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Everything posted by Kbo

  1. As opposed to the history of the future 🤦‍♀️. I just can’t with this woman.
  2. I was just coming to post about this. Don’t know if it’s true, but this article says they’re getting married later this year. https://okmagazine.com/p/janelle-brown-new-chapter-son-logan-life-fiance-michelle/
  3. Kody never mentions his kids in talking about the relationship, something like we have six great kids and I could never regret that. It’s all about Kody, all the time. I’m sure Christine has some culpability in what went down, but I hate Kody so much I’m fine with blaming him 100%.
  4. Sex is not supposed to be a reward for “good behavior”. Your wives aren’t dogs, you ignorant jackass.
  5. Now he’s claiming he tried to make Christine happy? Delusion, thy name is Kody. What an ass.
  6. In other words, her end game
  7. When exactly have you been treated badly, Kody? These women have spent way too many years kissing your ass trying to curry favor but you’re the victim? Puh-lease
  8. Who are you to judge if they’ve tried? Screw you, Robyn.
  9. Sad this is the last live chat for awhile, it’s been fun!
  10. https://www.the-sun.com/entertainment/4650556/1000-lb-sisters-pregnant-amy-slaton-smoking-cigarettes/ Amy did an interview admitting she’s smoking while she’s pregnant 😡. I read somewhere else that someone spotted a full ashtray in the house. Poor babies. Tammy sucks, but Amy is not much better. She needs to do better.
  11. In that top picture, Audrey looks like he’s wearing a wedding band. It seems unlike them to quietly get married, but I wonder if COVID changed their plans? I hope I used the right pronoun, no offense intended if I got it wrong.
  12. All snarking aside, glad Nemo and his parents walked away from that crash. Very scary to be in a serious accident with a baby. That plaque makes me want to 🤮, however.
  13. Kbo


    That crap was unwearable long before that sweet baby got her hands on it. However, who knows what kind of nasty factory those came from, or what kind of dye they used. Yuck.
  14. I get your point on speculation, but we do know a bit more than that. We know they’ve filed bankruptcy multiple times under different wives, for one. We know they’ve had unpaid property tax and other bills. They haven’t consistently had health insurance, and have racked up serious medical debt on more than one occasion. There’s been a lot of indicators that they don’t manage their finances very well, and yet they did pay a big chunk of cash for some of the Coyote Pass property 🤷‍♀️
  15. Did you notice in the app she’s got two brown sofas in the living room? Please, in the name of all that’s holy get rid of those nasty things and get something decent for the new house! For the windows, it sounded to me like she was saying they chose not to add them vs. them taking away something that already existed. If they were trying to save money I could kind of understand that, sometimes you have to compromise. Speaking of money though, how are they affording all of this? It boggles the mind. I do like the laundry room and having the two doors is smart. Personally I would have tried to get a double vanity in the kids bathroom. With four kids already, they need it.
  16. The previews for next week already make me want to throw something at the TV.
  17. Robyn: I’ve never cried so much in an interview Sukanya:
  18. Someone pull out the fainting couch for Robyn, she’s about to pretend to have the vapors.
  19. Why should the kids need Robyn as a mediator to talk to their dad? That’s so weird.
  20. Robyn’s kids are totally taking cues from their drama queen mother. Aurora is so annoying, I can see why the other kids might not be a fan.
  21. Robyn, you weren’t there when they lived in one house. You have zero idea of what it was like, so zip it!
  22. Christine totally contradicts herself about the basement wife concept. First she says she’s seen it in lots of polygamous families, then says she didn’t know what it was. Pick a story, Christine.
  23. I didn’t realize Janelle and Christine didn’t get along initially. I guess it’s not surprising, just don’t remember hearing them talk about it before.
  24. Yes! Plus the cost of living is so crazy right now. I have a 21 and 19 year old living at home and going to school, there’s no way they could support themselves. I’m enjoying having them at home while I can. I’m with Janelle all the way.
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