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Everything posted by langway

  1. Lol at Matt going off on Heather. She's not the one to blame, bro. I do feel kinda bad for Amber though. When there are large age gaps, there is a lot of manipulation involved. Sure she's 25, but it still happens. She was vulnerable when Matt reeled her in, so to speak.
  2. The only reason they were casted on Teen Mom is because their lives were trainwrecks and trashy. Great drama and all. Edit because I posted too fast I think MTV just wanted to show them like see look at what they're able to do because of adoption, but they never did anything. The only interesting thing about their storylines are their trashy ass families.
  3. She should have been in legitimate counseling from the moment she decided on adoption. I thought that's usually what happens and counseling continued until a few months after birth. God knows Catelynn could have benefited from it with all the shit that was being spewed at her by her mother and step father every fucking day. I will never not get over that shit. That was tough for me to even watch, couldn't imagine living it.
  4. Tyler probably wants the adoption to close so he can play the victim. I honestly don't understand why he continues to act the way he does with his attitude and passive aggression towards B&T. I think all of their requests have been perfectly reasonable. They didn't know that this damn show would go on for so long. They just wanted a baby and were nice enough to let them see her yearly (some open adoptions, the birth parents don't even see the children for several years and only get pictures). But that's not enough? You also want to show off her pictures on the internet, have her there at any minor event, etc? If he honestly believes that he has been wronged, he needs a stay in a psych ward (which he should probably do anyways). Which btw, I think that story about his alleged suicide attempt is bullshit. I think most of the shit he says is complete bullshit. And I also don't think Carly asked to dance with Tyler. I think SHE was asked if she would like to dance with Tyler. Most people found that scene adorable but I was cringing the entire time. It was so akward, they were all just standing around while Tyler was wobbling with Carly in his arms with a creepy look on his face.
  5. I like to shit on Kail as much as the next person, but her MIL probably likes to be overly involved (and she very obviously is the head of the household...) and it conveniences Kail so she goes along with it. Some people aren't okay with that, some people are. Idk, when it comes to in laws and all the shit I have experienced and read, some families just have very very different ways of operating. I personally would find it obnoxious, but if it works for them and they're all happy with the arrangement, then oh well.
  6. I can kind of understand Elana's frustration about the whole mommy party thing. These women are always talking about kids and babies, I don't understand why Elana had to be discluded.
  7. My parents had a reception in a volunteer firehouse, my grandmother made ALL the food, and my mom decorated. 10 grand for everything, and it still looked nicer than...whatever that reception was. All over the place. A previous poster said Maci was looking for the kegs, my parents got 15 kegs for their wedding and they were gone before the night was over, lol. Kegs are awesome. Tyler's vows were really sweet. I didn't like how everyone spoke about just Tyler at the reception. At my cousin's wedding, literally the entire thing was about him. His sister, who was MOH, whole speech was about how much she loves her big brother and it came off super incestuous. Oh and during the vows, when the preacher said something like "forever" the bride goes "well maybe we'll stay together forever" lol that marriage lasted 6 months, fyi and was 30,000 dollars. Did Carly stand up, facing the other way, the whole ceremony?
  8. Okay I'm watching this now and when Ryan picked Bentley up from school, was he late for that? He asked Bentley how long he waited and Bentley said "15 minutes". That ain't right.
  9. And then he told her "I would love for you to have a male stripper's dick in your face!" As if that sounds appealing AT ALL (I'm sure to some it might) but it's obvious Cate isn't the kind of person to want the whole stripper thing, so I don't know why he would say that to her. I don't know why he says half the things he does to her. And wanting to bring Butch along to your bachelor party, who just got out of prison and is supposed to remain completely sober for 2 years. Smart thinking...
  10. I just watched the episode where B&T sent Caitlin that box of Carly's old stuff and Tyler, instead of being happy that he has some of Carly's things for Nova (which was a really sweet idea), has to turn it into "they don't respond to my texts1!!" God, he is so self absorbed.
  11. langway


    Honestly, they're probably afraid of her, lol. She is a psychopath. She can have all the therapy and counseling in the world, she'll never change.
  12. Which still pisses me off because Bentley is the cutest kid on OG. I am so happy for Corey. Get on your case now, Germ!
  13. I've been on a Food Network kick lately, and I'm watching this lady's Halloween episode. She reminds me of my MIL and I hate it. "I'm making an armadillo cake cause they scare the crap out of *some dude*" no girl, you watched Steel Magnolias. Unless armadillo cakes are actually a thing and I'm just behind, but I've only ever seen one in that movie.
  14. Wrt the baby talk between Chelsea and Cole, I can't say shit because my boyfriend and I baby talk the shit out of each other. Not every conversation is like that, but sometimes it is nice to not have a care in the world about anything else but each other. Plus, some of the shit we say in the baby voice is fucking hilarious.
  15. Wow another girl. I'm sure this one will be head to toe in camo, lol.
  16. It really bugged me because Jo had just said in the scene beforehand that he wants to spend time with his kid and they DID invite him down for dinner. It's probably irrational, but it just bugged the shit out me, lol. Isaac is such a sweet kid. When Kail showed him his cake, he was so adorable about it "I love it, I love it!" and he sounded sincere and so excited about a cake that had "him" on it. I love that kid.
