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Everything posted by merylinkid

  1. I go back and forth on Keith. But a couple things to remember. He said last season that he was at one point $3 million in deb and is almost out. You don't get out of that deep a debt without a lot of hard work and dedication. Sure Disco money helped. But you don't see him self-promoting as much as the other captains (even Sig does and I love Sig to death). At least he is lowkey how he went about how he got out of debt without banging us over the head with it constantly. Two, HE was the Captain picked to go to DC and speak for them all. You don't send anyone incompetent to do that. Those Congress Critters will eat you alive. The fact the other captains were okay with him being the spokesman for them all says a lot.
  2. Well heck, they had kids who lived in Minnesota being excited about getting snow for Christmas. Because that never happens. Of course, most other years (except Laps of Love) there was no snow and leaves on the trees all winter. The Long Winter was DeSmet. Although not all farmers moved into town. When Cap and Almanzo made the run for the grain, they had to go out to the farmer who had it. Thanks bunnywithanaxe and rhondinella for the real history on those winters.
  3. If Pete and Myka have been end game since at least the time travel episode where they went back and were the agents from the 1960s, then they needed to set it up better. Among other things, Pete needed to grow up a lot more. Sure, he is a great guy that you can count on when things get tough. But day to day he has the maturity level of a 12 year old and no smart, capable woman like Myka wants to be married to that. They could have kept Pete as funny and a bit goofy while still having him grow up. But this is the guy who LICKS spilled food off the videophone. So if they have decided in six short episodes to finish it off this way, then it is an epic fail.
  4. Call me sappy (Hi Sappy. There I saved everyone time) but I just love the blessing of the fleet each year. Speaking of which, Wild Bill do not diss the voodoo. You might not believe in it, but Baron Samedi, he believe in you, cher. Also, I see you broke another greenhorn. Why did you leave it up to Zach to train him. THe guy has no experience training people, you don't just throw him into doing it. Especially because he learned from you which is to yell at the trainee. Did I hear there are THREE greenhorns on the Wizard? Good heavens Keith, you like to really push it don't you? Almost forgot -- Elliot can get off my screen anytime. Whiny spoiled brat.
  5. Oh dear God Dirty Sexy Money. A funny funny show about the very rich and famous for being famous. Then they replaced the showrunner between seasons and totally changed the direction. The only thing good to come out of the writer's strike was that it killed this show deader than dead. Grey's Anatomy, I gave up when they brought in Lexie. And I realized that the first FOUR seasons took place over a one year period. Someone once totalled up all the things that happened to Meredith during that 12 months and it was amazing the girl was still sane. Won't watch a Shonda Rhimes show anymore because of it. Castle is heading this way. Started off as a cute, funny, quirky procedural. Then the Mombatross landed. Then the showrunner got into "subtext" which meant don't show a fucking thing onscreen let it all happen offscreen because the characters deserve "privacy."
  6. Yep it was as bad as I thought it would be. Not even so bad it was good. Just cringe inducing. Stupid ass premise. Some crazy guy who thinks its still the 1970s is the only person who can provide clues. Yeah that will work. Also, driving him to the precinct, they didn't pass a SINGLE STARBUCKS? That would have destroyed his illusion. And let us not mention the Starsky & Hutch ripoff (p.s. they were LA cops). I mean really let us not mention it. Ugh, the stereotypical mob guys with their shrill wives. And the Marlon Brando in the Godfather talk. Just ugh. The only bright spot was Lanie and her "jive turkey" talk.
  7. Seriously Pete, do you think anyone will go out with you with hair like that? Perfect form of birth control. Oh look, marriage makes you fight with your spouse. Did they NOT see how they don't get along before they decided to get married? Thankfully he had a life threatening experience so she could realize he was her twu wuv and all the fighting didn't matter. Except after a couple years -- yeah the constant fighting gets old and you want a divorce. Show -- under no circumstances do you put Pete and Myka together as a couple. They are good friends. That. Is. It.
