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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. It was way past time. I was reading the comments under an article in the Washington Post. People who watched Hardball all the time said he didn't look well. I watched occasionally the past few years & was always dumbfounded by his forgetting names (even of the people he was interviewing).
  2. When Alex said missionaries, I felt awful. My great uncle was a missionary, killed in the Boxer Rebellion. I somehow thought they were looking for the name of the people telling everyone about Jesus back then, so I wrote disciples. Oh well.
  3. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I had a hard time understanding him (I think Alex did as well). I also didn't like that OTT self-congratulatory jump. I may avoid Jeopardy for a while (watch--he'll be another James!)
  4. When I tuned in, Steve K was sounding serious, saying something like we just have to go on. Could it be true? Wow!
  5. annzeepark914


    He's gone? I just tuned in & Steve K was holding down the fort.
  6. And, don't place your newborn, in his/her carrier, on the table (next to mine). I'm trying to enjoy my meal & don't want to hear or smell the little darlin' doing his/her duty.
  7. I made Summer Spaghetti, a favorite dish we haven't had in a long time.
  8. "Why haven't I fallen in love with you yet?" Chris Matthews asked guest Laura Bassett as they sat side by side in make-up before going on air. He said something else equally inappropriate & stupid. This was in Variety. When will he be replaced?
  9. Well, Mackenzie's gone for now. We'll see her again, though. The new champion is likeable. FJ was easy. I got 1-1/2 TS: shadow (out out brief) and the half was English Ambassador (I guess Alex wouldn't have accepted "English", darn it... this game is too fast!!) Fun game tonight.
  10. And a big hallelujah! I am sick of hearing people answer questions or start a conversation with the word "so". It was always funny when the comedians did it back in the day (as part of their schtick), but it's a bit ridiculous when non-comedians use it all the time. For me it's like fingernails on a blackboard. There's a lawyer who appears on Deadline: Whitehouse occasionally. Every time he answers a question, he starts with the word "so". I could scream.
  11. I *love* this!! I wonder which kid said that. Just checking in to see if Mackenzie was still the champ (had book club tonight) and it seems she is. I'd like to see her compete against James (cause to me they look like siblings and I'd also like to see if she really is a true champion).
  12. Yes. He said he's going to help coach (along with Meno/Sands) and also work on cars which he enjoys doing.
  13. Good suggestion. I've always enjoyed Nate's skating & programs no matter who his partner was. He needs an experienced partner & Alexa is a pairs champ, ready for a new partner.
  14. Well they didn't exactly tell a lie when they dropped out of 4 CC. There *was* an illness in the family, but it was Chris himself who wasn't well. Sounds like he was in a bad way even before Nationals
  15. Love the beads on the cake!! Good ol' nourishing beef stew and mashed potatoes (to get us through the debates!) & tossed salad. Harris Teeter's lower fat/less sugar vanilla ice cream with chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
  16. Geez...I can't imagine pressuring my kid to try to create an Olympic record when just *getting* to the O's is an amazing feat. I'm glad Nathan is at a college on the east coast, learning to be on his own.
  17. I thought I read several years ago that he'd been told by TPTB at the network not to do all that interrupting. I haven't watched in maybe 2 years (I stopped when he no longer did the "tell me something I don't know" segment). And don't replace him with that other drama queen, Brian Williams. I do believe several of us need to make a road trip to MSNBC headquarters asap to help them revamp some of these shows!
  18. FJ: too easy! Loved getting TS Rumplestilskin. Mackenzie wins again. Can't believe Steve blew it on FJ.
  19. I listened to that first recording above of the pronunciation of the word "drawer". It sounded just like the way I pronounce it: dror ...almost 2 syllables but not quite.
  20. That's what we do with our landline--listen to the msg and pick up as fast as we can. The robo jerks never leave a msg. When the heck is Congress going to DO something about these harassing calls? I feel sorry for people who don't have voice mail.
  21. annzeepark914


    Memo to MSNBC: If you must move MTP Daily, move it to 2:00 so Katy Tur can be the host. IMNSHO, she's your best host & really would be great at the 5PM time slot.
  22. Dark Eyes was the one program of Sasha's that I've never forgotten. And I always looked forward to that pause...and then her straight line skating that just went with the music (and that gorgeous costume). Didn't Slutskaya throw her bronze medal in the trash can in the locker room that night?
  23. Yes!!!!!!! And then I feel like a fool for not remembering which category the clue was in (once again, alone in the room but shrugging/embarrased--heh heh). That FJ clue "frond" only got me to write down palm (cause that award is just not familiar enough to me).
  24. Well there ain't no time for the summertime blues. That's still running full time in my head--groan. I can barely read my notes. LH Assured? OK, I was trying to dash off Oswald, & yeah--that fellow definitely was old enough to know. I wonder if they would have accepted "cels". Hah! I finally found this ^^^^paragraph. It disappeared last night as I was trying to send it. I like the suggestion that the category appear on the screen along with the clue.
  25. Not I (said the unspectacular Jeopardy player). I love TS's cause most times I get them which makes up for the times I have no idea what the answer is or those OTT frustrating times when I can see the person but can't pull up his/her name). Gosh, I didn't notice that Jon was hyperventilating. But I felt sorry for him. He'd start doing well and then--crash! Actually, I always feel sorry for those who don't qualify for FJ. Hey folks - please stop swaying. Who started this irritating habit?
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