible to meet" thing. They tell you in the interview that you make your own goals to your comfort level, and that goes out the window once you're actually in the joint. I was hired right as the Wells Fargo thing was going on and I made sure to bring that up and ask about the goals and my manager literally said "well, let's not talk about that right now, we're changing things a little bit" that was definitely a red flag, but all banks were going through a bit of a change at that time to save face. Of course, they're all back to threatening your job if you're not hitting your goals.
  6. Season 3, episode 10 "Don't Stand So Close to Me". Meredith is ranting to the team about cutting Christina slack. Here's the full quote:
  7. Just started watching this show, I'm in season 3 right now (the one with the joined twins fighting over the girlfriend, lol). The fact that Izzy thought she was somehow morally superior to Christina (after she lied about Burke's condition) is fucking laughable tbh. This is a woman who formed a relationship with her patient, lied about the state he was in in an attempt to jump others (who also needed a heart and probably were worse off at that time) on the transplant list, and then literally almost killed him. Never mind the fact that she put Burke in a "wrong place, wrong time" situation due directly to her negligence. The others, sure whatever, but Izzy, of all people, should've been checked long before Meredith eventually said "you cut the LVAD wire". She didn't even need to say "And Christina performed the ECHO" for her point to be valid.
  8. I also work for a bank, and checks are the worst. Why people are still accepting personal checks is beyond me. We have clients come in constantly asking why their account is in the negatives. Well, that check you deposited and the moment the funds were available you spent? It bounced. Sorry for your luck. No, we can't refund your overdraft fees in-house, feel free to call the 1-800 number. Oh, they told you to get bent already because this has happened to you a hundred times before and you still haven't learned to not accept personal checks? That's a shame. Cash doesn't bother me as much, but checks absolutely suck for a variety of reasons. And that's not including waiting behind someone in the checkout line who is writing out a check for a 7 dollar purchase. Ugh.
  9. I work at a bank. An unconventional bank, mind you. Our hours of operations are 11-7:30 and we're open 7 days a week. We are also inside of a grocery store. Like I said, unconventional. A month after I was hired, we lost 3 members of staff (we're supposed to have 6, 7 if you include our manager). So it came down to our manager, 2 veterans, and myself, being very very new. I was thrown to the wolves more or less, but now, 5 months later, we're fully staffed and I'm participating in helping train these people. One of them is a huge, huge problem. This 20 year old douchebag who has close to zero knowledge of banking, credit, basic math, and on top of that, can't count money. I was aware of this before he even started because he used to work at the grocery store I shop at and I got to talking with one of the managers there who was ringing me up while I had my name tag on with the company name on it. He said "Do you work at X Bank?" Yes, I do "Well, good luck with that guy. His drawer was never even." I don't think this 20 year old d-bag has ever balanced since he got here. He is always short at least $10.00, gives incorrect information to customers, rubs people the wrong way, he's been caught in lie after lie, etc. How he still has a job here I have no idea. He also makes it a point to talk shit about me to everyone, mostly because I don't deal with his shit. I guess he's not used to a woman telling him what's what. He leaves his drawer unlocked, leaves his computer unlocked, leaves his drawer key laying around, etc. Sorry if you don't like being told to lock your shit up, but if our auditor was here while he did those things, we'd be in serious hot water. He needs to make it a habit to do these things. I was pretty polite when I told him I didn't mean to be a nag, but you can't leave your crap like this. My boyfriend stopped in on my day off to cash his check and this asshole literally said "So what are you, Langway's boyfriend?" My boyfriend said yeah. He said "Oh, well that must suck. She's kind of a bitch. Good luck with that one." Motherfucker. But it gets worse with this tool because I think he might be stealing money. We had a gift card we'd use to purchase snacks, waters, etc for our clients at our sister branch (our staff has to work at two branches), and my coworker said that she gave it to him to buy waters and she's almost positive he didn't put it back in the safe. I asked her why she didn't bring this up to our manager. She said she's not positive. I opened the safe and the card isn't in there. So it's not in here and he was the last one to have it, you need to tell the manager. I don't think she ever did it but I did let our second in command know what I heard. Whether anything came of this, I have no idea. The same coworker said she saw him trying to cash our demo checks (dollar checks we give to customers) at the ATM and then asked what he was doing. He said "I need money to buy cigarettes" and she said "Well, those are for the customers." I, once again, am encouraging her to take this to the manager, but if she doesn't, I will. Dealing with a shitstain thief is the last thing I want to deal with.