  8. DId I hear Phil say the prize for this leg was $750K each? Which would make winning this leg worth more than winning the entire race.
  9. Sleepyjean, I had the exact same reaction. A miscarriage is a horrible thing to go through. But somehow, I just did not believe she ever had this happen to her. ANd to make up something like that is a slap in the face to all women who have actually suffered one.
  10. Just a quick note -- even if they did not have a marriage of convenience, they still need to calendar stuff that far out. As a lawyer myself, I have to keep reminding my family that they have to tell me WELL in advance of important family events (weddings, graduations, etc.) so I can make sure I am not scheduled to be in court that day or right around it. They don't get that courts set trials months out at the scheduling hearing and an attorney needs to know their availability.
  11. Well that was stupid ass plan Cary and Clark. This is the NSA, you never admit to anything with them. To the NSA you are guilty period. There is no proving your innocence. At least the hearing was accurate. THe NSA really does hide behind the Government Secrets Act to keep from showing anything. And they are afraid of open court because judges are sick of the game playing and are starting to order stuff be given up. Liked how they turned the tables on the NSA though. Alicia in angry mode is scary. Man that self-righteous "I am better than Peter" DA is so going down. Blaming Finn because the kid snapped is so wrong. Clearly no one knows the kid did not want to go into segregation.
  12. I did love how Brendan had to remind Rachel it was a holy place at the calligraphy task. In other words, keep your clothes on and watch your mouth.
  13. Bye bye Globetrotters. Phil seemed really sad to say goodbye to them. If they had not gotten lost they might have had a chance. they are clearly fans of the show since they referenced the Beekmans. Dave and Connor, it's the Amazing Race, not the Amazing Make New Friends While Traveling Around the World. I think by going out so early last time they didn't realize how cuthroat it can get in later rounds. And honestly, asking where everything is is not smart racing. You are responsible for your own race. Plus getting mad because Rachel wouldn't give them the answer? I don't like Rachel but she was right not to help a strong team. Which is also why they got u-turned. Connor and Dave are a strong team. That is who you try to knock out because you know they aren't going out absent bad taxi luck.
  14. This is what I don't get. Her big dream is to be A-List and hobnob with top celebs and movers and shakers. Yet, all she does is go for every cheap buck she can get. Those kids will endorse any product if it pays. Hell, she literally whored out her daughter to the Vienna guy. She has the paps on speed dial so their every move is documented. She doesn't care how they come across either. Her daughter's tits and ass hanging out for the whole world to see. SHe thinks its great. Public discussions of vaginas -- awesome. This is whyt truly influential, top A-List type people do not want to be around them. Those types are very image conscious so they are selective about what they endorse. They are very careful about how they are portrayed. Pulled together, elegant, classy, philanthropic, whatever. What they are not is tacky and out for every write up of their name they can get. And they don't want to hang around with people who do things like that. Her quest after every little buck she can get is actually getting in the way of her big dream.
  15. I don't think the Machine wants to encourage that in Root unless absolutely necessary. With the Congressman there was some hope they could talk him out of it. With Root it would have been just shoot him when she realized he was a threat to Her.
  16. What. The. Hell????? Started out so nice with snarky Finch. Did you bring more than weaponry? You can be DJ. Then someone Reese turned into Shaw with a dick. Really since when did Reese not have a bedside manner and be rude to the POIs? Even the perps? Hell he was nicer to Fusco in the first episode than he was to the Congressman. I know I said if they kill off Reese, I am out of here. Well turns out that goes for Finch too. Without him considering every human being important, there is no show. Look at how he even redeemed Leon. And FUSCO for god's sakes. He never used and discarded. He saw worth in everyone. He bails because the Machine has become too Rootlike then I am out of here. That ending was just so sad. Shaw and Reese on the run, Finch hunted. All the things Finch created the machine to avoid.
