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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Sheesh...I can still see Plushenko smirking his way around the rink, stopping to do a bump & grind, skating obliviously to the music. Blech. And then, showing his butt during the medal ceremony since he thought *only he* deserved the gold. A real 14k gold horse's heinie.
  2. Me too! Good luck with the new job. May it NOT aggravate your injuries (and be a nice place to work).
  3. I'm so sick & tired of bad drivers. Tailgating, weaving back & forth from one lane to the next, speeding (esp on rain or snow slick roads). They put us all in danger. Who died and made it their very own roadway?
  4. I remember that day. Mr. P914 was working in some country overseas and emailed me that Michelle was #2. I was so disgusted. To this day I have not seen MK's LP at the '98 O's. I did see Tara's, on tape.
  5. At first I had no idea but the word cedar was the clue-- Cedars of Lebanon. Not too shabby a game for me tonight. Does Mackenzie look like she could be James' sister? At certain times, when she's smiling, she looks so much like him.
  6. If I need to just load stuff in the trunk and continue shopping, I wave them on. Heck, the way things are today in America, I don't want to get anyone ticked off at me 😐
  7. He is just incredibly self absorbed, running his mouth ad nauseum. So of course he never thought how bad that sounded.
  8. We both drew the same map of Africa! 😆
  9. Rex obviously didn't hear me yelling, "T U D O R" over and over and over. Once again, too young a group to know "stenography" and Jane Curtain (they don't know what they're missing--her SNL skits were hilarious, always!) And another TS when the clue was the word "river" which is rio in espanol and (I guess) Portuguese.
  10. 2009/10 was the season of Davis & White's Bollywood. Maybe we'll get to see some interesting RD's like that (fingers crossed).
  11. I wonder if TPTB are trying to avoid skaters having to appear in leiderhosen or other old world costumes, having to skate to bouncy old folk music. Thus, cultural dance is vague enough to allow skaters to use more modern themes, music, etc. Just a thought. I sure haven't seen any clear definition of cultural dance.
  12. In a way, I can understand that as I'm mentally worn out from the whirlwind. I now only watch Deadline WH and then local news. Re: Chris--he also may be affected by those treatments. Rough times for a lot of folks these days.
  13. Yikes...glad I missed that. Did he really mean it re: fearing he'll be beheaded? He's become a real drama queen over the past few years.
  14. Hey, y'all...Carmen isn't all that bad. I mean, it's not like the dreary Otonal. Look on the bright side (😁)...they could've picked Hallelujah.
  15. Waaaaa...I went up to 25 miles and no stores in this area sell Creamsicles.
  16. Good Humor toasted almond bars and the coconut bars too (coconut covered vanilla ice cream). Are Creamsicles still around? I haven't seen them in years.
  17. Hmmm...for that first TS, I said dalit or sweepers. Forgot about untouchables, but I think they're all the same. Wonder if I'd have been given credit for dalit. I cannot believe they didn't hear me screaming "sponge" over and over ad nauseum. This was a very strange game.
  18. Here's another "rule" (or rude thing to do): not staying to the right on the escalator. If you're not on the very right side, people can't dash up the escalator's steps. Dashing up an escalator's steps is very dangerous--not only to oneself but also to others.
  19. After I jotted down White Sox, I thought of the Black Sox. Wasn't there a scandal with that team?
  20. Adios, Josh. I was just beginning to like ya. Thank goodness Brooke won tonight. I could not have endured Megan a minute more. Got FJ...was thinking of Argentinian steaks on the grill. Some of the TS 's were stunning: noblesse oblige, Cher, John Hinkley? Especially Cher & Hinkley!
  21. Once again, 3 contestants too young to remember a famous or infamous person. In this case he was infamous--George Wallace.
  22. For some reason, this never bothered me. Maybe because Ashley wasn't just skating from one element to the next; she was telling a story, skating as the character (sort of like Sale/Pelletier making the theme from Love Story interesting so it wasn't annoying--to me-- when they used it again in '02). But I do recall groaning when Butryskia hauled out Otonal for another miserable year of listening to that wobbly recording.
  23. Didn't these euphemisms start with the fantastic "pre-owned" car ads? How many years ago was that? It still bugs me!
  24. Whenever H/D are skating, I remind my surprised self that they're one of the USA teams. I never feel like they're fellow Americans. Sure hope it's C/B on the team (in the team event). DD & his partner can go practice on a private rink during that special team competition (again!)
  25. I finally got to see some of season 4. But it came after several earlier season shows (including dear old Lance). I think I've put my finger on the change. I know it's early in the "year" as S4 begins, but a lot of the commradery is missing. It seems to be all business. No making chowdah (by Dixie). No taking a break on the shore of the lake to grill & eat hot dogs. It will be interesting to see if these heartwarming scenes appear later in the season.
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