  17. To be fair, we dump on these girls all the time for not having jobs, Jo shouldn't be any different. I found it kind of dumb that they invited Isaac down to eat and when he does come down, they shoo him away cause they're adulting. And then they're bawling cause Kail's ruining their lives. Maybe Vee should have considered all of this before she got knocked up by a dude that already had a kid and a shitty relationship with the kid's ex. Of course Kail should go through the court. It would be dumb not to. No offense to those that had they're stuff arranged outside of court, but with her and Jo's relationship, or lack there of, it would be better this way. Sorry if Jo can't afford it or has other things to worry about (girlfriend and a baby coming) but that's not really the Hulk's problem, nor is it Isaac's. If court says she should get more, then she should get more. If they say she should get less and have 50/50 custody, then do that. It's honestly a crap shoot. Miranda shouldn't have shown, but Leah bringing a posse wasn't right either. Guarantee those girls would have went in with her and listened to the whole thing and maybe would have jumped in at points. And didn't Jeremy tag along with Leah sometimes when Miranda wasn't there? Like, c'mon. And for her to say that Miranda is controlling Corey into thinking the meetings aren't okay is hilarious. We know what you're alluding to, Leah, and Miranda is not at all intimidated by you. Dumbass junkie. And then one of the heffers was like "Shes not their mother!" No shit, but she is their Miranda and they obviously love her and the fact that she comes to these things at least shows that she's interested in their well being and trying to co parent. I feel for Jeremy and Cory cause I'm sure co parenting with a pill and dick addicted moron who will obviously let any man that is still with her after a week move in with THEIR kids is a fucking headache. Good grief, my distaste for this woman. Jenelle needs an attitude adjustment, but I just feel bad for her sometimes. She needs some good counseling, and I don't mean from a lawyer. I hope there's a good person and parent in there somewhere. Chelsea is so boring. "My daddy is 14" made me lol though. Probably heard Chelsea say something like "he acts 14".
  18. My boyfriend's mother also does the pictures all over every wall thing. It's suffocating. Kail started to remind me of someone, and that just did it. Blessings to whoever her children bring home, she's going to be a shitty mother in law.
  19. Unless I missed something, I'm pretty sure Kail texting the picture of the time and stuff was for the graduation thing cause she mentioned how it said "moving on graduation" or something like that.
  20. Right? When I went to my grandmother's for a month (out of state) when I was 11, I was very anxious cause I had never been away from home/my parents for that long before. When I didnt think about home or talk to them, I was fine. I wonder if she was worried that they'd "forget about her" or some dumb shit.
  21. Honestly, I can understand being frustrated that Jo missed the game. People can harp on how much Jo has changed, but I guarantee he did that on purpose. He is not any more mature than Kail is, and this is coming from someone who is very critical of her. He's probably a little jealous that it's Javi coaching the team when he's not Isaac's father. It also makes me think if Isaac had a doctor's appointment or something if Jo would get him there on time. And even Adumb, that jackass, showed up for Aubree's graduation thing. Was probably for the cameras, but he was still there. If the "tense" situations bother you that much where you don't go see your kid celebrate, I don't know what to tell you. And, to be fair, if I was in Kail's situation, I would go to court for child support. I'd prefer legal people and a third party come up with a fair agreement for all involved. That's their jobs, that's what they're there for. I don't understand why he's so against it. She could say she needs $2000 a month and the courts might say $900 or so. Honestly, if you can't work it out, get other people to do it for you. Then you won't have "tension" that prevents you from being in the same room with the other person for your kid's sake, that's just ridiculous. Chelsea and her family need to quit harping about Cole being new daddy. And quit talking to the girl about who her father is dating and why it's bad. No, he shouldn't bring every Nancy, Beth and Mary around the kid, but don't force that stuff on her. She'll figure it out on her own if she hasn't already. I'm skeptical about the "I wish Cole was like my dad" stuff, because literally everyone around her is saying exactly that. You cannot do that around the kid. Yeah Adam's a huge worthless piece of shit, I'm sure she already knows that, but she's not gonna hate her dad or never want to see him again at 5 years old. That pipe dream needs to be dropped. Jenelle is just Jenelle. Addy is probably my favorite kid on the show. When Leah left, she was all "Bye!!" And when Dawn told them to ask Leah how's it going she was all "So how it going up there!!!" I lol'd. I don't know why they thought facetiming and phone calls would be okay. Of course it would end in tears and tantrums. They're 6 years old and have never been away from mommy for this long before. They dont know where in the world she is, just that she's "at the doctors getting fixed" like wtf? Kids associate doctors with "somethings wrong", especially ones that you have to go away for so long for. I'm sure it was confusing for them when they actually thought about it, which was only when Leah wanted their attention. The twins didn't seem too thrilled about the new baby, lol. Then again, they're only use to seeing Leah with a baby.
  22. Leah only wants the men around her 24/7 because she doesn't trust them. Common issues with cheaters is they're generally overbearing and paranoid because the cheater knows what THEY'RE doing, obviously, but not what the spouse is doing. That and she wants someone else to deal with the kids so she doesn't have to.
  23. I can understand Chelsea's hangups about the visitation center. Nobody ever wants to admit that it's so bad, they have to do this. With all of the car accidents he's been in, the fact he's still driving around, he's obviously NOT sober, the aggravated stalking or whatever the charge was, his family not taking the visits seriously, this is something she needs to do, at least until that family can prove that they can follow the rules. I would hate for Aubree to be harmed in anyway because Chelsea doesn't want to be one of "those". Sometimes you gotta suck it up to keep your kid safe.
  24. I might be wrong, but I think you can request a log for text messages. It's harder for iPhones though cause if there's wifi, it goes through that instead the towers, so it won't get logged. I think I've seen them do it on Forensic Files. Again, could be wrong.
  25. What is wrong with Javi and all that big papi shit? I'm starting to think, maybe he's so overly paranoid about Kail because he's covering something for himself? I mean, I don't doubt she ain't jeepin' on him, but generally cheaters are so overly paranoid that they start projecting and accusing the other of infidelity.
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