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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. @proserpina65 I'm (almost) speechless! She said that on TV? I thought the FCC had rules. Well...they used to, back when things were a tad more civilized in this country. I guess I forgot about folks on cable news shows using profanities lately. And our parents thought the country was going to hell in a hand basket, back in the 60's 🙄.
  2. 😒😡😬 But how come there's no ad showing a guy spraying deodorant down *his* pants? Or, that awful, smirky woman sniffing around a man??? 🤬
  3. Do you have a decent Congressional rep? This is something a federal rep would handle. I'm astonished an IRS employee would be allowed to work from home. The IRS should know about what you heard.
  4. I do believe we need to prepare ourselves for Dr. Gloom winning this tournament. It's odd that Ray, Cris & Emily returned to Jeopardy & folded. And yet Yogesh returned knowing every damn clue.
  5. Was that Jon Batiste singing "It Never Went Away", last night? I didn't hear the introduction. He kept sliding off key (which for me is like fingernails on a blackboard 😬). Had to grab the mute!!
  6. Hugs? I don't mind them with people I really care about. I just don't want to hug a lot.
  7. What's with these gowns that look like fluffy explosions? Even that child had one on
  8. I didn't even see the movie and I was into this number 100%.
  9. Is there a thread for the Oscars? I'm sort of watching (mostly with the mute on).
  10. Oscillating fans. Just the sound of that soft whirring brings me right back to my childhood summers in NYS. I grew up in an old Victorian-era house. No one I knew had central air. Thank God summers weren't bad back in the 50's & 60's...we didn't have the humidity that I've felt on trips home now.
  11. The ad that drives me nuts is the Consumer Cellular customer service rep. I loathe the way she babbles, "Consumer Cellular" in a singsong-y voice. I try to hit the mute before she starts. How come all these ads for body odor are directed at women? Leave the Hershey's Kisses for me. IMNSHO, the vomit-taste chocolates are from Europe.
  12. Wow. Reading the basic comparisons, it sure does seem possible. However, I have to say I wouldn't want to watch a movie about a grumpy doc babysitting an obnoxious teen.
  13. annzeepark914


    Good God Almighty! Nicholle is louder and laughing more raucously than ever, now that's she's back. It's so irritating. If it weren't for her excellent legal experts, I wouldn't be watching Deadline:White House.
  14. We're watching CNN more, from 4:00-6:00 M-F now that the big, cackling laugher is back. She's louder & more irritating than ever. Just wish someone other than Tapper was the host during these hours.
  15. When am I going to learn that I can't read the stories on Yahoo and other sites about stray or rescued, abused animals? I get so teary-eyed. They all seem to have decent endings but it puts me through a ringer each time.
  16. This question made me stop & think...what did we do with Mom's yearbook. No idea. So, I have no suggestion for what to do with her diploma. These are things you can't take to a thrift store. I'll be interested in what other folks here have done. It's really tough dealing with these possessions.
  17. A meat and three. I'd never heard that phrase until I lived in Raleigh. Also...I hadn't eaten pimiento cheese since I was a little kid and then there I was, living in a place where it was on almost every menu--even at some elegant wedding receptions! One day I got a grilled pimiento cheese to take back to the office. Took a bite while driving & wow! It was so delicious I almost stopped to finish the sandwich (but drove a little faster to get back to my office & my lunch).
  18. It's tough. After my mom died, & my sister & I received the items Mom had designated for us, I selected some things that meant something to me. They were kitchen items. A fork (from some Swedish set that's long gone) that she used to mash things. Every time I make Swedish meatballs, meatloaf, egg salad, I get this fork out & think of her (am giving it to my eldest niece some day). A small, hand-held mandolin for zesting/shredding (the cover it came in is falling apart but I still keep it safe inside). A very old nut chopper (it's easier/faster to use my mini-FP, but every once in a while I get the old chopper out, a memory from helping my mom chop nuts as a kid 🤗). So...find some things your mom used (in your childhood home and in her newer home), simple things you'll actually use. It's such a nice connection. Hang in there 🪷
  19. Yogesh. He sure cleaned up his act visually: new hairstyle & probably had some facial rejuvenation. But we know that petty, sour soul still lurks inside. Papier-mache...so strange that I didn't think of my favorite Seinfeld scene when I was dredging up that word. Remember the knitting needles in her hair? 😁
  20. Thanks a lot, Emily. Lucky bracelets? 🧐
  21. No grilled cheese? That's un-American! And it's so easy for a restaurant to prepare. Quite bizarre but good on you for not pitching a hissy.
  22. Something that contestants are doing now is really bugging me. It's their "Oof! I knew that" reaction when their response is wrong and the correct response is given either by another contestant or Ken. Yeah...sure. How do we know they're not really trying to cover up their not knowing?
  23. I don't have X but to me it sounds like a different (from Love It) new show is seeking participants who want to renovate their homes. I wonder if David will be a part of it. Hope so as I enjoyed his expressive looks into the camera 😁.
  24. All the people around here (metro DC) being so excited about this very early spring, warm weather, etc , must've forgotten about how hot it's going to get. We were only able to use our deck a few times last year.
  25. I was pulling for Ike or Jared (cannot handle Ben's OTT sweetness... sorry). But!!! If Ben can do the job...I'm going to be pulling for him big time 😁. So, I'm looking at Ben & Troy right now as our saviors.
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