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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. Does anyone know if the MCM are now working on renovations to "camps"? How the pandemic is affecting them? This past Sunday there was an interesting article in the Washington Post re: how covid-19 is affecting Bar Harbor thanks to the lack of tourism/vacationers. What was amazing was the healthy attitude of innkeepers, shop owners, restaurant owners, etc., to the state's guidelines. I'd love to be in ME right now. It's gotta be cooler than here!
  2. We still have our landline, thank goodness. And I loathe getting calls from people who are on their cellphones. "Hi! How ______doing? We're on our ______ to _____ because Mom had _______." I have one cousin who lives in CA who has a cheap cellphone and always calls me on that stupid thing. I now tell her to hang up and let me call her on her landline. She now gets to experience the irritation when she calls another cousin, who lives near me who has a really bad, cheap cellphone. I laugh when CA cousin complains about not being able to understand nearby cousin. I have my cellphone with me and turned on when I'm out and about but my friends know to call me on my landline (actually, we all prefer to use email!) Are there any cellphones that perform really well?
  3. Beef stew and (Bob's) mashed potatoes. I happened to have sirloin so I used that and oh boy--that meat was sooo tender.
  4. annzeepark914


    I just read that Shep Smith will have a one hr news show on CNBC at 7:00 PM M-F. Interesting.
  5. I just presumed it was her SO. I only saw the last 7 or 8 minutes & was trying to figure out who was doing the camera work (guess the food wasn't interesting enough 😉). Rachael Ray's husband has been doing her camera work so that's why I thought this guy was Giada's fella.
  6. Has anyone heard/read anything further about this? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that NBC's response is so muted (even though this is Weir's second public offense). After reading about how they tolerated Matt Lauer's actions over the years, I guess we can't expect anything done about Weir and Lipinski. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/olympics/2020/07/02/tara-lipinski-johnny-weir-use-vulgar-term-spoof-olympian/5370126002/
  7. I was trying to create a meat sauce minus the cholesterol (probably using a recipe in Cooking Light). It wasn't bad. If I had to eat tofu, this recipe made it palatable. Thank goodness for statins (& 93% lean ground beef...an occasional treat).
  8. Re: tofu? Quite a few years ago I tried a recipe using tofu in which it was supposed to sub for ground beef. I had to freeze it first. Then I thawed it, broke it up like ground beef, & cooked it with onions, garlic, bell peppers, seasonings, & marinara. It was good on spaghetti. But I don't think I made it again.
  9. I finally remembered to watch this show. Love Ina but I didn't care for any of the desserts...maybe cause I'm not much of a dessert person. But it was nice to see her on TV again. Wish she'd invite a friend or neighbor in - even if they just sit on a stool and watch her.
  10. 9:37 PM, July 3rd... heard the first (of probably many) firecrackers. Anyway, I hope you all have a safe, healthy, relaxed 4th of July. Happy Birthday, America.
  11. Lemon-y pappardelle with shrimp, and a few sauted mushrooms tossed in for fun. Delicious!
  12. People who talk on and on. At first, I really enjoyed Zoom. But there's one group I'm in that has a few overly talkative women and they just dominate the entire time. A few of us quieter types hardly get a word in. And these are nice women, not mean or uncaring. It's gotten so that I'm trying to think up excuses for not being on this particular Zoom any more. Normally, this groups meets for lunch once a week and it's fun. So, I guess it's easier to get a word in amongst friends when you're physically together but impossible online. And then (outside of Zoom) there are people who just talk about their lives, their experiences, their families, etc., without stopping to ask, "and how are you and your folks doing?"
  13. Last night's supper was Mexican-Style Ground Beef & Noodle Casserole, + a tossed salad. I've been going through the gazillion recipes discovered on the internet & printed (then stuffed into a file and forgotten). It was good but I got carried away & made it almost a bit too rich with fresh mozzarella and then some Gruyere I found in the fridge.
  14. Mary Jo imitating Daddy was hilarious. I never realized the same actor portrayed two characters in DW. The only son (from the Hee Haw episode) I remember was Nub, the family's gynecologist. I think he was Charlene's dancing partner. Just remembering all these funny stories, characters, lines, etc makes me realize how talented Linda B-T was. And how much I miss writers like her.
  15. I loved those couples vacation trips. My favorite was watching Julia dancin' with "Daddy" and hearing him sing to her, "and when she gets behiiiiind closed doors".
  16. They were one of the original gorilla & ant pair teams (but G&G's look wasn't so extreme--he didn't look like he could crush her with one hand!)
  17. annzeepark914


    Lindsey used to be our local NBC sports anchor (hated to see her leave--she was very good). I hope they switched rooms for their interviews. That wallpaper hurts!!
  18. I'm reminded of seeing the "new" style of Russian pairs skaters. Didn't they refer to them as the gorilla and the ant? Or something like that (big male with tiny, very young female partner).
  19. annzeepark914


    I mentioned to MrP914 tonight that Joy will be taking over the 7:00 PM slot. His reaction was not good. He thinks she's "a smart-a$$ and is snarky in a mean, condescending way". Guess he won't be watching her show. I'm basically done with the news/opinion shows by 7 PM anyway so it won't make any difference to me. Still hoping Katy Tur gets the 5 PM slot. I wonder what's going on there (and with Chuck seeming to take over her show at 2:00 PM--is that still going on?)
  20. Geez. I had no idea. What the heck did Hal Holbrooke see in her? Or, is he a bit wacky himself? Sounds like the batshit crazy goes along with her frightening singing voice.
  21. Initially, the tirades were fun. After a while, though, they got to be a bit too much. I stopped watching after Delta left. She and "Anthony" made that show for me. There was quite a bit of preachiness in DW but when it happened during *their* crazy antics, it wasn't so very bad (I'm thinking of their getting stuck in a blizzard & having to share a room). I just need to buy some of the dvd's featuring my favorite episodes. "My name? Helen Patton Van Patterson" (or was it Van Patton Patterson, or Patterson Van Patton?)
  22. Long leashes are bad, IMO. I recently watched a woman allow her dog to walk way up onto a neighbor's lawn & urinate on shrubs. Also, you have no control if the dog decides to jump on people. The comment about the stroller in the street reminds me of when I first noticed people pushing strollers in the summer time (back in the late 80's) and parents were wearing their snazzy baseball caps but the baby or toddler was bareheaded. Same with the jogging stroller pushers.
  23. Tonight's dinner: grilled Greek-ish chicken, Spanish Roasted Potatoes with aioli, and green beans w/ a little butter & lemon juice.
  24. The only way they're going to be able to stop such obnoxious behavior is to address the audience prior to the ceremony. One warning and if the audience persists, shut down the ceremony & tell everyone to go home. Somebody needs to be the grown-up these days (when too many adults forget how to behave).
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