  10. Kelsey flat out said she had no respect for James. He didn't even seem surprised! He just sat there. No emotion, no nothing. How could either of them feel comfortable in that marriage? From Kelsey's perspective, she laid out a grievance and this man didn't even flinch. From James, the woman you married and supposedly love said she doesn't respect you as a human. That is not something that fixes itself or goes away. If they're serious, I hope they get counseling. Individual and couples. Jaclyn is so fucking far gone it isn't even funny and that's all I'm gonna say about that whole situation. Lilya and Aaron want their partners to be super career oriented and successful right up until Tony/Heather weren't home enough to clean up the house or cook a damn meal, then it would be an issue. The thing with Lilya was she wanted Tony to have a career and goals, so he decided on real estate, but she didn't want that for him. He did what you asked him to do, the hell you want from him? I'm glad they decided to work it out and continue their marriages, I just can't see either of them truly working unless they actually try.
  11. I was kinda surprised he took Raven to do the family stuff. Raven's in my top five favorite girls tho, so good for her. Her story about kicking the door down was funny. Corrine is messy af, but Taylor needs to jump off the high horse. She's also immature and has done some downright dumb shit on this show. First time she met Nick (and the second time) she talked about how her friends called him a dick, lol. No tact whatsoever. Just because you're a "mental health counselor" doesn't make you a mature person. You're the same age as Corrine at the end of the day. Take a step back. Alexis is the dolphin obsessed one, right? Surprising that she's still here but not really, because she's right up my alley. I, too, am afraid of Nicolas Cage and aliens. I know the difference between a shark and dolphin though.
  12. She really did! I should have known better, but I was a dumbshit and stayed up all fucking night to be incredibly pissed off and heartbroken that they're going this way. I hate the "Everyone ends up like their parents" narrative. All the women in my mom's family were teen moms, including my mother. I broke that "curse" because my mother was hellbent on me NOT ending up like them, which is what Lorelai did for Rory basically, but clearly it didn't matter. Lorelai was a teen mom and single mother, now Rory "has" to be a teen mom single mother and she HAS to have a Christopher and a Luke of her own. Just. Fuck. No. Just because some people do unfortunately experience a "full circle" type deal, doesn't mean everyone does. They should have sent the message that no, not everyone makes the mistakes their parents did. She's thirty-fucking-two and neglected contraception with a damn near married man who she shouldn't have been fucking around with in the first place, and cheating on her boyfriend who she only remembers exists when it's convenient for her. And now, she's gonna have Lorelai IV, and yay! No, fuck this show.
  13. I seriously just made a noise that sounded inhuman, lol, that is so sweet! Nibbler (the kitty in question) really loves to hang out with the neighborhood kids. She was pretty skittish at first, but when she started coming around to us, it seems she started coming around to humans in general. She really loves interaction. That's basically how she was acting. Almost as if she was in serious distress. She'd lash out at us, the dogs, and our indoor only cat in return (I have the battle scars to prove it). It just made more sense to keep letting her do what she does. She has a kitty squad of other house cats that pretend to be street cats, so she's pretty content with her life now I think. Plus, she loves to hunt. She brings mice to the porch weekly. My other cat is indoor only, but he sees his sister go outside, so now his curiosity is getting the best of him. He's gotten past me a few times, but he's not like Nibbler. He's very passive and skittish. I could always try leashing him and walking him around the back yard here and there, just so he can get his "fix" so to speak without him being unsupervised and roaming the neighborhood. I don't think he'd make it very long on his own, unfortunately.
  14. This entire post sums up my feelings perfectly. Only difference is the ending completely tarnished the original series for me. I love Rory, I was hoping she'd be the type that didn't NEED a boyfriend, or a husband, or a god damn baby. All of these shows do this crap and one of those 3 things has to be endgame, always, which is what turns me off of most television shows. I really thought this show was different, but obviously it isn't. It makes me sick that ASP intended to end the series this way when Rory was 22. Full circle, my ass, you built this girl up to be a fucking superhero, to have goals, to not make her mother's mistakes, and you were going to blow that up for a "full circle" moment? Fuck off. ASP has been talking shit for 10 years that she got fucked over, her ideas were better, whatever, no. Season 7 ended perfectly for the characters. ASP would have turned it into a fucking soap opera, which she ended up doing anyways, come hell or high water. Rory is still 22 in her mind, floundering, acting a fool, being a complete dumbfuck. I'm sure everyone she came across outside of Stars Hollow wondered how she even graduated from an Ivy League University because she's so fucking stupid. Sorry, I have a lot feelings, lol. Mostly anger and disappointment.
