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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. I just love this show but I seem to miss some things. What's with Malvo reading the story of Moses? Who were the guys in the fishing shack? And why did the creepy duo visit Lester at his office?
  2. Thanks for the reminder about Extra Virgin - just love Debi and Gabriel (even love their theme music!). Also ATK & Cooks Country (with the exception of Mr. Wonderful, Christopher K...he reminds me of the guys who'd show up on blind dates back in the day--blech!). I loved East Meets West with Ming Tsai (is that on anymore?)...haven't made Ming's spicy fried chicken in a while but boy oh boy is that delicious. Loved it when his parents would be on the show with him - they always lovingly teased him. Then there's Bitchin Kitchen - good food plus lots of oddball characters. My favorite BK episode was the meal she prepared, the one you'd make for your prospective in-laws ("they may not like you, but they're gonna love your food").
  3. I must remember the next time someone says, "How can that be?" to respond: "Oh, it be".
  4. "John. Effffff. Kennedy. Juuunyaaah." Always loved the way Elaine would over-enunciate.
  5. I just have to share something with y'all. Yesterday, I made individual pavlovas (waited until I knew for sure there'd be no rain, no chance of humidity) using a recipe I found online (Nick Malgieri and David Joachim). I held back a little on the sugar (next time I make them I'll hold back even a little more). They were crispy on the outside and marshmallowy on the inside--perfecto! :>) I topped them with whipped cream, macerated strawberries, and blueberries & raspberries. A great dessert for a little dinner party I had with some friends. I remember making this dessert years ago and the meringue was way too brittle; it crumbled as soon as one's fork touched it so I was a bit leery of trying again. So glad I did and so glad I found a better recipe.
  6. My favorite Dr. Freedman episodes were when he'd walk into the Swamp only to once again step right into another fight amongst the inhabitants (usually a poker game was included some time during the episodes and those were also quite entertaining).
  7. Heh heh, Lura...we're behind ya (but we're not going to bail you out if things get "outta control!" at Barnes & Noble ;>) Well, tonight I thanked Miss Ina for sharing her wonderful recipes, on TV and in her cookbooks. I made (once again) Confetti Corn and I made it fast! I barely follow the recipe now since I've made it so often. You just need to figure out the quickest way to shuck the corn cobs and then scrape the kernels off. Once you've got your own system, it's a piece o' cake.
  8. Let's hope these "make-ahead" recipes are something different from the recipes in the current series of BC cookbooks.
  9. I agree. Colin's seemingly normal/bland character has waaaay too much competition in this very odd series (filled with lots of oddballs!) The guy with the fringe reminded me (once he became violent) of that horrifying guy in the movie who was operating the wood chopper. That scene on the ice has overtaken, at least in my mind/memory, the revolting woodchopper scene (I'm almost afraid to ask, "what's next?")
  10. @3pwood: Thanks for the link. Two of the stores on there (for my zip code) don't carry Diamond Crystal (the box) so I think I'll call the others on the list and I've bookmarked the link so I can call the 800 number if no one around here carries it. While at Wegman's yesterday, there was a young man walking around produce with a tray of tiny cups holding pieces of Champagne Mango. I discovered these at Harris Teeter 2 weeks ago (but they no longer have them) so was thrilled to find them again - 88 cents! For anyone who can't handle the taste of regular mangoes, these champagne mangoes are perfect. They don't have that odd, semi-metallic taste that I dislike in regular mangoes. Walmart is also selling them at the same price. They're small and yellow and delicious!
  11. Well, today I tried to find Diamond Crystal Kosher salt at Wegman's, the only supermarket in our area that has carried it so far. Nada! They had a small 13 oz canister: Diamond Crystal Iodized Salt Sense (Real Salt, 33% Less Sodium per teaspoon) which I bought just for the heck of it. Went to customer service to ask where the heck is the box. The staffer looked it up and said it's no longer being sold in my Wegman's (but it is in other Wegman's...none of them nearby). Why is it so hard to find the box of Diamond Crystal kosher salt? If I haven't mentioned it already (over at TWOP), I've discovered that a pretty good, inexpensive e.v.o.o. is at Trader Joe's. It's called California Estate Olive Oil (extra virgin) and it's only $5.99 a bottle. Love it! I'm also crazy about TJ's frozen latke's - bake them and then when they're crispy, I love to squirt fresh lemon juice on them - so refreshing, crispy & delicious!
  12. The all time classic episode for me was the one in which the husband was a grumpy safety inspector who nitpicked everything in each house David showed them ("this outdoor step is a little slanted") and then Hilary discovered the old house was filled with asbestos! I could't wait for that gasbag to get back to his decrepit house and be told that he, the beady-eyed safety inspector, was living in a house filled with asbestos.
