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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Glad to see this post after all the negative comments toward Ashley here. I've enjoyed watching AW skate over the years and especially watching her pull herself up/together after major disappointments. I also like that she doesn't come off as princessy and that she skates with power. The facial expressive stuff is used to connect with the audience which she does and did very well last night. It's part of the presentation side of this sport. If you've ever seen her interview with Jenny and Dave at The Skating Lesson, you'll see the real Ashley Wagner and she's certainly got a wonderful, funny, down to earth personality. All that so-called boasting is what a lot of athletes do...but not that often by females. I also think Ashley handled very well the obvious contempt shown toward her by Gracie two years ago (when GG came back from 9th in the SP to 2nd overall & was angry that she didn't win) that was caught on camera backstage. That was a sight I'll never forget.
  2. For a small dinner party Sunday evening, I made two of Ina's recipes: Parmesan Chicken and Apple/Pear Crisp. Both were delicious. However, I've made a note about the vinaigrette that goes on the greens that you plop on the chicken: blech! It had been awhile since I'd made this dish and I forgot how OTT tart that dressing is. So I had to quickly whip up a different lemon vinaigrette. One thing I did with the chicken was earlier in the day I prepared it for sauteing, placed on wax paper-lined cookie sheet, covered with wax paper and then foil, & placed in the refrigerator until a half hour before cooking. I mentally patted myself on the back thinking of how I was following Ina's rule for "make ahead" meals :>)
  3. Loving the quotes from My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I'm not of Greek heritage but where I grew up, there were lots of folks just like her parents & relatives (they were mostly Italian-Americans, though). My favorite quote was one that sounded all too familiar to me from my childhood (from my Swedish-American mom): "The man is the head of the family but the woman is the neck..." My sister and I heard that a lot. When I heard Lainie Kazan say that in the movie, I slid down in my seat I was laughing so hard (but trying not to draw attention to myself). I love that actress!
  4. Hmmm...verrrrrry interesting! But then, I'm on Team Blake so of course I can see the nobility of it all. Love that Blake.
  5. It's happened to me too (and I may have mentioned it a while back, not sure). I used to make a shrimp casserole that called for 2 tsps of sherry. Since I never have sherry in the house, I always used cooking sherry. A friend love it, asked for the recipe and then called to tell me it was inedible. When I asked her about the ingredients she used, the one thing she did differently was to use real sherry (I know I told her to use cooking sherry). She said all they could taste was the sherry. So, maybe the cooking sherry was milder and the real deal just overwhelmed the other ingredients? A couple years ago I sent my sister a recipe for Three Berry Cobbler which we love (calls for frozen blackberries, raspberries & blueberries). She emailed a few days later saying it was gagworthy too sweet! Turned out she didn't have one of the berries called for and subbed frozen strawberries, so no wonder.
  6. Amen! I haven't trusted Gillingham since his first appearance when we learned that his family lost their estate...and when he explained to someone that he only hired Greene because he couldn't afford a better valet. He's broke and IMO Mary and her fabulous DA are just what he needs/wants. Gosh, you people are really good (re: picking up on the horny monkey line). My hearing is fine but some of the things these wonderful English actors say slip past me (maybe because "horny monkey" is a term I just can't imagine being used or because Mary didn't get a look of horror on her face and run out of the room...TG is not very suave). I believe Tony got rid of Greene for good after he had lunch with Mary, when she made that strange request (for him to find a different valet). He picked up on how important this was to her (even tho' he didn't know the reason...maybe he somehow got wind of what Greene did???) and being so desperate to marry into money, he did what she asked--he got rid of his valet. I've liked Charles Blake right from the start but this is a soap opera (a very grand & gorgeous one, at that) and so Mary just couldn't connect with him--that would be too easy, too nice & pat. I still love this show (especially the house & surrounding property/countryside, the clothes, the old cars, the butlers & footmen, the table settings, flowers, candles, etc). And I loved it when the Dowager Countess stood up when she heard the King's voice on the wireless. That gesture said so much about the English people, the time, and all the changes.
  7. I buy chai tea powder at Trader Joe's. They used to sell decaff but now it's just regular. So, I buy decaff chai tea powder at Harris Teeter supermarkets. I love the aroma of fresh brewed coffee and drink it once in a while with some Half & Half in it. But coffee doesn't seem to like me so I'm mostly an iced tea w/ lemon drinker (love Zero Coke too :>)
  8. Loved this! When I first moved to Raleigh in the late 70's, I went into a Piggly Wiggly at Five Points and it was just like stepping back into my childhood in NYS--a very old fashioned supermarket complete with creaky hardwood floors, meat market in the back, old-fashioned looking ladies at the cash registers. That old PW, I've heard, is now some type of gourmet food emporium/cafe. My favorite pimiento cheese is from Southern Season in Chapel Hill. They sell regular and hot (has jalapenos in it and it's lively!). I saw that article in Southern Living and was absolutely dumbfounded that the woman sent it in to the magazine. All I could think was...what a selfish, insecure mother she had. I love to share recipes and include a note on any changes I might have made and why. Now, people do get into trouble when they make substitutions to the recipe we've given them (but then, it's no longer our recipe, right?)