  15. DA RAIDERS Dan Fouts was hella mad during the game yesterday. Really needs to get over his Raiders hate, lol.
  16. We had a cat start coming around after her drug dealing owners bounced and left her 2 summers ago. She didn't start coming in until it got freezing but she's still very adamant about being outside. She just wants to sleep, eat and back out she goes. Thankfully, all of our neighbors adore her for various different reasons. Apparently she goes to the bus stop with the neighborhood kids in the morning and hangs out with them. We did make sure to take her to the vet though and get all of her shots (and the vet thinks she was spayed because there's a scar on her tummy). There are several cats (that have owners) who prowl around our neighborhood, so nobody really has any issues. /shrug We're also in a more rural area where it's common for cats to be indoor/outdoor.
  17. I was an Android girl for 5 years, and I recently switched to the iPhone, just to try it and be openminded. Everyone thought I would hate because I'm big into customizing every aspect of my phone. Truthfully, I barely even miss the customization aspects of it because the iPhone UI is so pretty and functional on its own. I really like it. Plus, no Android phone as of yet came out with a pink phone. So, plus 1 for Apple. If I didn't go with this phone, I would have went with the Google Pixel (which my boyfriend got). I hate the fact that the print reader is on the back of the phone. It really throws off the whole look for me, when it would be sleek otherwise.
  18. This sounds just like me and my boyfriend. When I tell him I am not interested in rehashing/past infractions, he says "But it still bothers me and you should care that it bothers me" For the record, neither one of us has ever cheated or come close to cheating, if that were the case I'd be more understanding. I find it hard to care about minor shit that still "hurts his feelings when he thinks about it" 2 years after the fact. I feel like he just looks for things to complain about whenever I say anything to him. "Hey, your constant drinking of energy drinks is getting to be ridiculous -- you're spending at least $8.00 a day on them. Think you could cut back?" "WHAT? You bought $30.00 worth of makeup 2 weeks ago!" Like, lol.
  19. Watched "My Name is Bev" today (the one where Bev finds out she's an alcoholic). Jackie was fucking hilarious in this episode, start to finish, but I absolutely lost it during this conversation with Bev: Bev: Jackie, that looks like the Bishop boy who used to live up the street from us, do you think it's him? Jackie: Yes mother, it's him. Bev: I don't remember him being so tall. Jackie: He grew. Bev: Well his hair used to be longer. Jackie: He cut it. Bev: No I don't think that's him. Jackie: You're right, Mother, it's not. Lmao, and then later when she's drunk: "We can't go in there, she's in there!.... Bev!.... Beverage!.... Non-alcoholic Beverage is in there!" Such a great episode from Jackie.
  20. Alright I'm watching the episode called "350 sq. ft. Outdoor Adventure House" The couple has two young boys and they showed them the unfinished house and these kids are not having this shit, lol. The older one said right off the bat "This IS NOT fun." I guess the parents said it would be. Now they're trying to figure out a way to make it "fun" for them. Did the parents really think just living in a tiny house would be enough fun for them? They're kids!
  21. I watched this show with my mom fairly often, but I barely remember anything (I was pretty young tbh, I wish this show would get picked up on a streaming service. I really feel like I would like it >.<). Though I do remember when Luka was being held hostage and tortured. Ugh, his hand. That shit was pretty intense. My poor mom was ugly crying, lol.
  22. Even if L/L had gotten married, Anna would have pulled some bullshit to keep April from going over there. She would have said something like "In public places ONLY. AND NO LORELAI." That woman was a loon, I wouldn't put anything past her.
  23. langway

    Season 2

    Episode 12 "Richard in Stars Hollow" Emily is telling Lorelai and Rory that there isn't enough room in the burial plot if Lorelai were to get married. So, they're trying to decide who to kick out and move to the annex they will be buying. LORELAI: Oh, oh. Well, uh. . .ugh, why don’t we move Aunt Cecile? She was always so annoying at parties. She loved the knock-knock jokes. RORY: Mom! LORELAI: What? RORY: You can’t just kick out Aunt Cecile. LORELAI: Knock-knock. Who’s there? Pineapple. Pineapple who? That’s where it ended. Never fully grasped the knock-knock concept. EMILY: She was a complete idiot. Okay, it’s decided – Cecile goes. and then some more banter, and then Richard comes downstairs RICHARD: Sorry I’m late. What did I miss? EMILY: We were just discussing who to move to the annex. RICHARD: Oh. I vote for Cecile. Horrible woman, and those terrible jokes. I cackled like a fucking witch. Lorelai and Emily had the same facial expressions and hand movements when it happened, too. What a funny scene.
  24. Rose is my least favorite for the exact reasons you mentioned. Plus, her over the top competitiveness always pissed me off. I'm a competitive person (I have been known to quit board games because I am losing lol) but Rose was always downright MEAN about it.
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