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Everything posted by annzeepark914

  1. A guy goes to a club; the bouncer stops him. "No tie, no entry." He walks back to his car to find a tie. All he found were jumper cables so he puts them around his neck like a tie. He goes back and says "How's this?" The bouncer says, "I'll let you in, but don't start anything."
  2. I made butternut squash soup (from various cooks'/chefs' recipes) and shrimp salad ( a la Ina).
  3. Fettuccini al fredo, tossed salad, and a baguette (with a few anchovies baked on top).
  4. I just ordered Jerry's book, "Is This Anything?"
  5. I agree re: Texas Pete--not as hot as Tabasco. There's also sambal oulek (ground fresh chili paste it says but it's not a "paste"). I learned about sambal oulek in an Italian restaurant in Stockholm when I asked the waiter what made their marinara so good.
  6. I agree 100%. You can have "the sweetest doggie in the world" but you *never* know about animals. One chomp is all it takes.
  7. Geez--I've never made mayo (been tempted, but just haven't). Hellmanns is pretty good (& Ina *always* recommends it). When I first made aioli, I carefully followed the recipe. But after a while, I started tossing the ingredients together. I'd taste test to ensure it was good. Sometimes I use lime instead of lemon (going rogue!!)
  8. Hmmm...I just throw together mayo, some Dijon, lemon zest & juice, garlic, a little cayenne, S&P.
  9. Go make them...they are so good! I make aioli as a dip for them. Yum🤓
  10. IMO, Don Lemon isn't all that impressive when he & Cuomo have their OTT smug little chats each evening. But that's just me...not a fan. Interesting that only one person, Baldwin, "paid" for being hammered & silly.
  11. My cookbook arrived yesterday. It's wonderful! I can't wait to make that smashed burger with the caramelized onions. I've already made the English roasted potatoes that Emily Blunt made for Ina (about a month ago when I read about the recipe being in the new book) - they are soooooo delicious. I have most of the cookbooks (but not the Paris cookbook or the Parties cookbook). It's such a nice, serene experience perusing her cookbooks. Beautiful photos.
  12. There's a long article about EVH in today's Washington Post. Someone in the comments section mentioned that he did get credit for that instrumental section in the middle of Beat It. It was on the album cover. So that's good. When that song came out, I was at a radio station visiting a DJ (actually I took him to lunch to thank him for promoting a special event my fdn was doing). The song came on and the DJ turned to me and said, "That's Eddie Van Halen". IMO, it's the best part of that song.
  13. Feel better soon!! My comfort food when my GI system is cranky: rice with a little butter, salt & pepper. We had Rotini with Italian Sweet Turkey Sausage, Mushroom and Zucchini tonight.
  14. Does an apple a day really keep the doctor away? If you aim well enough.
  15. What a talented musician! Whenever Beat It is played, I look forward to hearing his (uncredited...can you believe that?) section.
  16. The man who created autocorrect has died. Restaurant in peace.
  17. I missed this. So how did Don Lemon escape being accused of being OTT silly? I've never understood Lemon's popularity or how he's been able to hang onto his primetime show.
  18. A lot of teens like to hide behind their hair (do's). Way back in the day, yours truly wore her hair parted on the side... even ironed my hair so it would be even straighter (it was the thing to do). When I came home on break, adults called me Veronica Lake as my hair hung halfway over my face. I thought I looked cool.
  19. I opened the freezer, saw a Trader Joe's spanikopita...uhh...spinach in phyllo pie, and baked it for a quick & easy supper, with a Greek salad. It was tasty.
  20. I was like this just last night and ordered delivery. Wish we had a good pizza delivery near us. Tonight I made chicken piccata, baked tomatoes, peas, & Bob Evans mashed potatoes (Bob saves the day frequently here!)
  21. I hadn't been to a TJ's since the days of standing in line and I was out of my favorite items. Everything was great until I got 3/4's of the way through the store. I noticed *lots* of people around me. So I immediately went to check out. Next trip: go when they first open up!!
  22. I liked Katie's recipe even though the 2 cups of cream are kinda scary. Her baby is beautiful!! As I was watching Jeff prepare the pork chops, I figured I'll just grill them as I don't have a smoker. Loved the diced apples cooking with the onions. Heck, I can even use my grillade indoors. It's the cooked onion/apple combo + the fresh apples on top that will be so wonderful. Green apples & Macoun apples are so good.
  23. I just had a Trader Joe's breakfast: a slice of the Cinnamon Coffeecake & a slice of the Almond Danish Coffeecake. They're both small but oh so tasty. I couldn't decide which one to buy so I bought both.
  24. Hmmm...now I'm in the mood for Popeyes fried chicken sandwich on that good roll. I haven't even had breakfast yet 🌞
  25. It happened to my sister & me (& we were brought up to always say thank you for rides to school from neighbors, someone holding a door open, etc). We were trying to get her little, wandering grandson out the door of a restaurant & passed two men. One of them snottily said, "You're welcome". We were still dealing with a squirming tot but I turned and gave him The Look. I'm sorry but holding open a door does not require someone to thank you. I don't expect it when I hold a door open for others--it's just a helpful thing to do. So, maybe the folks who didn't say thank you were distracted like we were, or in a deep funk. As the song suggests, Let It Go.
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