  9. I just bought a bag of shrimp and some frozen okra so I'm getting ready to make gumbo pretty soon (whenever the mood strikes me, I guess). Back to Carolina BBQ. I remember when first living in NC being amazed at the arguments between the eastern side of the state and western side re: which bbq was the best. And both sides had no use for the mustard sauced bbq that was preferred by South Carolinians. These folks can really get into it over their favorite bbq! Another thing I'd never had before living in NC was chili & slaw on a hot dog. Never heard of such a thing but it's truly delicious! (being a native New Yorker, I grew up eating hot dogs w/ either mustard & relish, or, mustard & saurkraut). Was never a big fan of hot dogs until I discovered Sabrett's hot dogs (made in The Bronx) and then, I discovered grilled brats while visiting in-laws up in Michigan (love skinless brats!) We sure have some great food in the USA :>)
  10. Yes! I watched this one and felt like a genius when I yelled out "star anise". Of course, if I were standing there with the buzzer in my hand, I just know my brain would have been frozen. It's so much fun to yell out the answer and be right (as opposed to the times I yell out the WRONG answer and am so embarrassed that I shake my head and shrug, even tho' no one's in the room ;>)
  11. They're both delicious but my favorite is eastern NC bbq...especially the bbq at Bill's BBQ in Wilson, NC (and especially when they'd cater a pig-pickin'). And some Brunswick Stew, please.
  12. Two leftovers: leftover beef stew for Mr. P914 (which he's doctoring w/ some extra spices) and leftover Butternut Squash Bisque for me. Can't get worn out making dinner 'cause tonight is Downton Abbey night at long last!
  13. I'm not southern but I lived in NC for a number of years where I learned about the need to eat black-eyed peas on New Year's Day for good luck. Last night I grabbed a can of those peas, a bag of frozen corn and some other stuff and made a version of Cowboy Caviar just so I'd get my chance for good luck in 2015! Happy New Year, y'all :>)
  14. Loved, loved, loved Brooklyn Bridge. Wonderful actors and Art Garfunkle's beautiful singing at the start of each show was absolutely perfect. Just remembering all these shows from back in the day makes most of today's TV programming (IMO) so depressing.
  15. My first thought was last year's Thanksgiving special and maybe Todd (who was watching) really got a close look at how his wife behaved on live TV, not caring how she came across (OTT flirting with Bobby Flay). I bet his own family will be thrilled (they're so Midwestern, quiet, reserved).
  16. I use Glycolix Cleanser for cleaning off make-up and Glycolix ultra lite for night time moisturizer (sold at my dermatologist's and online). Also use LaRoche-Posay moisturizer (now available at CVS...used to get at the dr's office) and their thermal spring water to spray on top of mineral make-up (Colorscience). I also have rosacea on my face (mild case) so I put Clinique's green stuff over my moisturizer and it makes the redness disappear before I apply make-up.
  17. IMO they're great because they keep the little monsters inside the cart ;>)
  18. They're giving Luke Russert his own show? This is beyond pathetic.
  19. I never made candy until I saw the Barefoot Contessa make her white chocolate bark (and saw how easy it is to do!) When I saw Ina tie pretty ribbons around the cellophane bags of bark and give them as gifts? I said to myself, "Hey, even I can do that". Half the bark may have sprinkles of crushed peppermint, the other half may have chopped walnuts and Craisins. I always feel so Ina when tying up those little bags of bark :>)
  20. stillshimpy: They put an ingredient in the chips (to hold their shape) that makes chips unsuitable for making bark. A few days ago I made brownies and tossed some white Ghirardelli chips on top, thinking they'd melt and be interesting. Well, they didn't melt...some got a little squishy but most were bite-y. Anyway, I broke down today and bought 4 bars of the white Ghirardelli at $2.50 each ;>( But--they'll end up in pretty cellophane bags tied w/ a ribbon as Christmas gifts, so that's ok, I guess. I have fun creating the bark and sometimes try to recreate Chunky bars (loved those back in the day).
  21. What the heck is with this guy? When he was interviewing a woman who said she had been sexually assaulted, he made a disgusting suggestion re: what she should've done to her assailant. Now he's deciding who should've been recognized as Person of the Year? I'm getting very confused as to what his role/show is about. I thought it was a news show but it's coming across as more like Hardball or Hannity or O'Reilly--opinion shows.
  22. I'm planning to make the Barefoot Contessa's Chocolate Bark (and her White Chocolate Bark) so I'm trying to find Ghirardelli's 4 oz chocolate bars for a bit less than $2.50 a piece (just paid that in Wegman's and not happy about it). I used to be able to find it for just under $2 a bar at Target's but can't find them any longer. Does anyone have any tips on where to find these bars?
  23. Indeed! You have put into words just what I've been thinking for several years now. The females are wearing what look to be cocktail (or sun) dresses and their hair cascades all around their shoulders, pageant-style. The chit-chat reminds me of happy talk that started with local TV stations back in the 80's (lots of jokes and kidding around). I guess I'm particularly disgusted with the females. A lot of female journalists endured a lot of crap back in the day to get on the air and be taken seriously and now the younger ones are up there showing off legs & thighs (thanks Katie Couric, I believe you started all this nonsense) and seem to be just full of themselves. I've always liked Candy Crowley. IMO she's "old school" when it comes to TV reporters, anchors--she's professional.
  24. Yup. I'll tune in every once in a while, hoping that maybe this time Giada will make something that can be a "keeper" for me (like vegetable fritto misto that she made with my all-time favorite aunt, Raffie :>)...but unfortunately, I find her making God-awful food combos (something like nutella, sage & prosciutto sandwiches). That fritto misto is the only meal she's made on her lifestyle show that I've made (as opposed to lots of her recipes from Everyday Italian that are keepers in our home). So, all of that + the constant grinning + the OTT cleavage? A true target for snark (but sometimes tuning in just hoping for something new & edible for a change).
  25. Yeah...that would be a total shock if Fox hired Crowley. She's just not their type of female TV newsperson (Greta is the exception and yes indeed, she sure got herself purtied up before appearing on camera...and IMO continues to have major touch-ups!)
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