  17. Valda is a manipulative bastard is any guise. So I would not be surprised if he was playing a very deep game, pretending to be evil so he could fix things and put it back the way it is supposed to be.
  18. SO glad they dropped the Mika has cancer storyline. The last season of Eureka was kinda ruined for me when it mostly about "We must save Holly," a character only introduced the season for. Now, there are some differences, Mika is a long established well liked character. WH13 also knew it was ending unlike Eureka. This gave the writers time to not drag down th eending but make it the fun place it's always been.
  19. Oh, our Warehouse Team is back. And nothing has changed. The banter was hilarious. Mika railing about reading the addendums to the manual. Them all mumbling why they hadn't. Until Artie said "Backlogged since I turned evil and tried to poison the world." Pete "Yeah, he has the best excuse." bwahahahaha. And it just went from there. Pete hitting on Lisa DaVinci. But Mika was intrigued too. She does love a smart woman. But great googly moogly what is up with Pete's hair in the previews. Ugh. Not a good look.
  20. The nyquil thing bothered me. Not that the kids offered it, but how they said it. "I'll get you A nyquil." I know it comes in pill form, but don't most people take the liquid form? I know I do so I can chug it until I pass out (half kidding).
  21. At least Alicia has finally admitted she like the power of being Mrs. Florrick too much to give it up. But she did NOT have an affair with Will. She was separated from her husband at that time and contemplating divorce. That is not cheating. Thank god someone finally punched Kalinda. I am so sick of her seduce and use technique. She's not that great of an investigator if she can only find out about Damian's clients by stealing a file. And poor Cary stuck with coitus interruptus. David Lee is the kind of family law attorney I hate (disclaimer, I do family law but try not to do the slash and burn technique). Those 2 people need to raise that child together. Having an unnecessary fight is not a good idea. And reduce CHILD SUPPORT? Yeah judges love when you cut the money for the kid. Alimony sure. Less marital property, okay. But don't mess with the child support. But he did have a point about making major decisions while grieving. Too bad he was pushing Diane to make major decisions.
  22. Brendan and Rachel need to get off my screen just for being morons. Rachel "we're going to the Eternal City, Ethiopia Africa." First of all, Ethiopia is country second of all, who does not know Rome is the Eternal City who has BEEN to the city before? Then Brendan with his "alphanumeric" conversion. Hey Mr. PhD, alphanumeric is numbers and letters. What you mean was converting between Roman and Arabic numerals. I thought the Globetrotters would be toast. If they couldn't come up with Franz Kafka, they were not going to get roman numerals (disclaimer, I can't do them above V). They had help. Luckily Jessica and John got loster. And really they thought they would beat professional athletes who run up and down a court in a foot race. Loved Phil directing the camera to catch the footrace. But gah with the Country Girls being the first thought was "let's work with someone" rather than using their own brains. Lost a lot of love for the Cowboys with their "Drive like a Sri Lankan" remark. That was so wrong.
  23. I wonder if Reid did that on purpose so she would dump him. After all he was told to break it off with her and retire. He certainly doesn't want to retire. But after his declaration of love he was not going to break up with her either. And honestly, did the good councilwoman think no one would mind she was stepping out publicly with a married man? This is Victorian England for god's sakes. Image matters. Good girls don't, not if they want to continue to be councilwoman. Honestly, the men on this show have such sad love lives. And they are all good decent men trying very hard to do a difficult job. Rose needs to work on her diction if she wants to be an actress. Even singing you could tell she came from the slums. Not Cockney, but not gently born either. Even in the music hall that mattered.
  24. Apparently she is at Coachella this weekend. Because that is totally where someone comitted to their sobriety should go.
  25. That was C. Thomas Howell? I spent the whole epidode going "Who is that guy?" but was too lazy to got IMDB to find out. My room was covered in posters of him when I was a kid. He has not aged well.
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