  13. Wish I lived nearby--I'd definitely be there complete with an Orioles cap (as a Nats fan it would be a major sacrifice--but worth it). Hope they sell Junior Mints at the stadium.
  14. Unfortunately I can't remember those classic lines (haven't seen any re-runs in quite some time). I loved the scenes in which Carla and Nick fought; also when her oldest son, ANT-nee and his acerbic wife came to visit Carla in the bar ("Sooo, Mother Tortelli"). Just loved hearing those Beantown haaahdcoah accents.
  15. The writing was crisper, more articulate when Diane was in the cast (but of course...they had such a wonderful character to write for).
  16. I loved that little studio apartment and wished she had stayed there (but was pleased to see the "M" hanging on the wall in her new apartment). Once Mary Richards moved to the new apartment (and Phyllis & Rhoda were gone), the show just wasn't as much fun for me (never could stand Georgette) unless Sue Ann Nivens was given some shenanigans and great dialogue. Always loved it when Mary had to work up her courage to be assertive.
  17. Her hairdresser probably applies a glaze after coloring. Glaze makes one's hair look like the hair in a shampoo ad. Ina's beautiful skin is probably part genetics and part chemical peels, facials and daily use of fabulous skin care products. That girl may wear high-water pants but she sure does take good care of her skin and hair!
  18. Preteen World was one of my favorites...especially when the "band" played that song (Gone Gone Gone She's Been Gone So Long...). Also, skits w/ Mrs. Falvo and John Candy as the kiddie clown. And the Shmenge Brothers TV Shows.
  19. Billy Bob's character reminded me so much of that cranky patient of Bob Newhart as psychologist on The Bob Newhart Show (back in the 70's)...with a little Norman Bates mixed in.
  20. So, Small Talk: Don't Tell Jeffrey! should be about anything but the BC Show, Ina Garten, her recipes, friends, etc., right? I've been confused myself. In this thread we can talk about books we've read, movies we've seen, non-BC recipes we've made??? (sorry to be so thick...I'm loving previously.tv, am having fun reading/posting in so many different forums :>)
  21. I liked it and didn't mind the reminders of the movie. These characters weren't as OTT (constantly talking about the weather as they did in the movie). So, I'm wondering: how did Lorne get into town after he deserted his car and where did Lorne go after he went into the basement (he'd disappeared from there by the time Lester came down to look for him). Does it have something to do with him somehow knowing that the patrolman (Hanks) has a daughter? Can he walk through walls? Can't wait for next Tuesday!
  22. I read Mary and Lou and Rhoda and Ted: And All the Brilliant Minds Who made The Mary Tyler Moore Show a Classic by Jennifer Keishin Armstrong (2013). It's great. You learn how difficult it was to get this show on the air (CBS wanted Mary to be a divorcee; they didn't think a show about an unmarried 30+ year old working woman would be interesting to anyone). Thank goodness they couldn't get Andy Williams to sing the theme song. He was a crooner and his highly recognizable voice would've distracted from Mary driving to the Big City, looking at food in a case at the supermarket, riding an escalator, etc.
  23. This is gonna drive me nuts! I can see the guest room and Ina mentioning the little extras she likes to place in the room for her company. I think her guest was a female (not a couple)...but I'm not positive. I keep a basket in the guest bathroom...filled with sample shampoos, travel toothbrushes and toothpaste, little soaps, all those little things hotels/motels put out (I always take a few with me ;>) + small bottles of Deer Park water. But I don't do chocolates a la Ina. I'd love to be a guest in her home--you just know it would be a divine experience (lovely bed linens, treats on the night stand and then, breakfast in front of the fire in the living room or out on the veranda overlooking the garden). ~sigh~
  24. @Lura - heh heh...yup! Re: "Ina's flower"...I can't remember which one that is (it was discussed by many over at the old BC forum maybe a year ago). The name of that flower is not easily remembered if I recall correctly. Every time she puts together an arrangement of creamy white flowers & tucks in some greenery, I swoon. I noticed someone mentioned roast chicken (well, yeah--this is a BC forum ;>) and so I must confess that even tho' I love roast chicken, it always makes a big mess in the oven thanks to the butter/oil squirting all over the place. Does this happen to everyone? Or am I doing something wrong? I'm trying to remember if we've already had a discussion about this and someone suggested putting the chicken in the oven with nothing on it. Is that an "ok" thing to do?
  25. I just don't get unsweetened whipped cream when it's used for desserts. If you don't want to end up with sweet overkill, cut way back on the sugar. I use confectioner's sugar from a container in which I've placed a vanilla bean. This way it's semi-sweet, very muted, but also a nice contrast to a very sweet dessert. Hey, Lura - welcome to the new Land of BC :>)
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