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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Another easy FJ, but good thing they mentioned the movie. I didn't see it but Monique got so much publicity, both before and after, that I knew her name. The only thing I got in the Egypt category was the asp. Could not remember Jenner's new name so I said Bruce (so glad I wasn't a contestant!!)
  2. Tonight will be Swedish meatballs & gravy, mashed potatoes (I must confess--Bob Evans), tiny green peas, & pickled beets. Last night was Italian--Giada's lemon spaghetti with sauted shrimp.
  3. Oy vey...Swanson's never dawned on me. I kept thinking Butterball (but sensed that's not what they were looking for but...what the hey were they looking for???) Dang. I said Butterball. But at least Karen is still the champ and IMO, that's very good! 😊
  4. I said Timberlake too, then realized I must've been thinking of the artist, Timberlake (although I know he doesn't create shoes!)
  5. The combo of Cuba and Paris should've been a huge hint.
  6. I was amazed that only Karen got FJ. Western States throwing them off? He lived in Idaho and that's where his family lived (and grandchildren--remember Margaux and her little sister, Marielle, the model/actress?) I think he killed himself at his home in Idaho. Didn't do all that well in double jeopardy. I like Karen and hope she qualifies to eventually take on Ken and James some day.
  7. We had cousins over for a slightly late Xmas celebration last night and I served grilled pork tenderloins, salad, and savory cheese Potato Gratins (Wegmans sells them). Also Prosecco! We had individual Pavlovas with whipped cream and fresh fruit for dessert. I was a bit worried about the meringues coming out ok cause it was overcast and Mr. P914 said he saw some drizzle. But...they turned out beautifully. On Christmas Day, we had dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse. Their potato-leek soup (appetizer) was the best soup I've ever had. I need to find their recipe or a copycat recipe (it was that good!) Their filet was so tender. I overheard a hostess say they relaxed their dress code for Xmas day. Good thing cause I saw almost every kind of outfit there that day!
  8. Here's my pet peeve of the season: photos of cats & dogs dressed up in costumes/outfits/antlers/SantaHats/whatevers. They look so unhappy. It can't be fun to be laughed at either. These wonderful pets deserve their dignity and comfort.
  9. So, Alex, the one and done champ, beat the tall woman? She was pretty darn good so I'm surprised. Cause he wasn't all that sharp tonight. Geez...no one knew Barbara Pierce Bush?
  10. Amen! I'm reminiscing now about skaters' music used in the past and most had decent music. OK, there were some, like Butreskia and her "Atonal" that sounded like it was recorded under water. And that music that has yelling/crying and is still being used...don't know the title but it sounds like someone is on the rack. But as soon as a skater's music starts, if it gets on my last nerve? It's hit the mute time. I refuse to suffer. The bonus? I don't have to listen to those two insipid characters. I wish NBC would replace them with Belben & Agosto.
  11. I bought a box of latkes at Trader Joe's the other day. They are so good when they're golden & crispy.
  12. Oh nooooo... another nice champ bit the dust. Takes the fun out of my getting FJ. Eric made the same mistake as I in that DD (we both said St Lawrence). 😞
  13. Eggplant parmesan deconstructed...and a big ol' tossed salad.
  14. annzeepark914


    Who will fill that time slot M-F? Just as long as they don't touch Deadline:White House. Nicole's guests are mostly outstanding (the Rev & Donnie D are the exception, IMO).
  15. All the best to Maia, a lovely person, who floated across the ice during her competitive days. I hope she has a quick recovery from surgery and a beautiful, healthy future.
  16. See, this is where I must not be playing the game correctly. It bugged me that I missed Rhoda cause I watched that show from beginning to end. I keep forgetting the category topics. Is there a trick to remembering the topics?
  17. Yay! I know a number of folks here don't care for Eric, but I like him. He's not smug. He was quite relieved tonight, actually, when he won. I did well on the cities. Was Rachmaninoff a TS? I love his music.
