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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Good grief. A graphic novel? I felt so out of it when I learned that was the proper response for FJ. I don't think a certain generation of people watch the cable news shows (TS: Lawrence O'Donnell) I said walking stick too - that's what we call them in the northeast (USA). Darn it all we've lost Paul (my sad little poem for the evening). I really liked him. Not happy with the bubbly Miss Vocal Fry. She's just a teence too much, ya know what I mean? Uh-oh...my punishment for being catty means she might be another James.
  2. annzeepark914


    Hmmm...well I thought I wanted someone new but have rather quickly changed my mind about one newcomer. Joshua Johnson was on Deadline:White House today and while listening to him expound on what the Democratic Party needs to look like, I felt as if I was being blown into the next room. He needs to dial it back. I was mentally exhausted when he finally shut up.
  3. annzeepark914


    We watched MTP Daily this evening & wow! Katy Tur looked so professional & attractive. Maybe she's letting TPTB know she can dress up & look like *she* should be the host of this show. Go Katy!
  4. I just watched this video and didn't pick up any "pissy" vibes from the others. I enjoyed listening to him. He could fit in at the 7:00 slot (but I have no idea why he was suspended or what he said that bothered TPTB). MSNBC needs to get someone really good to create his/her own show to replace Hardball in the very near future. With all that's going on right now, this is Go Time!
  5. annzeepark914


    https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/03/06/msnbc-suggests-that-america-has-population-327/ Ah yes...Brian Williams strikes again.
  6. Recently bought TJ's cinnamon coffee cake, something I can eat all by myself easily. I love the cinnamon in it. Next time, I'd better take it to my Thursday morning coffee group so I won't eat it all 😎
  7. I just saw this movie yesterday (last day at the local theater) and really liked it...with the exception of the actress who played Marta. Probably because she was looking just a little too precious with her lips slightly open throughout the entire movie (a la John Cusick). The only folks who do this in real life are the mouth breathers, suffering from severe sinus issues. Jamie Lee Curtis was wonderful, as was Don Johnson. We need more movies like this. Not everyone wants to see Disney or sci-fi.
  8. Jeopardy was ok for me but double Jeopardy was not, altho' I knew that TS for Burroughs--the adding machine (again, maybe contestants were too young to know?) So glad Paul won again.
  9. Local news showed an experiment tonight with some Georgetown students. They filmed them for a while and sure enough, even though they knew not to touch their face, they still did. A doctor was interviewed & she said there are many nerve endings in the face. That causes sensitivity & so we itch, or feel "something" on our face and need to brush it away, etc.
  10. Yikes - is that statue an optical illusion or is it really that huge? Patel is such a popular name in India so that was a great clue. I forgot how often Eton used to be in crossword puzzles. But over the past few years, the Washington Post's crossword puzzles have been (by two different creators) very different from puzzles of yesteryear, unfortunately.
  11. annzeepark914


    Well, if it's Joy, I sure won't be watching. She talks too much.
  12. I only know mostly obnoxious words in German but when Alex said "you're going to hate yourselves" I picked stein at the last second (sometimes I can be a real dumkopf). Got 2 TS: stein and Eton (didn't they hear me yelling "Eton!!!"?) Sheesh. I grew up not far from the CIA and called it the Culinary Institute of Arts (oy vey). Well, it's been a while since I lived up there. The Meg category wasn't very difficult. I like Paul and am glad he won again. I think he was nervous last night. Tonight he seemed more relaxed (well, as relaxed as anyone can be while playing Jeopardy on TV).
  13. annzeepark914


    If I were his boss at MSNBC, I would've said, "No. You're now officially retired". He could have gone on the air that night and pulled a Howard Beale. He'd certainly been acting strange enough, IMO. Oh well, I'm still burning my brain trying to think of a suitable replacement. I should be getting paid for the amount of effort I'm putting into this ☺️
  14. Good one! Me too (if they were 1975 through the Will Ferrell era). Oh thank the good Lord for not letting Margaret win. Her vocal fry was really getting on my last frazzled nerve tonight. I was hoping Mike would win again.
  15. I was looking at Schmidt yesterday while he was talking with Nicolle, thinking he'd be good on one of these shows. But I believe he'd need a co-host to lighten things up a little as he's quite serious.
  16. I remember seeing her co-anchor the news with Charlie Gaddy on WRAL-TV in Raleigh back in the day. She was very impressive early on, always professional. Very sad news.
  17. I just can't see her in the 7:00 PM time slot. Nor can I see Steve Kornacki hosting Hardball. He's a nice guy but when he has filled in for Chris, he seems way too intense. The only one I can think of right now is John Heilman but there's got to be more at NBC/MSNBC who could take over and be the right kind of interviewer.
  18. I don't know if this has been discussed already, but is the Popeye's fried chicken sandwich really good? Is the roll toasted? Can you request a bit less mayo on it (the picture shows mayo oozing out)?
  19. It's nice to see that knowledge is being celebrated.
  20. annzeepark914


    I loved that last sentence. MSNBC and NBC will not tolerate any inappropriate behavior. Uh-hunh. Re: Smith, Reid and Kornacki? I think they need to look beyond these three (& not Brian Williams!)
  21. Well, that was quick. One and done for Bruce. I like the new champ and was pulling for him. Surprised no one got Tweedledum & Tweedledee and James Taylor's "How Sweet It Is"...such a great song. The first few minutes of the game were not seen here thanks to an update on Super Tuesday (sheesh...6% in so far, folks!) so we saw it starting with the food category's answer: stew.
  22. Good God, I hope not. I don't think he's very popular at MSNBC these days.
  23. annzeepark914

    Country Music

    Hazel Smith. Didn't she host movies, while sitting in her kitchen? She was hilarious. I don't know how many years ago this was but I think she even had some celebrity visit her & she served him a meal (during movie breaks). Am I imaginjng a lot of this stuff or did it really happen? And what kind of movies were featured?
  24. Yes. He seemed to choke over words several times. But he sure is smart. I liked that he was not only very knowledgeable re: math & science, but also music.
  25. That was such a good show. Excellent writing and acting. Are there any shows like LG today?
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