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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I was pulling for Ike or Jared (cannot handle Ben's OTT sweetness... sorry). But!!! If Ben can do the job...I'm going to be pulling for him big time 😁. So, I'm looking at Ben & Troy right now as our saviors.
  2. Just looked at them again & the only one that bothers me is the angry one. We have a nice, calm group of folks here who communicate with each other in a kind, sane, helpful way (which is what Primetimer wants after all, right?) IMO, the angry emoji is out of place, might be used but then interpreted differently by posters, & generate hurt feelings. So, that's my opinion & I'll pontificate no more 🙂
  3. Amen & hallelujah, @stewedsquash I'd even be happy (grateful 😊) to revert to our original emojis. I appreciate PT and what they do to provide us with a nice, welcoming forum. I hope these few little quirks or whatevers can be fixed 🌸.
  4. The angry emoji is very creepy. I feel it's directed *at* the poster. And the thanks emoji doesn't show appreciation. I like shapeshifter's suggested thanks. It's obvious, doesn't invite any confusion.
  5. What movie??? Yup...Sean better stay far away from LI. Great game. Got my hopes pinned on Troy now.
  6. Now I've got Lollipop running in my head. 🎹"Call my baby lollipop, I'll tell you why..."🎤
  7. Love this!! I'm from the lower mid-Hudson, had relatives in Darien, and we had a place at Candlewood. Yeah, people are reserved in these areas--friendly, but from a distance. I'm still this way. 😸
  8. Got two TS's: luxury and prostrating themselves. I took Latin III in h.s. so I wouldn't have to take chemistry 🤓. So...could Ben beat Yogesh?
  9. Welcome and 🤞 for relief for you @BetyBee.
  10. Yup...the old mumble-to-get-a-human on the phone isn't working so well any more. I think they're on to us. 🤬
  11. Anybody but Yogesh... that's where I'm at in this TOC.
  12. @Cloud9Shopper Since you're planning to move to a different church choir, go ahead and let the director know how embarrassing it's going to be when this man stumbles through his solo. It will not only be a bad reflection on the soloist, but on the director as well.
  13. Welcome, @Jeeves I knew I'd seen your name before. This is a good group!
  14. Well...if Mr Gloom wins and eventually gets to the Masters, he faces James & Mattea.
  15. I only got two TS's: ladies room and a favorite word, pulchritudinous. Hooray! I was rooting for either Ike or Melissa.
  16. Gee...I forgot all about the infamous missing mayonnaise! Now *that* was important, my friends 🧐
  17. https://olympics.com/en/news/figure-skating-amber-glenn-usa-champion-2024-role-olympic-dream-exclusive A nice article about Amber. Her multiple year quests at Nationals reminds me of Rudi Galindo's efforts. So glad both of these excellent skaters finally won the gold!
  18. I think it was Seinfeld who used to do a routine about where items of clothing disappeared to (usually after a fun ride in the dryer). Call Jer...he may know.
  19. annzeepark914


    I'll have what they're having 😏
  20. annzeepark914


    Wow. Barbara McQuade looks so different!! It sure does pay to be an MSNBC contributor. She looks wonderful (as does Joyce Vance). It looks like McQuade is no longer at U of Michigan and has written a book. I think Nicholle is having her back to discuss the book...maybe tomorrow???
  21. I've always been a bit overly careful when clicking on an emoji, concerned that I'll hit the wrong one and give the wrong impression of my feelings/attitude.
  22. Pasta with creamy pesto sauce, topped with grilled shrimp.
  23. Hey...that was OTT fist-pumping. He was really outta control (as they say).
  24. @shapeshifter I'd miss the hell out of ya if this place closes down! Also, a bunch of others here as well. Good grief...can't there be an online community that survives all the vissisitudes (hmm...is that still a useable word?) of today's miserable, challenging life where a bunch of similar souls can come together online and kvetch about life?
  25. Re: the potential new emojis? I vote for the two "B's". Don't like that very angry face. When I'm ticked off about something, I use the flame emoji. I sure hope this site will continue as I've enjoyed reading everyone's opinions, input, & thoughts, on the sections I visit (well, that's not many but I like the ones in which I participate).
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