  18. Eric's kinda cute, bouncing up & down. How did Dave(?) get to be champion last night? I wasn't home so I don't know how they all played. He seemed to be out of place on this show. Glad Eric did so well (but he didn't have tough competition). Will be interesting to see how he fares tomorrow. I must say it's interesting to see that people here still miss Jennifer. For FJ, I wrote MMM. Wasn't that one of the original names of that company? Could I have gotten away with that? Looking for a kind Jeopardy show judge (one of those faceless folks who let competitors get away with weird pronunciations!) 😉
  19. I was relieved to see the last of Kirby as something about her looks (maybe her eyes) was like fingernails on a blackboard for me. Dagmar was precocious, something that an adult should not be. So thank goodness for the man in the middle! Starting to worry about Alex again. Have they started taping shows that will be on air several months from now? Do they ever take a real break?
  20. Well, well, well...the new champ is gone. One and done. I was pleased to get 2 TS's: Huey Long & Napoleon (we stayed not too far from it several years ago so I recognized it). Could not get FJ. I like the new champ.
  21. I haven't made this in years... just don't buy Cornish hens any more. But this is delicious so maybe I'll buy some little hens and make this again.
  22. Silo Chicken (Skitch Henderson's Silo Cooking School recipe) 3 small chickens or large Cornish * game hens (1.5-2 lbs each) ½ lemon 1-1/2 tsps coarse salt 1 tsp finely chopped fresh sage or: 1/3 tsp leaf sage, crumbled ½ tsp snipped fresh chives ¼ tsp mild paprika or: ¼ tsp mild ground chilies 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper 1 jar (12 oz) apricot preserves ½ cup chicken broth 1 Tbsp soy sauce 1 Tbsp Dijon mustard ½ tsp chopped fresh thyme or 1/8 tsp leaf thyme 1 tsp grated lemon rind ½ tsp black pepper Vegetable oil Remove back bones from chickens or hens. Cut each chicken in half through breast. Wipe chicken with damp paper toweling. Pound gently with flat side of cleaver or bottom of heavy saucepan to flatten chicken as much as possible. Squeeze lemon over chicken. Sprinkle with salt, sage, chives, paprika and cayenne. Wrap chicken in wax paper and place in 12 x 9 x 2” baking pan. Refrigerate overnight. Let chicken stand at room temperature 1 hour before grilling. Combine apricot preserves, chicken broth, soy sauce, mustard, thyme, lemon rind and pepper in saucepan. Bring to boiling. Lower heat and simmer 5 minutes. Let cool. Prepare charcoal for grilling, or preheat gas unit. Place chicken halves, skin side down, on grid. Sear over high heat until browned, 2 to 3 minutes. Turn chicken over and brown other side. Remove chicken from grid. Cover grid with heavy duty aluminum foil; punch ventilation holes every 2”. Brush foil lightly with oil Return chicken to foil, skin side up. Baste well with apricot mixture. Cover grill with dome. Cook, basting about every 5 minutes with apricot mixture, until juices run clear when chicken is pierced with fork and meat is no longer pink near bone, about 40 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Per serving: 590 calories; 42 gm carbs; 1,060 mg sodium; 154 mg cholesterol; 25 gm
  23. Waaaaaa...I do not *ever* recall being so sad that a current champion was ousted. And, I was not interested in the new champ (nothing wrong with her...it's just that Jennifer has always been so calm, kind...ok, she's not one of the smug champs). I'm verklempt, as they say 😖
  24. Bless her heart. Post surgery is so painful when you move around (as in getting out of bed just to go to the bathroom--so excruciating!)
  25. I got sick of Ryan early on. He's not as funny as he thinks he is and he's becoming the Chip Gaines of the north. I guess this episode was thrown together as a promo for the new season...thus the lack of some expected crew members. Hope they have some interesting camps this season. I love the ones built in the 30's & 40's.
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