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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. This was the short program so I believe they must do a drawing. In the long program, Nathan will probably be last.
  2. I noticed during both the short & long programs, that Rafael seems to have thawed. He was always The Great Stoneface in the K&C. But now we see him smiling, heck--even laughing! He does have excellent skaters. Maybe this has cheered him up.
  3. Speaking of that awful song, I've never heard any singer before pronounce daddy as "daddd-dee". I finally had to hit the mute button. That was a wonderful audience reaction to H/B's RD. I think they loved the BeeGees music as well as the skating. I sure did. Didn't have my camera ready but I *loved* Madison's many efforts to keep a smile on her face.
  4. Me too...they are the only ladies skaters I enjoy watching...Mariah especially. IMO, she's what figure skating is all about, the blend of athleticism with artistry. Too bad about that slip (as Scott Hamilton always said, "Ice is slippery" 😎--remember the gazillion times we had to hear that?) Oh, yeah skate gods...please watch over C/B. Think I'll have my camera ready tonight & tomorrow to catch the twins' expressions if/when another team beats them. I've gone back to watch Bollywood, the Coldplay FD, and the queen's 1996 LP. Geez... the first two teams' music was awful to my ears--had to hit the mute. Green/Parsons are amazing for such a brand new team!
  5. Oh, no! Did that oversize leprechaun get ousted tonight by a new champion? Awww...I'll miss him & his oddities. I was at book club tonight so I guess it's just as well. Au revoir, Dennis.
  6. When a skater is going to do a lutz, his/her left (?) leg kicks waaaay back and then crashes down onto the ice to power the skater into the air. So, these are the only jumps I recognize--axel & lutz ☺
  7. Loved the ice skating clue! Nationals starts tomorrow (won't be on TV until Thursday...NBCSN). The axel (named after a Norwegian skater) is the only jump in which the skater is going forward. The great Dick Button taught me that😉
  8. I guess I'm the odd person out here cause Austin & Dennis don't bother me. They're just good ol' nerds. Not mean or braggarts. Just Jeopardy-smart!
  9. Aww...well, I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't do so hot tonight--esp after reading that you all did so well. For FJ, I wrote "Mr Somebody Goes To Washington". I could *not* remember his name (altho' I know Jimmy Stewart was the main character). Never saw this movie. Hope that gives me a major excuse 😎
  10. I forgot all about MCM being on last night. It's been so long since they were on every week that I get out of practice.
  11. That TS about MASH was easy. Alan Alda really changed that show once he began directing (and getting involved in story lines). It went from hilarious to maudlin, IMO. Ash Wednesday's big clue was that it was a mid-week happening (and what else happens mid week anyway?) I did not get any of the hidden gems ;>(
  12. Was Matthew the guy in the middle? I liked him and hoped he'd win. So Dennis the Menace is back with us again tomorrow. Just when you think he's done for...he climbs out of the pit and starts moving on up until he wins. I too could only think of Sec of State. I knew there were few cabinet positions in GW's day but never thought of Atty Gen. It's funny...this afternoon I was thinking of 30 Something (probably because I heard She Drives Me Crazy on the car radio) and remembering that there was so much written about it being a show filled with whiners. When I finally decided to watch it, I thought, "They're not whining. They're discussing their lives". 😊
  13. Is it just me or is anybody else getting sick of seeing/hearing about Meghan & Harry? I believe he has emotional issues and is being taken advantage of...but I'm tired of seeing pictures & articles about them every daggone day.
  14. If it were me, I'd let it go. That's a long time, in and out of very cold weather. And w/o food? Poor guy.
  15. Amen! Esp on the weekend when the "weekend warriors" are tearing around at 80 mph (& today when it's sleety & slippery? they haven't slowed down one bit).
  16. Tonight's game was unusually sad. I think almost any game would be sad after watching Ken and James. I couldn't believe two New Yorkers had no idea where Prospect Park is located. It was all downhill for Priscilla from there. Plus, Shanu didn't know the name of the storms that are called nor'easters (they hit the northeast usually in autumn & they're really tough storms) which was a DD.
  17. And none taken ☺️ I couldn't remember how to spell it which shows me how long it's been since I last made it. Thanks!
  18. I just saw this article in today's Washington post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/style/ken-jennings-talks-james-holzhauer-feud-brad-rutters-losses-and-that-brutal-bloomberg-tweet/2020/01/15/bd51a43c-37ce-11ea-bf30-ad313e4ec754_story.html
  19. I made chicken caccetoria (sp?) for dinner, along with angel hair pasta. It was the first time I've made it it in years. It wasn't as tasty as I remember it being. I think what was missing was the flavor you get from using chicken with skin, and probably full strength chicken broth (the real deal with sodium & fat!)
  20. Well, I couldn't copy that link, but I must say that I didn't pick up any meaness in James comment re: Brad's score. The way he said it funnily reflected that Brad's score still hadn't changed from the previous night. If I hadn't previously observed a cool guys type commradery, I'd have thought it might be mean. But they'd already projected a good, fun friendship amongst the three. So, IMO, it was funny. And, I've *never* been a James fan.
  21. Yup! Ken blew young James away and we were there to see it. I'm still in awe of both of them, their ability to retain so much info' and retrieve it so fast from whatever "storage folder" in their brains.
  22. I kept saying, "L.a.w.r.e.n.c.e. W.e.l.k." (heh heh) These guys are waaaay too young. My parents enjoyed watching his show (they adored the accordionist because he was Scandinavian). I can still hear that bouncy theme song and Welk's "...and a one and a two..." It's probably a good thing for me that the tournament is over because I was worn out from trying so hard to think of the answers and then, being intimidated with the speed of their mostly correct responses. How do people retain all that information and pull it up at such a quick pace? I laughed when James did the bowing thing to Ken after he took a huge risk on a DD and came up with the correct (tough!) answer. Yes, indeed...James was acting strangely toward the end.
  23. I'm delighted that Ken won. I got very few and continue to marvel at the wide variety of knowledge these fellows have and the speed of their responses (while I'm still sitting here saying, "Hmmm, now that could be..." When James made that crack about Brad's 0 score, I burst out laughing. So wonderful that this tournament was held with AT still in charge. He really got a kick out of these 3 champions which was fun to see.
  24. I, too, got the TS bobby soxer. Didn't do very well tonight, though. But I did get the easy clues!
  25. I was watching Ken and Brad tonight, thinking about their potential as a new host of Jeopardy. Ken is more like Alex, IMO. Well, I don't feel very intelligent after watching an hour of these 3 mega champs competing. I did better in the second half hour (relatively speaking, of course!) Only got one political party (the Whigs) in the first FJ. I didn't even bother writing down FJ in the second game. When I saw James unable to answer the clue (starts with an "I") and the clue mentioned Kirkuk, I knew he was not having a good night. I hope it's not on tomorrow night cause I'm exhausted!
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