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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Ain't that the truth! How did that happen? Can it be taught in our schools? I sure think it's as important as learning everything else in their curriculum today. We're really seeing a lack of empathy, the sense of entitlement during this pandemic, aren't we? The horrible behavior of so many Americans is shocking.
  2. What's with all the hand slapping these days? Giada does it on her cooking show, Ashley does it on Maine Cabin Masters, and I've seen it elsewhere on TV. It rattles me for some reason.
  3. For some reason this morning, as I was brushing my teeth, I thought of Ina enjoying summer in the Hamptons (minus the covid-19 mess). And immediately, for some odd reason, Dwyer popped into my head. Strange morning! I recalled the dinner Ina made for them, esp the baked potatoes & topping. I wonder how Dwyer's life is faring these days. (now I wonder who will pop into my head tomorrow morning😁).
  4. Three years ago we went to our local, excellent shelter to look for a cat (our late kitty died the year before at age 20.5). When I'd put my hand up to the cages, every cat took a swipe, except a big B/W Maine Coon. So I cautiously put my hand into her cubby & started scratching her neck. Well, that was the beginning of a fabulous relationship. She reallllllly leaned into my hand, loving a scratch in her big white mane--still does! She was 7 then, brought in by someone who could no longer care for her. We renamed her Zoe and her antics have kept us laughing for 3 years. Most folks want kittens, but adult cats can be a lot of fun too (& Zoe is like having a 13 lb puppy tearing around the house at times). She's a piece of work.
  5. We had Korean Beef & Noodles (thin spaghetti) despite humongo storms rolling eastward. Better not be stormy tomorrow--Dr. Fauci is throwing out the first ball when the Nats play the Yankees.
  6. I'm making Katie Lee's Breakfast Bread for supper. Wish it had a different name cause in our house, it's a bit much for an early morning meal.
  7. I'm annoyed that they stopped offering tostadas in my area a while back. I rarely go to TB because of that. I loved to get guacamole & sour cream on it. Sheesh. 😠
  8. I think it *could* be done w/ a handheld camera + a couple stationary cameras. But Giada's show looks too good, whereas Rachael's show doesn't look good at all (her husband isn't all that adept w/ a camera). There were several names in the credits at the end of Giada's show in addition to Giada, Jade & Shane (and they weren't the pets' names) but the credits went by too fast.
  9. Giada is a graduate of a culinary school in Paris. That qualifies her to be called chef, I think.
  10. Heh heh--they were really on display today. I kept looking around her kitchen, trying to avoid "the show". Her mother dresses that way too. I was waiting to see her family at the end of the show but only recognized Raffi.
  11. I just saw a TV spot featuring gorgeous tigers in their natural habitat. And then it switched to showing them in a taxidermy shop. I think it was a Peta ad but I was no longer watching (but was cursing the subhumans who kill or abuse animals). I'd donate to Peta but I can't handle the info' materials I know they'd be sending me. And those ads for the SPCA, showing the emaciated dogs shivering, chained, in a yard? I hit the mute & grab a magazine. These ads have been running during Deadline: White House a lot. Can one donate & stipulate that no materials be sent in response to the donation? And does that work?
  12. There was an excellent interview of Doris Kearns Goodwin tonight on one of our PBS stations. She talked about 4 presidents she'd written about: Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, and LBJ. Back in 2007 I joined a local book club. At my first mtg, they said that Goodwin would be visiting the next month. A member of our book club was the mom of Goodwin's speakers bureau president. To this day, when I think of sitting around the table with Doris explaining how she prepared for interviews with future book subjects like Rose Kennedy, I still mentally shake my head. Fellow book club members say the same.
  13. Ewwwww. I cannot handle seeing a dog or cat eating from a plate that everyone else uses. Sure, it's gone through a dishwasher with very hot heat but still ~shudder~Many years ago while working for a nonprofit foundation I was at a volunteer mtg at someone's house. She was getting out the food for our supper and her cats were walking across/sitting on the counters. I must've had a look of horror on my face because someone said, "Are you ok" with some concern. Thank God my brain was working fast that night. I said I was allergic to cats (I'm not). So the hostess put the cats in a bedroom and shut the door. Whew! We have a wonderful cat but I keep our counters clean and there's no way she'd be walking around any food, plates, etc. Blech! Oh...at another party, I was in the kitchen and saw the hostess's cat up on the sink getting drips of water from the tap.
  14. I wish they'd take that stupid show off the air. Several years ago, I happened to stop scrolling and see what was going on re: kids in a snow yard. All of a sudden a young child, maybe 5, got walloped with a huge amount of snow, probably from a snow shovel. I heard an audience laughing and it went back to the studio where the host (maybe Bob Saget?) who was also laughing. I was dumbfounded. They didn't show the reaction of the child nor who tossed the huge amount of snow. I remember reading shortly afterward that staff on the show often had to notify police and or social workers re: what they'd see in these videos. I bet the scenes are all set up. Nasty people.
  15. annzeepark914


    Hmmm...the honeymoon may be over. Re: Joy Reid's offensive comments about LGBTQ people? She's lucky she didn't get fired (but considering today's mood against slurs, this issue may not be resolved).
  16. Rings, bracelets...no thanks. So it comes down to whichever looks/feels safe & appealing to the viewer and/or diner.
  17. I don't care. It's better than having germs from under fingernails get into the food.
  18. When shown on TV, seeing someone prepare food without gloves on has grossed me out for quite a few years. I'm so glad restaurants now require that cooks wear gloves.
  19. Bastille Day. So that's why I heard some firecrackers about an hour ago. I guess they saved a few from the 4th just for tonight. But all is quiet now. Bon nuit!
  20. Thanks! Just watched this beautiful LP. Still makes me sad that such an exquisite skater didn't win the gold.
  21. Too bad. It's been blocked. I was looking forward to seeing a bit of joy on ice during these dismal days.
  22. I enjoyed watching the Q & A show. It was fun to see the extra scenes that were left out of various episodes.
  23. Dinner was takeout from a favorite seafood restaurant. I had two noodle shrimp salad. I think it's sort of a Thai inspired dish. So good!
  24. annzeepark914


    The pets are gone. I bet some mean ol' PTB put the kibosh on that (although over on PBS news, William's cat snuck back into the room a few days ago and fell asleep on the couch--go kitty!) It's been fascinating checking out reporters' homes (kitchens, libraries, living rooms). We need some interesting distractions these days while we're inundated with gloomy, discouraging news night after night.
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